Chapter 1

🥀 THE Lucifer bride 🥀


 {...Turn Of Destiny...}


THEME; Unspoken Longings.


 Lizzy Writes ✍️


The thick smoke which filled the room woke a drowsy Camila.

She was tied on a chair like a thief waiting for her punishment.

The arrival of someone got her sitting upright. She knew who it was by his smell, she has always hated the smell since it reek of the blood of people he has killed.

Will her blood also smell on him too? She thought as the footstep grew closer till she was faced with the devil.

"You've taken something precious from me and it's only right that you die" he said,bringing out a sharp dagger.

"Don't kill me....don't kill me" But her pleas were caught short when he went to her back and slit her throat.

At that moment, Camila woke up from her dream, clutching her neck tightly.

She was breathing heavily as she realise that she's not in Italy and that she's in California, a place she's been at for the past ten years.

"Had that dream again?" Rose, a close friend and also Camila business partner asked as she walk into the resting room.

"This is getting frequent, why don't you just see a doctor?" Rose suggest.

Camila shook her head negatively.

"It will wear off" 

"You've been saying that for the past three months now and yet you keep on dreaming about it. I think this is a sign" 

"What sign?" Camila asked and Rose shrug before saying.

"A sign that it's time for you tell Lucas father the truth. It's been ten years and he knows nothing about his son...."

"And it will keep on being that way! I won't let that demon be aware of my son existence, not in this lifetime" Camila said hotly.

"With what you've told me about Lucas father, I can understand but then Lucas has been asking about his father? Will you keep telling him that his father is father Christmas and that he only comes during Christmas?" Rose said, Camila let out a sigh.

"I can't keep lying to him forever. A time will come when I tell him the truth but not now. Since it's time for your lunch break, I will take over" Camila said and left the rest room.

She got to the counter and was occupied when a customer walk in requesting for a book in particular.

Even while making conversation with the lady, Camila's mind kept drifting to ten years back, when everything began.



A young Camila was in the kitchen, preparing dinner when the door suddenly burst open and dishevel Sabrina came in, holding a small box.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked, taking in her friend untidy state.

"I...I...I...did something" said Sabrina, shakingly.

"What did you do?" Camila asked, hoping it hadn't been to kill someone.

She has always hate the fact that Sabrina work with the most notorious group in Italy but Camila could do nothing since Sabrina enjoyed working with them.

"I stole someone sperm box" Sabrina said, a smile curving her lips.

"You did what?"

"This sperm box belongs to Mariano and I intend to use it on myself" Sabrina said.

"You want to have that guy child?" Camila asked in total puzzle.

"After f**king me for so long, he wants to discard me now. I won't let him succeed, once he knows am having his baby, he will have no choice but to have me in his life, Forever" Sabrina stated with conviction.

"But Sab...."

"Don't try to stop me. I made up my mind when I stole the sperm box. So, come with me to the hospital" Sabrina said....



Camila shook her head, trying to get the past off her mind and she succeed.

With the customer gone, she tried to read her favourite novel while she pass out time, waiting for her son to arrive from school but when it was time for him to return, there was no sign of him.

Lucas school is quite close to the book store and so, she often let him come by himself rather than to pick him up.

"He still isn't back yet?" Rose asked.

"He isn't. I will go pick him up myself" She said and left the bookstore.

As soon as she got to his school, she was told by the teacher that Lucas has been absent for the day.

"But that's impossible, I took him to school this morning" Camila said, remembering she dropped him off at the entrance.

After confirming that Lucas have been absent all day. Camila went back to the house.

"Lucas. My love, where are you?" She called, hoping he would be at home but there was no sign of him.

A worried Camila was leaving the house when she notice a piece of paper on the table. On it was written * To My Dear Mom*

As soon as she read the content, a gasp left her lips and she felt like everything around her is all crumbling.

"No, Lucas. No!" She yelled and ran out of the house.



Amongst the people going about in the airport. 

A little boy of ten could be seen walking out of the airport, carrying his backpack which had his things in it.

A smile left his lips as he took in the scenery of Florence city.

Around this time last year, he only had this journey in mind and now, he's finally here.

"Need a lift Bambino? (Kid) " A taxi driver asked and Lucas gave a nod.

"Am going to sand castle. Can you take me there?"

"Now why will a Bambino like you want to go to sand castle?" 

"I have to meet someone. Can you take me there?" Lucas asked and the man nodded.

With Lucas safely tuck at the back seat, the driver left the airport.

Eight years ago, Lucas had been oblivious about his father existence. He had belived his mom when she told him that father Christmas was his father but the kids at school made things clear to him.

Lucas had cried a lot after finding out that father Christmas isn't his father and then one day, he overheard his mother conversation with aunt Rose.

And it was then he decided to seek his father out since his mom won't tell him anything about his father.

"Here we are Bambino" the driver said and Lucas got out to give him money.

"It's five euro" the driver said when Lucas gave him the money. 

"It's one euro sir, I did my calculation" Lucas replied with certainty leaving the driver speechless. 

As soon as the driver drove off, Lucas approach two ladies to ask for direction.

"Hello, bellissima (beautiful) " Lucas greeted the ladies who were both flattered by his endearment.

" How can we help you?"

"I need to get to sand castle. Can you tell me the direction?" Lucas said and surprisingly, they took him to the entrance themselves.

"Can I have your hand?" Lucas asked puzzling both girls.

One of them stretch forth her hand, thinking he wanted to shake it but then, he took hold of it and kiss it lightly.

He did the same with the other lady, adding a wink to it.

"Grazie bellissima (thank you beautiful)" Lucas said and they both laugh, charmed by his cute behaviour.

When they left, Lucas stared at the large building in front of him. 

Very soon, he will meet his father, he thought inwardly.



A naked man could be seen tied up with chain like an animal while being tortured.

"Still won't talk?" Bianca, known as Venom amongst the clan said as she use her pocket knife to tear his flesh once again.

"You keep cutting his arm, chest and leg while you leave a vital part of his body. Don't tell me you are planning on saving his d*ck for yourself?" Someone said from behind and Bianca stopped her torturing to glare at Stephan. Just like her, everyone called him Fox since it's his nickname.

"How about I cut yours instead and feed it to the dogs" Bianca said hotly.

"Fine, I will keep my mouth shut and let the witch do her thing" he said and immediately, she threw a dagger at him but Stephan was quick to react.

The dagger cut through the door and at that moment, the door open to reveal another man.

His presence itself got Bianca and Stephan standing right while the tortured man began shaking.

On the man right arm was a tattoo which goes all the way to his body. His hair was blond which made him more attractive and more younger.

He had a cigarette in his hand while his other hand was safely tuck in his pocket.

"Any progress?" Mariano asked, puffing his cigar.

"He is as hard as a mule, he won't talk" Bianca replied, her gaze staying on Mariano's body.

"That's because you've been taking it easy with him" said Mariano.

He walk towards the tortured man and put the burning part of his cigarette on the man eyes.

The screaming of the man got Mariano smiling.

"You won't have to go through this if you just tell me where those girls are" Mariano voice came out in a whisper.

"I swear to you...I don't know where they are?" 

"You are involve in child trafficking and yet you claim you don't know where they take those children to? Have had enough" Mariano said.

On hearing that, Stephan pick up Mariano's favourite dagger and gave it to him.

"No please...I will talk" the man cried out .

"Too late" Mariano said and in one swift move, he cut off the man d**k.

Holding the dagger properly, Mariano began slashing his chest not bothered about the blood spilling on him.

"Cut him bit by bit and feed him to the dogs" Mariano ordered two men who came to take the corpse away.

"You never cease to amaze me" Stephan said as he passed a towel to Mariano to wipe the blood stain.

"I had something else to attend to and he was wasting my time" Mariano said, Stephan smiled.

"And is the something you have to attend to very important?" Bianca asked as she joined them.

"It is " 

"What about our thing tonight?" Bianca asked, referring to the illicit night they often have together.

"That would have to be some other time" Mariano replied and walk off.

"Seems like he's getting bored of you" Stephan mock as she threw a glare his way.

"Stop imagining you will ever be the boss lady. It wouldn't suit you anyway" Stephan said and turn to leave.

"Stephan " Bianca called and as soon as he turn to her, he received a punch on the face.

"Jerk" she spat and left him groaning in pain.

Mariano had just change into another shirt when he heard a knock.

"Boss, someone is here to see you" Cora, daughter of the head maid inform.

"And who is this guest?" Mariano asked, the moment he open the door.

"I think you should see him yourself" Cora replied.

A while later, Mariano walk into his private study and met a little boy there.

"Are you the guest that came to see me?" Mariano asked, feeling a bit surprise.

""Hello, Am Lucas Smith" The little kid said and an amuse Mariano took his outstretch hand.

"And to what do I owe this visit, Lucas Smith?" Mariano asked softly.

"I actually came here to introduce myself to you, papa" As soon as Mariano heard that, his brow raised in question.

"W...what did you just call me?" 

"Papa. I believe the Italians call their father that way. Nice to meet you"