Always Dealing with BS

"That mouth of yours will get you killed one of these days, Nexus; unfortunately, today is not that day," Draven grumbled while flicking his hair out of his eyes and gliding down toward the ground from the sky.

"I recommend you all put your guns down, as I am not fond of having weapons pointed at me under any circumstances." He stated while clasping his hands behind his back and standing in a regal posture.

"Nexus…" Holding up a handgun and pointing it at Draven, who stood a few feet away, the general spoke softly, apparently wanting my input.

"Do as he says, General; there is no point in trying to fight, and considering his twisted personality, I don't doubt hes up to something; however, killing you all isn't his main purpose. That's simply not how he thinks."

"Weapons down!" giving me a short nod, the General stored his gun into his hip holster and gave the command to his men.