Chapter 1: Bihari Babu

In the market of Patna, a man was running swiftly, his breaths were fast, and the beats of his heart were drowning out his voice. Behind him, about ten thugs were chasing him with hockey sticks and knives. Passing through narrow alleys at every turn, pushing people aside, and knocking over everything in his path, he was fleeing. At one corner, a thug, seizing an opportunity, struck the man's leg with a hockey stick, causing him to stumble and fall. The man staggered and fell, and the thugs immediately closed in, ready to take his life.

"You've run enough. Where will you run now? Hand over the pen drive, or else we'll feed you to the dogs in pieces."

The man chuckled and said, "Ha ha ha, it's not that easy. Do you know why I was running?"

The thug asked in surprise, "Why?"

The man didn't say anything; he just kept laughing.

The thug said, "Hit him and search; that pen drive must be with him."

A man slowly approached him with a hockey stick, intending to strike him. Just as he raised his hockey stick, a brick hit him on the head, causing him to fall back and collapse.

"All the thugs were surprised. The man said, 'Look over there, that's why I was running here.'"

"A 16-year-old boy was calmly walking towards them, holding a katana in his hand."

One of the thugs said to their leader, "Brother, this is Abhimanyu."

The leader asked, "Who is Abhimanyu?"

The thug said, "Brother, he is the grandson of the biggest strongman here, Abhimanyu."

The leader of the thugs asked, "Is it Brijesh or Tripathi?"

The thug replied, "They are just small-time goons. Their father is Narsimha Pratap Singh."

The thug leader said, "Do you mean that billionaire business person?"

The thug said, "He's not just an ordinary business person. His secret lies in his military connections, as he himself was a Brigadier. His son is a legislator, and his son-in-law is the CM here. That's why even the Dons here conduct business honestly. If anyone here tries to do something wrong, this family ostracizes them from the world."

The leader said, "That's all fine, but what can this kid do? Let's just take the pen drive from them without harming him and leave."

The thug said, "That's impossible, because the most dangerous person in this entire family is this 16-year-old kid."

The leader said, "What nonsense are you talking about? He's just a 16-year-old."

The thug said, "Boss, whether you believe it or not, but since he turned 15, he has performed such miracles that you yourself will be amazed. For the past 2 years, whenever anyone tries to engage in illegal activities or any crime happens here, he is the one who always solves it, and that too, before the police."

The leader said, "We'll have to make an attempt. We've been called here from Delhi just to retrieve this pen drive, and we can't go back without it, or else what will happen to our reputation? Our secrets are also at stake in Delhi."

The thug said, "Brother, do you see that sword? It's called a Japanese katana. It belonged to his grandfather. Anyway, you're smart enough to understand."

The leader said, "We also have swords, and you're afraid of just a 16-year-old kid. Come on, no one would dare to touch him because of his family. Let me see how powerful he really is."

Abhimanyu said, "Are you going to fight or just intend to talk?"

The leader of the thugs said, "Look, because of your family, we don't want to fight you. Just give us the pen drive, and we'll leave."

Abhimanyu asked the man, "What's the matter, big brother? Is there some kind of special film in the pen drive that these guys are chasing you for?"

The man replied"Abhimanyu, why don't you take a look at what's in the pen and drive yourself. But for now, please save me, and I'll give you a copy of it."

"Abhimanyu thought, 'Maybe it's some sort of great film collection.'"

Abhimanyu, looking towards the thugs, said, "Hey guys, why don't you also make a copy for yourselves for such a film? What's all this fighting for? Nowadays, it's the era of the internet; you can even use a VPN. Why die for a pen drive?"

One of the thugs asked their leader, "Brother, are those videos in this pen drive?"

The leader said, "Are you crazy? Would that man spend so much money just to send us here for some random film?"

The leader said to Abhimanyu, "Quietly hand over the pen drive, and I'll take you to heaven."

Abhimanyu laughed and said, "If you have the guts, then take it."

The thug charged at Abhimanyu with a sword, but Abhimanyu swiftly cut it with his katana and delivered a flying kick to the leader's face, sending him flying back. The thug fell to the ground. The remaining thugs also attacked Abhimanyu, and one thug went after the man. Abhimanyu first knocked down the thug with a sliding kick and then punched him in the jaw, knocking him unconscious.

Then Abhimanyu swiftly tackled the thug who was advancing towards the man with a stick to strike him on the head. Abhimanyu landed a blow to his side, causing him to stagger back and fall. Some thugs then pulled out knives while others grabbed sticks.

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Think again, I have a bigger weapon."

All the thugs put their knives away. The leader of the thugs threw a punch at Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu calmly sidestepped and dodged it. Then, grabbing his arm, Abhimanyu flipped him over his back and slammed him down, saying, "This is called judo, in which I hold a black belt."

Then he delivered a kick to a vital point, rendering the leader unconscious, and said, "This is called kung fu, in which I also hold a black belt."

He then looked at the remaining thugs. The thugs were a bit agitated but still gathered some courage to attack. One thug attempted to strike him with a knife, but Abhimanyu grabbed his arm, twisted it, and delivered a powerful blow to his neck, rendering him unconscious as well.

Then another thug grabbed a wooden board from somewhere and struck Abhimanyu on the head. Abhimanyu retaliated with a punch, breaking the board, but he started bleeding slightly from his hand.

Abhimanyu gets very angry at this, and he grabs the thug's arm and his collar, slamming his head against a brick wall. Then he hits the thug on a glass window, and then he lays him down and repeatedly kicks him in the stomach and face. Seeing all this, the other thugs flee in fear.

After calming down, Abhimanyu looks around and sees that all the thugs have fled, leaving only three unconscious thugs behind. Abhimanyu then calls for an ambulance.

Then Abhimanyu approaches the man and says, "Come on, Sagar brother, now show me what's in this pen drive."

Half an hour later, Abhimanyu and Sagar are in Sagar's room, and Sagar plugs the pen drive into his computer. The pen drive contains sensitive information about various dangerous dealings of the business community in Delhi, meaning if this pen drive falls into anyone's hands, it could jeopardize the lives of many, as the person could either blackmail them and make millions or ruin them.

Abhimanyu said, "This is incredible; it's like we've stumbled upon Aladdin's lamp. But what are you going to do with this pen drive, and how did it come into your possession?"

Sagar explained that a very skilled hacker had gathered all the information and created this pen drive. Why it was created, he didn't know, but when the business community found out about this pen drive, they put out a hit on it through The Grim Reaper Organization's Dark World.

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you mean The Grim Reaper Organization that takes on national and international contracts and doesn't rest until either the target is dead or they're paid double to let them go?"

"Sagar replied, "That's what I've heard, but the hacker died in an accident. It's said that nobody found his body, but the pen drive went missing. However, before he died, he divided the pen drive into 10 parts, and one part is in our possession."

Abhimanyu asked, "Yes, but how did this pen drive end up with you? Please tell me."