Chapter 46 :Bharat Nagar market

A man attacked Abhimanyu with a machete, but Abhimanyu easily dodged it by leaning slightly, and then he kicked another man hard, causing the thugs behind him to fall. Then the machete-wielding man attacked Abhimanyu again, but Abhimanyu dodged it again and grabbed his hand, twisting it, causing the man to fall. The other thugs then attacked Abhimanyu, but he stylishly fought them off. However, one thug managed to grab Ammy and threatened to kill her if Abhimanyu didn't leave.

Abhimanyu jokingly said, "Then go ahead and kill her," and continued to fight the other thugs. The thug couldn't understand Abhimanyu's attitude, but then Ammy jumped into the air and did a somersault, and now her saree was upside down. She then grabbed the thug's shoulder, flipped him over, and kicked him hard in the stomach, causing the thug to start vomiting. After a few minutes, all the thugs were lying on the ground, groaning in pain.

Abhimanyu approached the man with red hair and said, "Now cough up 200 crores for wasting my time."

The man replied, "We don't have the money; only our boss can give you the money now."

Abhimanyu asked, "Where's your boss?"

The man said, "I'll call him here."

Abhimanyu said, "Just tell me where he is right now."

The man replied, "At the Joker Club."

Abhimanyu knocked him unconscious with a kick and then asked Riya, "Can I take your car?"

Riya asked, "Are you doing all this for money?"

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Yes, now it's Chaube's turn to face me."

Abhimanyu started walking towards Riya's car, and Ammy followed him.

Abhimanyu warned her, "It might be dangerous there."

Ammy replied, "I can handle it."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay."

Riya said, "I'm coming too; besides, I'm free."

Raajveer and Karishma also wanted to come along, but Riya asked them to take her sister home.

Some people wondered what Abhimanyu was capable of, and the same thought crossed everyone's mind there.

One man said, "This boy knows how to fight a little, so is he thinking he can defeat Rahul Chaube too?"

Raajveer told Sonia and Kashmira, "Let's go; I'll drop you both home."

Kashmira replied, "We're also going to the Joker Club."

Sonia added, "Yes, they are not too old; they might not know about Chaube, but he's a dangerous man."

Kashmira said, "Let's stop talking and leave."

Chirag said, "I'm not afraid of Chaube, but he doesn't know that he has no fear of the law, but don't worry, I can handle Chaube."

Sonia told him, "You stay quiet, minister's son, don't try to impress me," and she got into Raajveer's car, and Kashmira also joined them.

Chirag angrily got into his car and drove away. He called Chaube and said, "Yes, Rahul Bhai."

Rahul asked, "Oh, Chirag, what's up?"

Chirag said, "Brother, you didn't give 100 crores to a kid, but only 20 crores, and he got angry and beat up your two sons. I've called an ambulance for them. Apart from that, he's coming to Joker Club to beat you up. From my side, do me a favor, break his hands and legs and teach him a lesson he'll remember for life."

Rahul said, "It seems you also have enmity with him."

Chirag replied, "He fooled and snatched my girlfriend."

Rahul said, "Alright, let him come; I'll deal with him," and he hung up the phone.

After ending the call, Rahul Chaube called someone else and said, "Yes, Lashkar, you said you recruited some martial artists who were essential for capturing Delhi. Send them to me on the upper floor."

After hanging up, Chaube thought to himself, "Where will the boy run? He'll come eventually, and in the end, he'll be under my thumb."

On the other hand, after Abhimanyu left, Rashika said, "Let's go to the Joker club."

Rohit asked, "Why?"

Rashika replied, "He's your friend, right? He's going to pick a fight with a very wrong person. We have to stop him, or Chaube will kill him."

Rohit responded, "He's not my friend. He ruined my life; he sent my dad to jail. Why should I stop him?"

Rashika said, "Stop trying to be like your dad. Even though he has a lot of power and everyone is afraid of him, nobody respects him. Everyone calls him a thug and a gangster. He should have chosen a decent life after getting out of jail, but he continued his criminal activities. That's why Mom stays away from him too."

Rohit remained silent after hearing this.

Rashika continued, "Let's not talk too much now, or we'll be late."

Meanwhile, on the way, Abhimanyu called Jasmine and asked her to come to the Joker club. He also called Tripathi and asked him to come to the Joker club.

On the other hand, in Rashika's car, Rohit asked, "If you hate Dad just because he's involved in crime, then why are you going to save this Abhimanyu? He's also engaging in criminal activities."

Rashika asked, "What criminal activities?"

Rohit replied, "He's going to fight with Chaube."

Rashika said, "He's going to demand what's rightfully his. There's a difference between bravery and thuggery. If I were to put my life at risk and perform such dangerous stunts, and still not get my rightful money, then I'd be angry too."

Rohit said, "This is Chaube's territory; our lives are in danger there."

Rashika replied, "Yes, and all because of Dad."

Rohit said, "I'll call Dad."

Rashika said, "Absolutely not. What do you want? Should we let a gang war happen, or should we call the police?"

Rashika then called the police and said, "There's a guy's life in danger at the Joker club. Please bring the police force here," before hanging up.

About half an hour later, Abhimanyu arrived at the Joker club, and as he entered, he was stopped by two guards who asked for a pass to go inside.

Abhimanyu said, "I've been called by Rahul Chaube."

One guard phoned inside to confirm.

The club manager informed Chaube that a guy was claiming he was called by him, along with two beautiful girls.

Chaube realized it was the same guy and said, "Let them in."

Everyone then reached the top floor, where there was a pool, and Chaube was sitting on a pool chair, watching TV with news about the Kapoor Corporation's energy pills causing a stir in the Mumbai market due to their effectiveness.

Just then, the gate opened, and Abhimanyu, Riya, and Ammy entered.

Abhimanyu said upon arrival, "This club is fantastic. How much is it worth?"

Riya replied, "About 50 crores."

Abhimanyu said, "Wow, okay, fine. From today, this club is mine. Where's Chaube?"

Chaube said, "Here I am, Rahul Chaube, the king of Delhi."

Rahul Chaube was a bulky man who seemed like a school teacher.

Abhimanyu said, "Give me my money."

Rahul asked, "What money?"

Abhimanyu replied, "The money that was bet."

Rahul said, "Do you think I'll give you 100 crores? Consider yourself lucky that I gave you 20 crores. But now that you have the audacity to come here and demand money from me, I should teach you a lesson."

At that moment, four martial artists arrived, looking more intimidating than Ammy.

One fighter attacked Abhimanyu, who dodged and knocked him out with a kick. Abhimanyu didn't intend to entertain Chaube; he used spiritual energy to defeat the fighter, causing him to vomit blood and pass out. This scared Rahul Chaube, who fell from his chair in fear.

Abhimanyu then approached Chaube.

Meanwhile, outside the club, another car arrived, carrying Kashmira, Raajveer, and Sonia. They were stopped by the guards, who said only members were allowed.

Raajveer saw Riya's car and was sure that Abhimanyu and the others were inside.

Then Rashika's car arrived, and as soon as she stepped out, she said, "Don't worry; I've called the police."

Kashmira said, "If the police come here, I'll lose my job first."

Rashika said, "Don't worry. We'll tell them you came later to save your student."

Then several cars arrived one after another, and about 15 cars were parked there. Tripathi stepped out of the foremost car and led his gang inside, asking the others to stay outside due to the danger.

Jasmine also arrived in a sparkling Rolls Royce, bypassing Tripathi's gang and entering the club.

Tripathi warned her to stay outside if she knew what was good for her.

Jasmine, not understanding their language, knocked out the guard and entered.

Sonia remarked, "What a girl! Not only is she hot, but she's also powerful and badass."

Kashmira speculated, "I wonder if she works for Chaube. What if she's not a threat to Abhimanyu? Let's go inside; he's just unconscious." Saying this, they headed inside.

Tripathi warned, "It's dangerous inside right now, so it's better if you all stay out."

With that, Tripathi and his men entered. Kashmira insisted that she wouldn't leave without her student.

Tripathi assured her, "Nothing will happen to him."

Kashmira wasn't convinced, so she followed Tripathi inside.

Meanwhile, Jasmine approached Abhimanyu, who was casually beating up Chaube, his face bruised.

Abhimanyu said, "Take control of his entire empire. Seize everything. But even after that, I doubt he'll have the money to pay me. So, here's an idea: make him do menial labor. You have that collar, right?"

Jasmine tookout the collar.

Ammy asked, "What's this collar for?"

Abhimanyu explained, "This is a slave collar. Once worn, even the most powerful person behaves like a loyal dog."

Jasmine stood in front of Abhimanyu with her knives drawn, glaring angrily at Tripathi as he entered with his men.

Feeling intimidated, Tripathi stammered as Abhimanyu calmed Jasmine down, instructing her to assign Tripathi's men tasks.

Jasmine complied, and Tripathi's men began their duties.

Meanwhile, Kashmira, Raajveer, Sonia, Raashika, and Rohit entered, astonished by the scene.

Rohit suspected Jasmine's involvement, but Abhimanyu diverted their attention, suggesting they leave.

Outside, Abhimanyu instructed Tina to handle things and exchanged numbers with Riya before leaving with Ammy and Riya.

During the ride, Riya asked Abhimanyu about his plans, and he revealed his intention to dismantle Chaube's business and uncover potential threats to the country.

When Riya mentioned Kapil Mehta, Abhimanyu brushed it off, focusing on his own objectives.

As they reached Riya's apartment, they noticed police presence outside the club, investigating a false alarm.

Meanwhile, Jasmine took control of Chaube's business, imposing new rules and turning his former gang into disciplined guards under Tripathi's leadership, significantly boosting Tripathi's gang's status.

Abhimanyu learned about these developments through updates from his school's club.

Abhimanyu was streaming from his gaming club when he received all the information that Chaube's entire business had been captured, and now he had received so much money from all his underground businesses that he now had enough to count the money of all the companies in Delhi. Even after that, he wouldn't get 10% of it. He had donated a lot of money, and even deposited money into the accounts of the governments of three countries. Even after all this, he still had a lot of money left. This money had come after collecting and selling everything, and perhaps this was the lifelong earnings of those underground bosses. Abhimanyu was now thinking about investing this money, but he was unsure of what to do, so he was contemplating different ideas.

When the audience saw Abhimanyu's performance and noticed him lost in thought, they began to message him asking what he was thinking. A girl teasingly called him "future hubby" and asked if he was thinking about her. Abhimanyu smiled and said he was indeed thinking about the future. He mentioned that he had some money and was thinking about how to invest it.

One person suggested investing in the stock market. Then another person jokingly asked Abhimanyu to give them the money, and they would double it in 25 days. Abhimanyu laughed and asked if they didn't accept anything less than a crore. The person responded saying they'd settle for at least 20 lakhs. Abhimanyu thanked them but asked if they had any other ideas.

Another person suggested Abhimanyu could explore an underground market called Bharat Nagar, where rare items were sold, including stones and fossils that could fetch millions in the market. Abhimanyu was intrigued and asked where Bharat Nagar was located. He received an email with the details and location, but the sender insisted on meeting him in person first.

Abhimanyu agreed to meet and said he would be there in the next two hours. He then continued his stream, informing his audience that school was about to be dismissed. After school, Ammy asked if they were going to Bharat Nagar. Abhimanyu explained that he wanted to explore the market there.

Jasmine arrived with her Rolls Royce, and without saying anything, Abhimanyu and Ammy got into the car. Karishma also joined them without any invitation.

During the ride, Karishma asked Abhimanyu if he was free. Abhimanyu introduced Karishma to Jasmine and Karishma, instructing Jasmine to speak in her language.

Karishma joked with Jasmine, saying she was Abhimanyu's girlfriend, but Abhimanyu denied it. However, Jasmine played along. They then discussed going to Bharat Nagar, where Abhimanyu explained there was a market with rare items. Karishma was surprised by Abhimanyu's wealth and asked where he got the money. Abhimanyu explained he found a gold mine in Brazil and Mexico. Karishma was skeptical of his story.

Abhimanyu said that it's a different world, and if you have nothing to do with that world, knowing about it could be dangerous.

Karishma asked if he was the Black Demon.

Abhimanyu confirmed, saying that's his gaming name.

Karishma referred to the famous Black Demon who has ended many alliances and instilled fear in people.

Abhimanyu hesitated, saying how could he be that Black Demon; he's powerful, a legend.

Karishma insisted that he can never lie to her.

Abhimanyu, exhaling, admitted he is the one, but it should remain a secret.

Karishma questioned if he thinks she's foolish to keep his secret when he's claiming to be the Black Demon to the world.

Abhimanyu asked how she could be so sure it's him.

Karishma replied that he's not the only one with secrets.

Abhimanyu joked about her being the leader of the Delhi liberals.

Karishma fell silent.

Abhimanyu, understanding, asked how she dared to put her life in danger. He instructed Jasmine to change the car's direction and go straight to the military headquarters.

Karishma asked if he was going to the military headquarters.

Abhimanyu, angry, said they would have to answer for everything. He questioned if he wasn't enough for them, now they're putting his loved ones in danger.

Karishma asked Jasmine to drive the car to Bharat Nagar and held Abhimanyu's hand, revealing her own past. She explained that when she had first received the opportunity, she didn't know anything about him. But she wanted to become strong to protect her family, just like him. She had also been trained by Dr. Rustam, who was highly skilled.

Abhimanyu was surprised to learn that Dr. Rustam lived in Delhi. Karishma confirmed and added that he knew him too. Abhimanyu was taken aback, questioning why she hadn't informed him when their lives were in danger during the scorpion mission.

Karishma assured him that she was fine now and had become stronger. Abhimanyu agreed to personally train her and have her report to him on every mission. Karishma warned him that it went against protocol, but Abhimanyu was adamant.

Karishma also confessed that she had broken protocol by not informing about Ammy to higher ups. Ammy was shocked and asked why she hadn't told about her.

Karishma explained that she couldn't betray Abhimanyu, as they were best friends. Abhimanyu asked how she had figured it out.

Karishma recalled the incident when Abhimanyu had fought the principal's men, and his actions had seemed unusual. So, She had asked Ramakant, who had confirmed her suspicions.

Abhimanyu contemplated changing his gaming nickname. Jasmine suggested "The Dominator," but Abhimanyu thought it might attract too much attention from his enemies.

Karishma get shocked by hearing the name The dominator and said, you rascal so you were the dominator

Karishma teased him about his newfound fame and the 100 crore reward on his head. Abhimanyu acknowledged the risk but was confident that his enemies wouldn't find him, especially since he had operatives keeping an eye on controlled territories.

Abhimanyu and the others arrived at Bharat Nagar approximately an hour later. Upon arrival, he contacted the subscriber and asked for the location of the market. The subscriber sent the location, indicating it was indeed the market.

As they reached the designated spot, they found themselves in what appeared to be a deserted area with no visible sign of the market. However, a young boy, about 18 years old, approached them, expressing his admiration for the Black Demon and requesting a selfie.

After taking photos with Abhimanyu and Ammy, the boy, named Yuvraj Thakkar, led them to a seemingly ordinary door. He showed a card to a person stationed there, who then opened the door, revealing a hidden market inside.

The market was unlike anything Abhimanyu had seen before, with numerous lanes and sections filled with various goods, including rare herbs, weapons, antiques, and even magical artifacts.

Yuvraj explained that the market was known for its rare and mystical items, including magical weapons. Abhimanyu was intrigued by the mention of magical weapons, prompting Yuvraj to clarify that while such items were indeed sold there, discerning genuine from fake magical artifacts was a challenging task.

Ammy and Karishma expressed skepticism, believing that Yuvraj might be misleading them. Jasmine also voiced her doubts, stating her disbelief in the existence of magic.

Yuvraj acknowledged their skepticism, admitting that while many believed in the existence of magic and purchased magical items, discerning authentic magical artifacts was indeed difficult. He shared an anecdote about once seeing a bracelet that could regulate temperature, but he hadn't encountered anything similar since.

Despite Yuvraj's explanation, Ammy, Karishma, and Jasmine remained doubtful about the authenticity of the magical items.