Chapter 8 Wandering in Auratria

Chapter 8 Wandering in Auratria

I stood facing the entrance and looked into the distance. Night had already fallen, and the city was bathed in a soft golden glow emanating from the lumicrystals. I could see the other rampart separating the two parts of the city in the distance, and even further, the one encircling the entire city.

"From here, it really feels like being the king of the world..."

I murmured, admiring the view.

I looked at the palaces in the city, where I could imagine the servants working while their masters rested, mistreated them, or abused their droit de seigneur. A shiver of disgust ran through me as I contemplated this scene like a king observing the horrors of his subjects. My gaze froze, my brow slightly trembling, my throat tight with indignation.

Suddenly, I exclaimed with a sarcastic voice and a broad sardonic smile:

"Too bad it won't last."

I had no sense of the time, but I knew I wouldn't have a place to rest. So, I began to wander through the city. Walking down the main avenue, I passed by the grand mansions, imposing enough to stifle the cries of the servants, which I could guess from their faces marked by fatigue and submission. The streets were illuminated by lumicrystals, lighting up the city and warming it from the chill of the night. The dancing light created an almost fairy-tale atmosphere, masking the horrors hidden behind the stone walls. I felt a slight breeze caress my face.

"At least, something natural in this city,"

I murmured, before realizing it was probably the work of a Breezeflare Anemoprism

I continued on my way, crossing the wide avenues until I reached the rampart separating the two sections of the city. The grand stone staircases loomed before me, each step drawing me deeper into the heart of the city. As I walked, I caught sight of a luxurious healthcare center. Strangely, just passing by it almost alleviated the fatigue that was beginning to weigh me down. I could see, or at least thought I could see, shadows moving inside, silhouettes bustling around the privileged patients of which I would surely never be a part.

I continued to walk, my gaze fixed on the cobblestone ground, my thoughts drifting between the cruel laws I had read and the fate of the servants. The city ramparts loomed on the horizon, their large gates closed for the night. The weight of the day and its revelations rested heavily on my shoulders, but I knew I had to keep going. With one last glance back, I prepared to continue my wandering through Auratria, desperately searching for a place to find refuge, or at least a semblance of peace in this city of many faces. At the turn of a dark alley, I spotted an ancient well, almost hidden by the shadows. It seemed out of time, like a relic from a forgotten era. I approached, drawn by the idea of finding some fresh water. As I got closer, it occurred to me that this was likely where the servants came to fetch water for their makeshift baths. Perhaps this well would offer some sort of comfort, however ridiculously small, in their oppressive lives. I slowly moved towards the well before stopping abruptly.

"No, I prefer not to take it. Their lives are already difficult enough without me taking their only source of water. I don't want to touch their sole possession; it would be shameful of me,"

I murmured as I walked away, despite my thirst.

I found myself once again facing the rampart that separated the two parts of the city. Although I had only passed through here twice, the fatigue made it feel like I had traveled this path dozens of times. I approached the stone stairs, the steps worn down by time and the countless footsteps of the inhabitants. Each step was an effort, my legs heavy and my mind fogged with weariness. The massive walls of the rampart seemed almost overwhelming in the darkness, their outlines barely discernible under the flickering glow of the lumicrystals. A light breeze blew, bringing a bit of freshness but also a reminder of the long night still ahead. I climbed the steps, one after another, striving to maintain my determination.Once at the top, I took a deep breath before starting to descend the steps on the other side. Each step brought me a little closer to the bottom, to the memories of this impactful day. Upon reaching the foot of the rampart, I distinctly recalled the moment when a desperate servant had thrown herself at me, pleading for my help right here. The image of her master, enraged and cruel like a devil, surged in my mind. I saw his face twisted with anger as he severely reprimanded her, making it clear she would suffer for her actions. I also remembered how, in an instant, he had changed his demeanor, addressing me with a courteous and amiable greeting, as if nothing had happened.

"Disgusting memory,"

I murmured, recalling the scene with a touch of bitterness.

I shook my head, trying to dispel these memories as one wakes from a nightmare, and lifted my gaze. Before me stood a large… no, immense… GIGANTIC villa. Its size and grandeur seemed unreal.

"Wait… I recognize this villa,"

I murmured, my voice heavy with fatigue.

"This is where the servant lives… or rather, survives, with her master."

Looking up, I noticed that on the second floor, only one window was lit. The faint light cast the shadow of a woman's body against the curtain. My gaze lingered on that window, the only one in a state of advanced decay, sharply contrasting with the rest of the sumptuous mansion. The shutters were rickety, a pane of glass was cracked, and the curtains were frayed—it was clearly the servant's room, a space as neglected as her condition. I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anger and sadness for this woman. Her fragile silhouette seemed imprisoned in this opulent golden cage. Everything here testified to wealth and power, except for this isolated, forgotten corner. Looking up, I noticed that on the second floor, only one window was lit. The faint light cast the shadow of a woman's body against the curtain. My gaze lingered on that window, the only one in a state of advanced decay, sharply contrasting with the rest of the sumptuous mansion. The shutters were rickety, a pane of glass was cracked, and the curtains were frayed—it was clearly the servant's room, a space as neglected as her condition. I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anger and sadness for this woman. Her fragile silhouette seemed imprisoned in this opulent golden cage. Everything here testified to wealth and power, except for this isolated, forgotten corner. Without hesitation, yet also without a second thought, I approached the villa's gate. It was a masterpiece of wrought iron, with intricate motifs depicting mythological scenes and fantastical creatures. Each bar was finely sculpted, giving the impression that a legion of griffins and dragons guarded the entrance. The gates, black and gleaming, appeared both imposing and elegant, with menacing spikes at their apex adding a touch of danger. I took a deep breath and, with surprising agility considering my state of fatigue, began to climb the gate.

On the other side, I landed in a garden that seemed to stretch on endlessly. The main path, lined with perfectly aligned white stones, led towards the distant villa. On either side of the path, majestic trees reached towards the sky, their branches forming a natural canopy that filtered the moonlight. Precisely trimmed bushes shaped into geometric and artistic forms bordered the secondary pathways, adding a touch of order to this lush landscape. The hedges were interspersed with beds of brightly colored flowers, despite the dim light, and the air was filled with their intoxicating fragrance. At regular intervals, statues carved from white marble, depicting allegorical figures and historical characters, silently watched over the estate. I could make out Auraclis, who seemed to be embracing a tall man, though he wasn't fully cutting. I could not understand why. Further on, a series of wrought iron arches covered in wild vines created a shaded passage, inviting a leisurely stroll. The arches, covered in ivy and climbing flowers, formed a green tunnel that seemed to lead to another world. Under these arches, dark wooden benches offered perfect spots to rest (For those who had the privilege of taking a break, not the servants, I imagine.)In the center of the garden, a splendid conservatory reigned majestically. Its structure of glass and metal sparkled under the moonlight, and through the transparent walls, one could see lush exotic vegetation thriving inside. Rare and precious tropical plants appeared to flourish in this protected environment, and miniature fountains added to the ambiance. Paved paths wound around the conservatory, leading to hidden nooks and private spaces where stone benches. The mansion, sprawled across three levels, was a masterpiece of architecture and ostentatious wealth. The main facade, illuminated by golden lanterns, gleamed with a warm and inviting light, in stark contrast to the coldness of the night.The walls were made of carefully cut and polished white stone, giving the villa an immaculate appearance. Tall windows, elegantly framed with dark wooden shutters, punctuated the facade with almost military precision. Each shutter was adorned with sculpted details depicting floral motifs and intricate coats of arms, a testament to the refined taste and wealth of its owners. The roof, covered in red terracotta tiles, had a slight incline, with copper gutters that gleamed under the moonlight. At each corner, stone gargoyles watched over the villa, their grotesque expressions adding a touch of mystery and protection against evil spirits.The ground floor housed the main entrance, flanked by two majestic Corinthian columns supporting a wrought-iron balcony. This balcony, adorned with vine and leaf motifs, offered a panoramic view of the garden. The massive oak doors, engraved with mythological scenes and inset with details in gold and silver, stood at the center. On either side of the entrance, large arched windows revealed thick velvet curtains and glittering chandeliers within.The first floor, accessible via an external marble staircase, featured a series of smaller balconies, each providing a private view of the gardens below. The wrought-iron balustrades of these balconies were adorned with delicate motifs similar to those at the entrance gate, and each balcony was decorated with overflowing flower-filled planters.To the left on the second floor, I believed was where the servant's room was located. I prefer not to dwell on it further. The right wing of the villa seemed to house lounges and reception rooms, visible through their large glass doors adorned with opulent silk curtains and sparkling crystal chandeliers. The left wing, more austere, likely accommodated the servants' quarters, a stark contrast to the ostentatious luxury of the living spaces.At the back of the villa, an immense terrace of white marble stretched out, surrounded by finely crafted balustrades.Wide, majestic stairs descended from this terrace toward a rectangular pool surrounded by marble statues and miniature fountains, adding an elegant touch to this sanctuary of tranquility. I approached the massive door slowly, replaying the words of the wealthy man in my mind:

"-It seems you must be a distinguished guest in our city; rest assured, I will personally ensure your well-being and safety."

My inner cynicism bubbled up, and I muttered arrogantly,

"Hah, you want to look after me? Then welcome me in, you bastard."

I scrutinized the facade, searching for a doorbell, and spotted one adorned with motifs in the colors of dawn, embedded near the massive door. I pressed the button, and an unbearable ringing sound echoed through the silence of the night, resonating through the villa's walls like a signal of my unwanted yet inevitable presence.

After a brief moment, the door swung open slowly, revealing…