Chapter 52: Kedarnath

Everyone was a bit surprised to learn that Abhimanyu was from Bihar Military School.

Rihana remarked how cool it was, and then asked Nitya how she met him.

Nitya explained that they met at a party and got into a relationship, but nothing significant happened between them, and he had to leave.

Rihana asked if she wouldn't mind if she tried to pursue him.

Nitya replied that she didn't mind, but it wasn't easy to win him over.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu descended from the stage with his teammates and sat down.

Rihana started heading towards Abhimanyu after seeing him.

Mukesh stopped her and asked where she was going.

Rihana replied, "To try my luck with Abhimanyu."

Mukesh said, "You're going to approach someone else right in front of me?"

Rihana retorted, "Let go of my hand. Our breakup is final."

Mukesh asked, "You were serious?"

Rihana replied, "Did it seem like a joke to you?"

Mukesh said, "And that too for that useless poor guy?"

One of Rihana's friends chimed in, "Yeah, Rihana, he's not your match."

Neha added, "Yeah, he's a cheater. Didn't you see how he left Nitya and probably ran away with her money too? But maybe to avoid tarnishing the Kapoor family's reputation, they're not saying anything."

Nitya couldn't say anything upon hearing this.

Rihana said defiantly, "I'll handle all of this," and walked away.

Neha followed her, and so did everyone else.

Rihana quickly approached Abhimanyu, who was sitting with Alia, Karishma, and other friends, chatting. Neha exclaimed, "Hey, cheater, you're hiding here!"

Abhimanyu looked at Neha and asked, "You think you've been betrayed by me? How?"

Neha clarified, "Not me, Nitya."

Rihana and the others joined them.

Rihana greeted Abhimanyu with a smile, "Hello, Abhi, how are you?"

Abhimanyu replied politely, "Miss Rihana, I'm fine. How about you?"

Rihana teased, "Since when did you become so formal? Just call me Rihana."

Sahil, arriving with an attitude, said, "What's up, cheater? Feeling high and mighty?"

Abhimanyu ignored him.

Then, Nitya greeted Abhimanyu, "Hello, Abhi, how are you?"

Abhimanyu smiled and replied, "I'm good, uncle. How are you?"

Nitya replied, "I'm good."

Sunder taunted, "Hey, coward, you used to act tough, challenging those thugs and then running away."

Abhimanyu ignored him too.

Abhimanyu introduced Nitya to Karishma, saying, "Karishma, this is Nitya, my friend from Mumbai, and Nitya, this is Karishma, my best friend."

Neha teased Abhimanyu, "Friend or girlfriend? Alright, I'll let you know. Abhimanyu cheated on Nitya, stole money from her family, and ran away here."

Karishma chuckled and said, "Next time, if you accuse him, come up with a believable excuse."

Nitya whispered to Neha, "I told you he didn't steal anything."

Neha replied, "Maybe not steal, but he did cheat and run away."

Nitya lowered her head and said softly, "But when did I say he cheated on me? We just broke up."

Karishma looked at Nitya and then at Abhimanyu, anger evident in her eyes, and said, "So you went to Mumbai to do this?"

She grabbed Abhimanyu's collar with one hand and pushed him away.

Abhimanyu, feeling nervous, said, "There's nothing like that, Karishma. Aliya, Nitya, please explain to her. She'll beat me up."

Aliya whispered something in Karishma's ear, and Karishma let go of Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu took a deep breath, and Karishma glared at him angrily, saying, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Abhimanyu replied, "So you wouldn't get the wrong idea."

Rihana chimed in, "Abhimanyu, if you're single now, will you be my boyfriend?"

Karishma looked at Abhimanyu with anger.

Abhimanyu replied, "Sorry, I like someone else. Besides, don't you already have a boyfriend?" He glanced at Mukesh.

Rihana retorted, "We broke up."

Mukesh interjected, "We're lowering our status by talking to this trash. Let's go, guys."

Rihana snapped back, "You shut up."

Sahil added, "Mukesh is right. Are you comparing this loser to Mukesh? What's his status anyway?"

Sunder chuckled, "Don't tease the poor guy so much. So what if he's a loser? He's got potential."

Mukesh chuckled too, "This loser knows how to charm rich girls."

Neha remarked, "Yeah, look, even now two girls are standing up for him."

Abhimanyu remarked, "Not everyone's face is as handsome."

Neha retorted, "Looks don't matter. You should have money in your pocket, and you, boy, seem to have a lot in your pocket."

Karishma questioned, "Do you know how much money he has in his pocket?"

Neha replied, "Oh, just by looking at the way he wears his clothes, it seems like he bought them from the streets. He must have a lot of money, right?"

Karishma chuckled and showed a tag inside one of Abhimanyu's clothes and said, "See this tag? Can you tell whose clothes these are?"

Neha read the tag and joked, "It must be a designer from some street corner."

Rihana googled "Sharma designer" and found out it was Delhi's biggest fashion brand and ranked 7th nationally.

Rihana showed Neha her phone and said, "This is a national brand."

Neha looked at the phone, where all the released outfits were available in the market.

Neha chuckled and said, "Okay, tell me, when were these clothes launched?"

Karishma replied, "These are custom-made. They weren't launched; they were specially designed for Abhimanyu."

Neha and her friends burst into laughter, except for Nitya, Rihana, and Priya.

Sahil chuckled, "Did you hear? Clothes specially designed for this loser."

Sunder added, "Even my Gucci clothes are specially custom-designed."

Everyone burst into laughter, catching the attention of several people nearby.

Ammy, seeing them from a distance, approached and asked with a smile, "What's going on here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Nothing special. Just go back to your seat."

Sahil chuckled, looking at Ammy, "Hey, look, another girl has arrived."

Sunder added, "Bro, this is Abhimanyu's girlfriend. The whole world knows her by this name."

Karishma said to Ammy, "They're trying to humiliate Abhimanyu."

Abhimanyu replied, "Just ignore them. What's the use of arguing over clothes?"

Sunder added, "He'll speak up now that his cover's blown."

Abhimanyu said, "Why does it matter what someone wears or how much money they have? A person's soul should be pure."

Sahil joked, "He talks like a saint now, but when he was in Mumbai, he talked like a gangster."

Mukesh retorted, "This must be an act to impress these girls."

Samarth added, "Bro, they're talking too much now."

Vayu and the other boys also stood up, feeling like they should teach them a lesson.

Abhimanyu said, "Calm down, guys. Kashmira ma'am told us not to fight."

Sahil chuckled, "He listens to teachers like they're gods."

Kashmira, who was standing nearby, walked over to them and asked, "What's going on here? Didn't I say no fighting?"

Samarth said, "These are the ones who came here to argue with us. You explain it to them."

Kashmira looked at all of them and said, "Kids, you shouldn't fight here. This event is to spread harmony."

Sahil joked, "You're a teacher, but you're so young."

Kashmira said, "Alright, now everyone go back to your seats. Fighting won't be tolerated." Then she left.

Rihana was trying to flirt with Abhimanyu, and Abhimanyu was responding to each flirtation. Kashmira was quite annoyed by this, but Abhimanyu held Karishma's hand to keep her calm.

Arjun thought to himself, "Abhimanyu really knows how to charm girls."

Mukesh was furious and decided he had to get back at Abhimanyu somehow, as it was because of him that he and Rihana broke up.

Then the host made an announcement: "Miss Lalita will now showcase her singing talent on stage, after which today's event will conclude. After that, you can enjoy dinner at the buffet set up on the side. But first, let's enjoy Miss Lalita's singing."

A sitar was placed on stage, and Lalita, dressed in traditional attire, greeted everyone with a namaste before playing the sitar and singing. However, the male singer accompanying her developed a sore throat, and Lalita stopped singing. She looked distressed.

Abhimanyu quickly climbed onto the stage, and no one could stop him. He grabbed the microphone from the host and started singing. Everyone was surprised to see Abhimanyu singing so beautifully, matching Lalita's pitch perfectly. Lalita also resumed singing, and it seemed like both of them knew which song the other would sing next. Eventually, they both started singing together, harmonizing perfectly. The song ended, but the sitar continued playing. After a while, Abhimanyu sang another line and gradually brought the song to a close, along with the sitar.

Everyone erupted into applause when the song finished.

Lalita hugged Abhimanyu and whispered, "How are you, brother? I didn't even recognize you."

Abhimanyu replied, "Did you think anyone could match your pitch?"

He added, "I have something for you three sisters, but let's talk about it later. I don't want to reveal my secret here." With that, he climbed down from the stage, leaving Lalita smiling at him.

Abhimanyu noticed a majestic eagle soaring high in the sky. Karishma followed his gaze and asked what was wrong.

Abhimanyu replied, "Look how high that eagle is, and its size! It's as big as a passenger plane!"

Nitya exclaimed in amazement, "Is this a holy beast like Dr. Asthana mentioned?"

Abhimanyu said calmly, "It's descending slowly."

Ammy asked nervously, "Shouldn't we run away from here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "There's no point in running."

Suddenly, they heard a piercing screech, and everyone looked up to see the massive eagle approaching. It landed on the roof of the resort building, causing panic among the guests. Soldiers aimed their guns at it, and children ran around in fear.

The eagle, however, addressed them, "Don't be afraid. I won't harm anyone unless provoked."

It then looked in a direction and said, "The boy with glasses and the unbuttoned shirt."

Abhimanyu gestured to himself.

The eagle continued, "Yes, you. Have you ever seen a snake as big as me?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, but it was dead with deep wounds on its body."

The eagle asked, "Where did you see it?"

Abhimanyu said, "Two days ago, floating in the Ganges River in Rishikesh."

The eagle warned, "If I don't find that snake's corpse there, you'll become my meal."

Abhimanyu retorted, "It's probably long gone by now."

The eagle replied, "I'll investigate. But be prepared to become my meal."

With that, the eagle flew away.

Abhimanyu muttered, "Stupid eagle."

Karishma asked, "Did you really see that snake's corpse there?"

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Yes."

Then Kashmira asked, "Why didn't you tell us about it?"

Abhimanyu explained, "Because it disappeared into thin air."

Kashmira remarked, "So there's no corpse there."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Exactly."

Then one of Lalita's bodyguards approached and informed her that her life was in danger and she needed to stay with them for safety.

Abhimanyu declined, saying, "I don't need protection. Besides, you won't be able to do anything if that eagle returns."

The guard insisted they had a bazooka for protection, but Abhimanyu pointed out the eagle's speed.

However, the guard persisted, believing it was safer for Abhimanyu to stay with them. Abhimanyu sighed and agreed reluctantly.

Kashmira expressed concern, asking if Lalita's life would also be in danger. The guard assured her that the eagle was targeting Abhimanyu, not Lalita, so there was no need to worry.

Deciding on the groups, Kashmira wondered who would stay with Abhimanyu, as everyone seemed to want to avoid him now. However, despite this, Abhimanyu's close friends, including Karishma, Aliya, and others, remained by his side. Vikrant and a few others also pledged their support to him.

Rihana teasingly asked Abhimanyu why he lied about seeing the snake. Abhimanyu explained that telling the truth would have led to unnecessary trouble.

Neha urged everyone to leave, fearing the eagle's wrath. However, Nitya, Priya, and Rihana insisted on staying with Abhimanyu, each giving their reasons. Abhimanyu appreciated their loyalty but warned them of the danger.

Sahil and Sunder decided to stay too, intrigued by the idea of facing the eagle. Others, including Tina, joined Abhimanyu's group for safety.

Dean Trilok Chaudhary advised everyone to stay vigilant and assured them that the eagle might not return. However, he warned them to hide if it did, so the guards could deal with it. He also emphasizing the importance of caution.

Abhimanyu recounted seeing the snake's body while rafting.

Dean acknowledged the existence of powerful and sometimes magical creatures, but he had never encountered one capable of speech before.

Dean said, "I'm also going to stay with you all."

Abhimanyu replied, "But sir, that eagle could also harm you."

Dean said, "Are you scaring me with death? What's left to live for? I had a son who went to jail, and a daughter who ran away and got married. There's no one left to cry behind me."

Altogether, in Abhimanyu's new group, there were Abhimanyu's friends, some young soldiers from his military school, Vayu's friends, half of Nitya's friends, and two teachers: the dean and Lalita, along with his trained guards, and some soldiers were also joining them on this trip and there were also some kids from benglore military school and from Chennai school also joined them on this trip maybe they wanted to see the Eagle again.

The next day, they all went to explore some places in Mussoorie and had a great time. Lalita was always seen holding Abhimanyu's hand. Abhimanyu hadn't told anyone about their relationship. Everyone thought Lalita was with Abhimanyu because of his music, but this ignorance about their relationship was making some girls jealous, like Nitya, Priya, and Rihana. Kashmira and Tina were also there, but they didn't seem bothered by Abhimanyu's company with the girls, except for Charu and Neha. Even though they didn't know about their relationship, it didn't bother them. However, Neha was annoyed seeing Abhimanyu's tactics because he easily impressed girls and fooled them. She was also upset because even after deceiving Nitya, she was still hanging around him.

The next day, they set off for Kedarnath. By morning, they had all reached Kedarnath. After freshening up at a guesthouse, there was a mountain to climb. So, they started walking on the trekking trail. Early on, there were many guides standing there who were telling people about the popular stories of the place. Additionally, there were porters and carriers for hire, and some even had baskets in which people could sit on their backs and be carried up the mountain. These carriers looked physically strong, but among them, there was also an elderly man, probably around 60, whose body looked very robust.

Then, a guide approached Dean and said, "Hello, sir. You seem to be from a school group. My name is Nitesh, and I'm the number one guide here. I can take you all around Kedarnath, and you can pay me whatever you like, and I'll make sure everyone gets a full tour."

Dean Trilok smiled and replied, "My name is Trilok, and yes, we are from the school. We would be happy to learn more about this place."

Everyone then began their climb up the mountain. Abhimanyu noticed an elderly man, perhaps around 60, being carried up the mountain in a basket.

The guide noticed Abhimanyu looking at the elderly man and said, "Don't judge him by his age. He makes four trips up and down the mountain every day and earns 8000 rupees. Most people get tired after just one trip and charge 8000 rupees per trip, but he only charges 2000 rupees, so he gets more customers but he only took a disably challenged person or old people. No one knows where he lives, but he's often seen near the temple."

Abhimanyu felt a divine aura around the elderly man.

The guide laughed and said, "You're joking, sir. I've known him since childhood and have spoken to him many times."

He then greeted the elderly man, whose name was Nandiram. Nandiram jokingly replied, "I might be old, but I'm still very young."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why do you still do this work at your age?"

Nandiram replied, "Everyone has their own purpose. I want to help the disabled and elderly pilgrims reach their gods. It brings me peace."

Abhimanyu suggested, "But you could serve devotees in the temple or work as a porter like these others."

Nandiram explained, "If I do that, the animals will get the merit. I only want the money, as these animals are working to help devotees reach the temple."

At that moment, a porter teased Nandiram, saying, "Look, old man, one day you might fly up to the temple yourself."

Ammy, who had joined them, asked Nandiram, "I still don't understand. If you're using animals to help pilgrims climb the mountain, why do they get the merit? Don't you also take care of the animals?"

Nandiram smiled and replied, "If we're taking care of an animal, it's our responsibility, and we get some merit. But if we're using the animal to work and still take care of it, what merit do we deserve? It's the animal's right."

Nandiram said to Abhimanyu, "You know, this temple has a very special story."

Abhimanyu asked, "What kind of story?"

At that moment, Nitesh intervened, saying, "Come on, uncle, let me tell the stories. That's my job."

Nandiram chuckled and said, "Alright, you can tell them."

Nandiram, with the elderly man sitting on his back and a family accompanying them, began narrating the tale. The family consisted of a man, a woman, and two teenagers, a boy around 15 and a girl around 17. The girl was taking selfies and listening to music with her earphones when suddenly, a monkey snatched her phone and climbed up a tree, putting it in its mouth.

Everyone stopped to watch. The girl's mother scolded her, saying, "I've told you many times to take care of your belongings. There are many monkeys here."

Nandiram bought a banana from a nearby shop and threw it towards the monkey. The monkey caught the banana and threw the phone back towards Nandiram. The girl screamed, "I was scared that my phone might fall and break."

Nandiram easily caught the phone and said, "Why are you screaming? It's just a phone."

The girl took her phone back without saying anything.

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Phones often contain important data that can be lost."

The girl's father remarked, "Her phone probably just has garbage. She never studies; she only takes selfies. She's always glued to her phone and has no idea what's happening around her."

The girl looked at Abhimanyu and said, "You're the black demon, right? Oh my god, I'm your biggest fan!"

Abhimanyu smiled and replied, "You're right, uncle. My name is indeed Abhimanyu."

Nandiram asked, "Why did your parents give you such a devilish name?"

Abhimanyu explained, "People call me the black demon. But my real name is Abhimanyu."

Nandiram nodded and said, "That's a good name. Abhimanyu was a great warrior who knew he would die in battle, but if he didn't fight, his side would lose. So, he bravely entered the battle and embraced death."

The girl then took a selfie with Abhimanyu.

After that, she noticed the Kishori girls and Priya and exclaimed excitedly, "Oh my god, the Kishori girls and Priya are here too! I've been watching Priya's vlogs. She must have been in Mussoorie yesterday, right?" She started taking selfies with them too.

Nandiram commented, "You kids seem quite popular. Others have normal names, but why is your name Black Demon?"

The girl laughed and said, "Because it's cool."

Nandiram asked, "Are you very cold?"

The girl clarified, "Cool doesn't mean cold. It means having swag, being unique, and being liked by everyone."

Vayu joked, "So, are you only a fan of the Black Demon because we're standing here too?"

The girl replied, "Yes, I only like the Black Demon, and I don't even like gaming that much."