Gear (3)

Sitting there and Watching Brenden move around the Workshop, shadowboxing the air, I couldn't help but think about a little fact I hadn't mentioned to him.

There was a reason that his new equipment was a far cry from what he'd usually wear, and although the bit I said about Plate armor was true, it wasn't the main reason he had received the Drakehide gear.

Initially…it was meant to be mine…however, after carefully crafting it, the moment I saw the stat boosts and benefits brought by wearing it, I had written off the gear as inadequate, aka, a failure… at least for me, that is.

I suppose I should explain Gear boosts and such, but if you are a gamer and have played an RPG in your lifetime, you should have a relatively good idea about what armor and weapons bring to the table…that's right, stat boosts, and weapon-specific skills are a thing.