The Days Leading to April 20th 1999 (6)

Since my brother and I were passing the days playing card games, time seemed to speed by for the first time in a long time, and with the two of us adapting to how the game was played, it didn't take long for our matches to get heated.

Not in a boiled-over-with-rage kind of way; surprisingly, the only thing that could do that were specific fighting games. It was just a metaphor for intense games, and I am ashamed to admit Brenden got the best of me more than once after getting used to the game.

That was wholly unacceptable to me, and thus, the process of finding ways to cheat without being caught began. After a few days, I got so good at predicting and or knowing exactly what cards I was going to get next that I was practically unbeatable.

However, things got to a point where Brenden became suspicious and forced me to show him my methods, allowing me to turn him into a monster at card games.