Conclusion Of The Raid (3)

My mental outburst was met with a chorus of mockery, and to be honest, I couldn't blame them, my words were pretty damn cringe, yet it was that very line that would probably be broadcast on the news worldwide for the next month.

'Foooo, I swear, y'all make me wanna bash my head against a steel wall until I knock something loose in my brain.' Mentally shaking my head, I wrapped my arm around Xilia's shoulder and half-stepped, half-hobbled my way over to the edge of Emilia's barrier.

'Hehe, all that's left is for Pinky to swear her undying love and affection for you. GOD, THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS…WoAhhh ~' Right as Brenden said that, the terrain under his feet shifted by way of my talent, and he lost his footing, nearly faceplanting into the transparent barrier.