Back-To-Back Evolutions

After spending about 30 minutes half slaughtering every undead in sight, I finally reeled in my thoughts and was able to calm down, yet when I turned around to look for Brenden and My Dad; I noticed neither was in sight.

Apparently, in my blind rage, I had pushed forward without pause and, in turn, ended up moving a full three miles away from them. So since I had no idea how long it would take them to catch up, especially with the path of crippled corpses I had left in my wake, I decided my time was better suited to doing my Circulation Skill Cycles.

I mean, why not? Right, there was an overabundance of Beta-Particles in the air to use, so that was precisely what I did, and after completing my 3rd Cycle, only then did my Father and Brother appear through the darkness.

"Christ, is there no such word as moderation in your vocabulary!" Brenden yelled as he ran over to kick me, only to miss and end up slamming his foot into the rocky wall.