Checkmate Draws Near… Changing the First Trauma (1)

**Alright, Guys, I will be heading back home to Chicago Tomorrow, so hopefully, by Monday, I will be back to my regular uploading schedule and time instead of posting them whenever I get a chance.**


From May 1st onward, once a week, I would be in contact with Xilia, sealing ourselves as overseas penpals in a literal sense; meanwhile, I was left to my own devices.

While I could have stepped in and stopped the constant bickering, yelling, and fighting between my Father and Amanda, I didn't; instead, I allowed it to progress naturally, continuing to lie in wait for my moment to strike.

On June 26th, just as it had in the Origin Timeline, the first Henry Potter book was released only instead of the original 500 copies that had been distributed, 200 to the public and 300 to libraries, with my influence three times that number were printed, with 600 going to bookstore shelves, and 900 to the large libraries in the UK along with Schools.