Bringing Each Other Up To Speed (6)

"You've done a lot of fucked up things in the past, Taylor, but dropping a Serial Killer whose targets are always old people in an area where most of the oldies are Ex-Nazi or Nazi Sympathisers is truly sadistic." Wiping a laughter tear from his eye, it took my brother a few moments to calm down.

"Meh, I do what I can. I thought it was pretty good; regardless, it pushed my personal Descent Progress in doing so, meaning it wasn't a fruitless endeavor. I will say, though, I figured you'd get on me for allowing a Serial Killer to live a new life on the loose. Weren't you supposed to be a Justicebound Hero?"

"Justicebound, my ass, you know as well as I do how fucked up the world is, and if it aids us in building a better life for our family, do what you want; just don't get me involved." Rolling his eyes, Brenden leaned forward and smacked my shoulder.