The Gates Are Open (2)

Constant explosions rang out for a solid 15 minutes as every one of the howitzers unloaded shell after shell in a hailstorm of gunpowder and fury down onto the waves of Undead. With each explosion, the ground was torn asunder.

From my vantage point, I could hear and even track the whizzing shells as they flew by in wide arcs before slamming into the ground and blowing up chunks of terrain, along with scattering fragments of undead corpses every which way.

Even so, by the time I gave the cease-fire notice, not even an eighth of the theorized army had been obliterated. That was the problem with firing explosive shells into a crowd like this; modern tech simply couldn't guarantee a 100% kill rate, and with numerous different races of undead present, there was no doubt going to be something in the ranks that could stop these kinds of attacks.