Xilia's Answer

"In the event that you are actually unable to have children or get pregnant naturally, that will all be fixed by the elixir, as it smooths out any imperfections in the body along with healing any pre-existing medical conditions," I stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Setting aside the fact that all deformities and illnesses are healed upon Evolving to a higher Racial Classification, the Elixir was more than powerful enough to fix any issues one may have with their body, so something as simple as healing any reproductive problems was relatively easy with the Potion.

"And if you only bear daughters, I have set a limit of 10 children; after that, you will have met the terms as if you gave me a son." When I mentioned there was a limit to how many children Renni would have to give birth to, I watched as her face brightened up with relief, only for it to instantly sour upon hearing the astronomical number.