Like Dominos, They Fall (3)

Within 15 minutes, my words to Xilia rang true as the tide of battle instantly shifted in favor of the returners due to the reinforcements from the Western Team.

From the moment they joined the fight, the NightWalker, who had probably believed it was about to dine on a hearty meal, was blasted on all sides by lightning, and soon enough, through the combined effort of the four Zap members, and the Player who dropped the sky on the Western NightWalker, the northern gate was cleared, and everyone headed southeast, to assist the Eastern Gate. 

'That's two down and two to go; unfortunately, even if everyone shows up at our gate, they wouldn't be able to do much.' Finally feeling well enough to sit up on my own without Xilia's help, I placed my legs in front of me and lightly kicked the ground with my heels.