April 20th 1999 (1)

9:45 Am


(OB, LB, this is Pops. Do you read me…over.) accompanied by a bit of static, my father's voice entered the earpiece I was wearing on my left ear as he used all three code names I had designated for the operation.

(OB, I read you, but there's a bit of interference; it's the distance. I have positioned myself in the designated spot with overwatch in effect, LB sign-off…over.)


(LB Sign off, do you copy) I wore a slight smirk as I lay prone on the roof of Columbine High School, looking out over the parking lot. I poked at Brenden over the comms but only got static back in response.


(LB Respond to OB) That is until my father, code-named Pops, came over the coms again; only then did Brenden speak.

(This is bullshit, I fucking hate my Callsign, Seriously, LB, for Little Brother, why couldn't I just be YB or something….over.)