Chapter 27: Battlefield

Vayu asked Ammy, "Do you know how to play?"

Ammy asked, "What's playing?"

Vayu sighed and said, "Battlefield."

Ammy inquired, "What is that?"

Vayu hung his head in disbelief.

Abhimanyu explained, "It's an online game that we can play on PC and mobile. We're going to an eSports event which hosts tournaments for such games. It's like a competition. I'll explain more about the game later."

City Center was a famous building where many events took place, mainly related to technology. Today, an eSports competition was scheduled there, and a long line had formed for registration, with a large crowd gathered.

Observing the crowd, Abhimanyu remarked, "So many kids."

Vayu explained, "Battlefield is quite popular among teenagers."

Manoj exclaimed, "But look at the line! Will we be able to register on time?"

Sanjay regretted, "We should have come earlier."

Pankaj pondered, "What can we do now?"

Just then, two to three BMW SUVs from the X5 series arrived, with only bodyguards inside. As they approached, the guards cleared the way and opened the door of one car, from which a 22 to 23-year-old guy stepped out. The event organizers came out to welcome him.

Vayu explained, "That's him. The wealthiest influencer, businessman, and everyone's idol. You know, when he was in his fourth year, he started his own gaming company, and his game 'New World' became incredibly popular."

New World is a story-based game with adventures, new creatures, stunning graphics, and an engaging storyline.

With just one minute left for registration, they managed to register in time.

Abhimanyu remarked, "See, what difference a few minutes can make."

Abhimanyu and his friends completed their registrations, but for the main players of the Battlefield, it was Pankaj, Sanjay, Manoj, and Vayu, while Abhimanyu, Ammy, and Samarth were listed as backup players because only three players were allowed in the backup.

Soon, the commentators arrived, who would be commentating on the entire match. Then, the judges were called, consisting of three judges: Yuwana, the best gamer Assassin, and the last one named Soldier. These two were quite popular in game streaming and were there to provide commentary and entertain the audience.

There would be a total of 10 matches happening simultaneously, with the final match of the winning teams scheduled for today. Each game would last at least 45 minutes, with 100 participants in each match.

Vayu said, "This match is something we play regularly. Sanjay, Manoj, Pankaj, and I will be participating."

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright, but make sure to win."

Vayu explained, "We're district champions, but we haven't been able to win at the Delhi level because there's been one team consistently holding the top spot, and that's Delhi Liberals."

Abhimanyu was surprised, "Delhi Liberals also play the game?"

Vayu clarified, "No, they're just kids who play games. They named themselves Delhi Liberals inspired by them, and ironically, they're the champions."

Then, all the participating gamers were sent to separate rooms to start playing, and their streams were displayed on the main screen in the hall. The footage of the most interesting moments was highlighted, with the Arasen Lions team, which was Abhimanyu's team, receiving the most attention as they were the best gamers in the area and quite popular.

A commentator mentioned, "I heard that three new members joined Arasen Lions."

Another commentator added, "I watched a new gamer streaming with them, and he's quite good."

The other asked, "Who's the new gamer?"

"He goes by the name Black Demon."

The other commentator inquired, "If he's so good, why isn't he playing?"

The judge, Soldier, sitting in the seat, responded, "Because he was only playing with boobs until now, and his ID is also new. Perhaps he got scared seeing all these real players here."

Assassin said, "I believe it might be their strategy."

Soldier retorted, "Not playing the game is not a strategy."

Assassin countered, "The players who are playing are also the best, so maybe there's no need for him to enter now."

Soldier shrugged, "Could be anything."

Then the commentator asked Yuwana, "Mr. Yuwana, would you like to say something?"

Yuwana replied, "I don't know who Black Demon is or how he plays, so I prefer not to comment."

Soldier added, "That's okay, Yuwana. Black Demon isn't that famous anyway."

Assassin remarked, "Being famous doesn't necessarily mean being a good gamer."

The commentator concluded, "Let's see if Black Demon will participate in the next match."

After another hour, the match ended, and the Arasen Lions had won their match.

Now, the next match was about to begin in the main hall, where all the judges and commentators were seated, and this time, the live stream would be broadcast with everyone's faces visible.

Vayu said to Abhimanyu, "Bro, you'll enter in the next match. Anyway, Soldier was taking you lightly."

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright, this time the entire backup team will play."

Vayu expressed concern, "But Ammy doesn't even know what Battlefield is."

Abhimanyu assured, "I'll teach her everything during the game, and if something goes wrong, I'm here."

Vayu agreed, "Okay, bro."

The commentator exclaimed, "What's this? This time, the entire backup team is playing. This has never happened in the entire tournament! And it seems like Abhimanyu's girlfriend's ID was just created recently because he hasn't played a single match yet."

Ammy had named her ID after Abhimanyu's girlfriend.

The commentator said, "Who is this Abhimanyu?"

The other commentator replied, "Whoever he is, it seems like this girl is crazy for him."

Abhimanyu said to Ammy, "You knew this was going live, right?"

Ammy replied, "Yes, I wanted to let the whole world know that I'm yours."

Samarth asked Abhimanyu, "Are you two a couple?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's one-sided from her side."

Vayu joked, "Do you know black magic?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, I also offer coaching. It's 500 rupees per day."

Vayu exclaimed, "That's expensive!"

Abhimanyu retorted, "Good things come at a price."

The commentator remarked, "Anyway, Abhimanyu is quite lucky to have such a girlfriend."

The other commentator added, "Yes, he's lucky. She looks like an angel."

The first commentator joked, "Maybe Abhimanyu knows black magic."

The second commentator chuckled, "Yeah, that's true."

Everyone was now looking at Ammy, and a man took her away to a big studio that was out of the camera's view.

Ammy replied to Soldier's question, "No."

Soldier then asked, "Is Abhimanyu better than me?"

Ammy replied, "You can never compare yourself to him."

Vayu whispered to Ammy, "What are you saying? This is live. If you say something like that, his fans will start trolling you and Abhimanyu."

Soldier asked, "What does Abhimanyu do?"

Ammy replied, "He's a student and a true soldier."

Assassin chuckled and said, "Wow, what a roast."

Soldier clarified, "I meant, besides being a student."

Ammy explained, "Besides being a student, he's kind-hearted and treats everyone well."

Soldier interrupted, "I meant, is he also a gamer or something different from being just a student?"

Ammy looked at Abhimanyu and said, "Yes, Abhimanyu is indeed Black Demon."

The camera then focused on Abhimanyu, and his face appeared on the screen. At this moment, everyone was wearing Agrasen Lion's T-shirts with a lion emblem on the back, and the T-shirt was black with "Agrasen Lions" written on the front.

Soldier asked Abhimanyu, "So, Black Demon claims that you're a better gamer than me. What do you have to say about that?"

Abhimanyu replied, looking at the camera, "I just enjoy playing the game. I don't like comparing myself to others, and as for being better, I don't know."

Soldier asked, "Don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, it's not like that. I just started playing the game a week ago, and I haven't watched any streams yet. So, I can't compare myself to anyone."

Ammy whispered in his ear, "Did you praise or criticize him?"

Abhimanyu replied, "A wise person understands even with a hint."

Soldier said, "It's okay, maybe you'll become a better gamer in a few months too."

Assassin chuckled at this and said, "Wow, Black Demon, how do you roast someone? Someone should learn from you."

Abhimanyu replied, "Thank you for the compliment, but please don't reveal too much now."

Yuwana said, "Abhimanyu, seeing you here makes me very happy. Best of luck!"

Abhimanyu replied, "Thanks a lot, Yuwaan Bhai!"

Then, the battle royale began swiftly. Everyone landed on an island and started scavenging for weapons. Abhimanyu picked up a gun and shot down two opponents. While reloading, he noticed an enemy approaching Ammy, so he saved her by knocking down the enemy. He then took out another opponent, earning himself three kills. Vayu, on the other hand, encountered another team on a different building.

Gunshots were heard nearby, prompting them to move closer. By then, Abhimanyu had found more loot. Hearing Abhimanyu's voice, Ammy went inside a building while Abhimanyu approached from the outside. Ammy was collecting loot outside when she heard gunshots and immediately went inside. Enemies were approaching, but Abhimanyu, from above, jumped and shot down the two enemies, knocking them out. Only two enemies remained in other buildings. Abhimanyu took cover and waited for them while Ammy continued collecting loot.

Abhimanyu couldn't blame Ammy; she had done this before. He advised her to only pick up important items. Confused, Ammy asked how a 7mm bullet could fit into a pistol. Abhimanyu explained that only the ammo for the guns in her inventory would be highlighted, so she should only pick those up. Ammy discarded the excess bullets and focused on waiting with cover for the enemies.

Meanwhile, Vayu and Samarth had also finished looting and were waiting. Abhimanyu heard footsteps from behind and shouted to take cover from the other side. The two knocked enemies took cover, and the enemy team approached to revive them. Abhimanyu, watching the main screen, noticed the enemy team's location and threw a grenade, eliminating them.

After looting for a while, they got into a car and headed to another location. Suddenly, they encountered an enemy car. Samarth quickly took out two members, while Abhimanyu and Vayu stopped the car and eliminated the last one.

The commentator praised the new player's skills, prompting the audience to watch the replay. It showed how Samarth took out two enemies from a distance, and then Abhimanyu and Vayu took care of the rest.

The match continued, with Abhimanyu securing 5 kills, Vayu and Samarth each getting 5 and 6 kills respectively, but Ammy hadn't secured a single kill yet. Then, a player was seen running on the ground. Vayu drove the car towards them, and Ammy, seizing the opportunity, emptied her entire gun on the player, finally securing a kill. She was ecstatic and danced in her seat, which was captured on the stream, making her look adorable.

The commentators remarked that her gaming skills seemed lacking and it appeared as if she was playing for the first time. However, they couldn't deny her cuteness, leading to laughter.

Abhimanyu praised Ammy, and they were down to just 4 teams remaining, with all others eliminated. They fought another team together, but suddenly a grenade exploded, knocking down Abhimanyu, Vayu, and Samarth. Ammy, being in cover, remained unharmed, but she witnessed her teammates being finished off by enemy gunfire, leaving only her against a full team.

The commentators speculated that this time, Agrasen Lions might not even win at the district level.

Camera was now focused on Ammy, perhaps expecting some miracle, but she remained seemingly tension-free. Ammy shot down a player as soon as she spotted them, then changed her position to another building. She pulled the pin of a grenade and threw it to her previous location, knocking down another opponent.

Afterwards, Ammy saw an enemy searching for her and shooting at her previous location. Another enemy was behind him, noticing Ammy. Ammy immediately took cover as bullets rained down on her, then fled to the other side. Meanwhile, her previous location was hit by another grenade, leading the enemy to believe her health was severely depleted.

Although Ammy had plenty of bullets left, she hadn't healed herself despite everyone advising her to do so. Then, the final enemy entered her house. Ammy was behind the gate, shot at it, and the game was over. Abhimanyu's team won, with Ammy securing 5 kills, Abhimanyu with 6 kills, and the rest of the team with a total of 7 kills.

Assasin jokingly said, "This young lady stole the show from all the thieves."

The commentator wondered if a new player breaking the expectations barrier by leading Agrasen Lions to become district champions could challenge Delhi Liberals.

They announced a break for other games' matches, and Abhimanyu's team left. Other players from their team, who were set to play the next game, were already there. Their registration deadline was until 1:00 PM.

The commentator thanked Mr. Yuwaan for being with them for so long, noting his busy schedule. Yuwaan expressed his gratitude and mentioned that his favorite player now was Abhimanyu's girlfriend, as she led her team to victory at a crucial moment. He also revealed that Abhimanyu was his younger brother. Yuwaan waved goodbye and left, with Abhimanyu reciprocating the gesture with a smile.

Commentator ne ab Yuwaan ke jaane ke baad kaha, "Looks like Black Demon turned out to be Yuwaan's brother. What a surprise! Now all cameras are focused on Abhimanyu."

Abhimanyu's friends looked at him in astonishment, especially since Yuwaan was known as the wealthiest and top businessman among Delhi's young generation, and now he had just referred to Abhimanyu as his younger brother during the live stream.

Abhimanyu remarked, "He tricked me and ran away."

Vayu asked in surprise, "Why didn't you tell us that you know Yuwaan? We wouldn't have to wait in line."

Abhimanyu replied, "I've only met him once, and that too for just 10 minutes. Who would consider that knowing someone?"

Vayu pointed out, "But he called you his younger brother."

Abhimanyu clarified, "He's a friend of my brother, so he said that."

The tournament continued until 5:00 PM, after which everyone was free to go home. Abhimanyu and Ammy were about to leave in their car. Samarth had his own car, and Manoj and Vayu had theirs as well, so everyone headed home in their respective vehicles.

Next day Abhimanyu teaches Ammy that how to play battlefield and after school they went for a movie and lunch and after that at the evening they were returning to thier apartment.

Ammy was sitting in the car with her eyes closed when suddenly she felt a jolt as Abhimanyu applied the brakes.

Ammy asked, opening her eyes, "What happened? Is there a need to brake so abruptly?"

But then she saw that some tough guys had parked their Jeep and two other cars in front of Abhimanyu's car.

The leader fell from the grip and by the time Abhimanyu and Ammy reached the car, the other thugs were unconscious. Abhimanyu sat on the car's bonnet and said, "Alright, let's get started."

Ammy immediately kicked one of the thugs, causing him to collide with the car's window, shattering it. The thugs rushed to attack Ammy, but she defeated them with swift moves.

Ammy was mirroring Abhimanyu's actions, causing the thugs to lose. Finally, the leader tried to flee, but Ammy swiftly stabbed his legs with a knife and caught him.

Ammy asked him, "Now, tell me, who sent you here?"

He replied, "We are Kapil Mehta's men. He sent us to capture Abhimanyu."

Ammy kicked him again and knocked him unconscious.

Abhimanyu told Ammy that they now had a way to reach Kapil.

After a few hours, the same thugs were taking Abhimanyu at gunpoint to a warehouse where Kapil Mehta was sitting in a wheelchair with a bandage on his knees. He said to Abhimanyu, "Pratap Singh, I thought you were just an ordinary guy, but in Bihar, you're quite famous. Almost every shopkeeper knows you. I didn't realize you came from such a big family. To be honest, I don't want enmity with your family after causing you harm. Just tell me, what's your relationship with Tina? I've seen you with her several times, and you were also involved in catching Wasim, right? Besides, there was another girl there, Karishma, wasn't she?"

Abhimanyu replied, "There's no connection between Karishma and this."

Kapil Mehta said, "I'd have believed that if I hadn't heard about your tour to Jaipur. Even there, gangsters were killed, and both of you were present. It's not just a coincidence."

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you want to know from me?"

Kapil replied, "If you bring Tina here, I'll let you go."

Abhimanyu asked, "Can you defeat her alone?"

Kapil said, "You just bring her here; I'll handle the rest." He aimed the barrel at Abhimanyu's head.

Abhimanyu said that threatening him wouldn't change anything.

Kapil chuckled, saying that he had expected as much from Abhimanyu's background, so he had asked for his girlfriend to be brought here, assuming she would come.

Abhimanyu asked, "Whose girlfriend are you talking about?"

Kapil replied, "Whose else? Karishma Khanna."

Suddenly, some thugs brought Karishma at gunpoint. She showed no signs of resistance, and it didn't seem like she had come willingly.

Abhimanyu asked Karishma if she was at the company.

Karishma replied, "I had stepped out for a while for some work when they abducted me here."

Abhimanyu told her that she would have to bring Tina here now, or else he would shoot her.

He also remarked that he knew Kapil couldn't face Tina, so he should confess what he had planned.

Kapil, surprised, asked, "What plan?"

Suddenly, five people appeared beside Kapil. They were the five commanders of the Scorpion group.

One commander said, "You seem smart, but can you handle Tina in front of us?"

Abhimanyu asked who they were.

A commander replied, "We are the commanders of the Scorpion family, and we're here to take Tina."

At that moment, Tina arrived, accompanied by soldiers who surrounded the entire warehouse. Riya, Commander Rajat Mishra, and Ramakant were also there. This time, the Delhi Liberals weren't present because the situation was beyond their level. All soldiers aimed their guns at them, including Kapil's men and the Scorpion family members.

Scorpion Commander started laughing and show them a video where they planted 7 bombs in 7 different locations in delhi which are crowded

One commander suggested that instead of a gunfight, they should adhere to the rules of martial arts and play a team deathmatch.