Renni's A Maiden???

'So Jennifer Rowing is alive? Aren't you supposed to be the guy who doesn't leave loose ends, Xipher?'

'Generally, you would be correct; I have a habit of killing off any so-called loose ends; however, much like how you may eventually serve a proper purpose for my cause and needs, Jennifer is in the same position.'

'However, contrary to you, or even Vincent for that matter, Jennifer isn't under the will of a Soul Contract.' Taking another copy of a different Draft version, I flipped through a few pages while passing the time by filling Renni in.

'Not under a contract? Does that mean you did some work on her with your talent…I didn't know you had reached the full-on Mind Control stage of your Skills.' Sitting in the same position as me and even copying my micro-movements, Renni pressed for answers.