Bringing Each Other Up To Speed (4)

"With the exception of the one assassination attempt early on, no one has come knocking at our door to harm you or Dad, but then again, there still aren't too many returners in the past yet; speaking of which, you need to jump straight into an instance using one of the Tokens I gave you as soon as possible."

"I spent a few weeks leveling up, and there is nothing much to note there apart from wiping out a few returners and going about business as usual, but you need to do the same."

"And the reason I can't relax for a bit is…." Opening one eye to peek at me, Brenden allowed his words to hang in the air.

"The Event Quests. I know you haven't gotten a chance to read through them yet, but they are pretty basic. For starters, it appears that the System drained a lot of energy by allowing 5000 people to return to the past, and while I have my theories about why, they don't matter as I won't be able to get conclusive evidence."