I am Rehpix of the Demonata-kin

'Ok, Taylor, think of a good name now; if you are going to pass yourself off as a demon, you need to come up with something that will scare the shit outta Doctor Death…ok, got it.' Falling silently into thought, I applied just enough force on Harlow's throat that it was uncomfortable for the man, but he could still breathe and barely speak.

'I gotta say, I'm quite clever this time, plus if anyone from the Origin Timeline happens to hear the name, I doubt many people can put two and two together.'

"While you calling us a shortened version of our species is acceptable to Humankind, to us, that is not the case; you will refer to us as Demonata-Kin and nothing else…as for my name, you may call me Rehpix." **Reffix**

'Nailed it,' proud of myself, I took things further.

Releasing a minute amount of particles from my body and generating an Aura-like visual effect, I felt Harlow's body stiffen as a putrid smell filled the room.