Determining the Purpose (2)

Standing before a large oak table, I finished explaining my finding in the form of a briefing to Erik Colt, who, although looking a few years younger, appeared just about as I had remembered him to be.

Imposing demeanor, firey red hair, well-toned muscles, tanned skin, and intense piercing eyes that seemed to see through a person. Unlike myself, who was wearing my combat armor, Erik was wearing an expensive business suit, tie and all.

"What you say seems a bit farfetched, and I have half a mind to write it all off as conjecture; how sure are you in your translations?" Erik said as he leaned back in his chair and examined me from top to bottom.

"100 Percent Mr.Colt, in the Origin Timeline, my primary profession was that of a Scientist. I held multiple degrees in varying fields and spent years traveling the world to obtain texts and other records of different magic profiles, including but not limited to Runes."