Chapter 57: Singh empire

Nina went close to him and kissed him, saying, "I'll drop you off at the airport."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Why go to the airport when I can fly?"

Nina looked at Abhimanyu in confusion.

Suddenly, eagle wings appeared on Abhimanyu's back, his hair turned white, and his eyes turned golden, resembling an angel.

Nina, astonished, said, "What are you? First, you gave off demonic vibes, then you turned into a snake, and now you're an angel. What's going on?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I told you, living with me, you'll learn everything eventually. Alright, I'll leave now."

Trying to stop him, Nina said, "Now that you can fly on your own, you can leave anytime. Just wait a bit longer."

Abhimanyu agreed, but asked, "What should we do in the meantime?"

Nina replied, "Nothing special. Let's take a tour of the island and feel the sea breeze. Let's take a boat."

Abhimanyu agreed, and Nina went to freshen up. She came back wearing a white dress, looking like Abhimanyu's wife. They left the island barefoot, walking hand in hand to the boat. They sat in the boat and started enjoying the romantic atmosphere.

While touring the island, Abhimanyu stopped the boat at a beautiful spot where they could see the moonlight and the mesmerizing view. Nina sat on Abhimanyu's lap, resting her head on his chest, enjoying the view while reminiscing about her childhood. Abhimanyu just listened to her.

After some time, Nina had talked enough. She said, "I won't stop you anymore, but you must come back soon."

Abhimanyu kissed her and said, "I'll be back soon. I'll move to Mumbai as soon as the year ends." With that, his hair turned white again, his eyes golden, wings emerged from his back, and he flew off into the distance at high speed.

Nina marveled at his speed and wished for wings like his. Anyway, she returned to her villa to continue her work.

Abhimanyu enjoyed flying and admiring the view of Mumbai. After a while, he summoned his dragon and made it invisible. He then went to the map and started training for his landing and practicing other skills. During his fights with Nina, he had realized that he was still very weak without his mystical powers. If it hadn't been for Abhimanyu's miraculous abilities and Nina's mercy, his body would have been left there.

By morning, Abhimanyu had returned to Delhi. He woke everyone up and asked Jasmine if the company's registration was done and if the team was ready.

Jasmine said, "I've hired a vice director named Lily who has significant experience in company management. She worked for a company in New York whose initial net worth was 5 crore, and within a year, she increased it to 500 crore. However, as success got to her head, she forgot the contributions of others and thought it was solely her hard work. The CEO of that company tried to force himself on Lily and disgrace her, but she managed to save herself and filed a case against him, which she won. The CEO had to pay her 100 crore in damages, causing his company to sink into debt and eventually shut down. Lily then returned to India to start something of her own. I needed to hire her. But first she wanted to meet the real owner of the company. Additionally, she wants to invest her own money in our company. She's ready to work and handle marketing because she liked the product and sees its potential in the market. However, I haven't given her confirmation regarding the meeting yet. Apart from her, we're recruiting several fresher and experienced individuals. We've set up their interviews in the lobby of The Lion Hotel."

Abhimanyu asked, "Haven't you bought any building yet?"

Jasmine replied, "We already have a building, it's in Chaube, but now it's under your name. We've deposited some money into its account in exchange for the building. However, it needs significant renovation, which will take about a week. In the meantime, we'll be managing our operations on one floor of The Lion Hotel, which we've reserved entirely for our work, and the furniture has already been arranged."

Abhimanyu said, "Set up a meeting with Lily, and I'll decide later about the interviews."

Jasmine added, "Boss, Lily is a bit eccentric, but she's very competent. If we hire her, she can handle everything efficiently."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Don't worry."

Abhimanyu went back to his room and prepared a special liquid from ten leaves in his map world. He filled several bottles with the liquid, around a hundred bottles, all prepared from the essence of those ten leaves. These bottles were enchanted with a special mantra to ensure the liquid wouldn't spoil. Afterward, he emerged from the map world and started streaming games for a while.

This time, he was alone in the stream as the others had gone to school, presumably attending classes. On the other side, a hot girl in a blue bikini was watching Abhimanyu's live stream. She seemed to be around 28 years old and looked extremely attractive in her blue bikini.

Another hot girl, who had been bathing in the pool for a while, came out of the pool, wearing a red bikini that accentuated her figure. She appeared to be around 23 years old. Wrapping a large cloth around her waist, she approached and asked, "Boss, why have you been watching this boy's stream for so long?"

When she reached the girl, she noticed that she was watching a boy's gaming stream. The girl replied, "Roma, this guy is so cool and cute that I can't help but watch him, especially his funny jokes."

Roma replied, "First, look at your age. Would it be appropriate for a 28-year-old woman to be infatuated with a 17-year-old boy?"

The girl responded, "I'm not infatuated; I'm just a fan of his. I've seen his stream, and many girls flirt with him through super chats, but he always responds in a way that seems like he's joking around with them. Unlike other streamers who give vulgar responses, he chooses his words carefully. Also, have you noticed how he takes photos with all his fans? Even though many girls are his big fans, he always positions his hands in front and avoids touching their backs or shoulders. Look at these photos; they're all different from those of other streamers. All his gestures are respectful. This speaks volumes about his character. That's why I like his stream."

Roma teased, "You seem more like a stalker now with all this analysis."

The girl retorted, "You could call it stalking, but watch this event's video. This girl's name is Mona, an international singer, and everyone was watching her stream recently. Look at everyone's reaction when they approach her; everyone's gaze first goes to her cleavage and then to her face. It's the same for everyone. But now, look at the black demon; he was also present at this event. Notice how he only looks at her face, and then observe Mona's behavior. She starts talking to him more than usual, and now, look at how long they talk. His gaze never lowers once. After the video ends, the girl returns to watching the stream and says that sometimes we can also determine a person's character by how others behave towards them."

All these key points are in front of our eyes, allowing us to analyze the business and choose the best approach.

Roma said, "Alright, that's all well and good, but aren't you supposed to be ready? You have an interview today, and maybe the CEO is coming too."

The girl replied, "The CEO wants to meet me first, and then they'll decide about the interviews."

Roma cautioned her, "Don't get into any kind of argument with the CEO. Since we left New York, we haven't been able to settle anywhere because you always rejected the company after meeting their owners."

The girl responded, "If I don't do that, I'll just remain an employee, and a boss can fire an employee anytime, no matter how much good they do for the company. Besides, he also tries to force himself on employees. No matter how much good you do for the company, you don't get anything in the end."

Roma asked, "But if this CEO turns out to be like the others?"

The girl replied firmly, "Then I'll reject him too."

Roma reminded her, "But you saw that medicine; it was so effective. We both know that it's going to revolutionize the beauty industry."

The girl said, "I know all that, but I won't compromise."

Roma inquired, "By the way, when is the meeting?"

The girl replied, "12 o'clock noon, three hours after the tank."

Her name was Lily, the same Lily that Jasmine was talking to.

An hour later, Abhimanyu bid everyone goodbye on the stream and then went outside. He asked Jasmine to join him shortly. Sitting on the couch, he started watching the news on TV, where nothing significant was being shown except for a mysterious incident near Rudraprayag. The manager there had disappeared mysteriously, and the news was filled with details about him and Meenu. Perhaps the detective had decided to respect Abhimanyu's wishes and not disclose Meenu's story. Besides, Meenu had been made the manager there after this mysterious incident, and now more guests were coming to solve the mystery.

Just then, Jasmine entered the living room wearing a white lady coat, a typical business outfit.

Jasmine asked, "Aren't you ready yet?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I am ready. How much more ready do I need to be?"

Jasmine advised, "You should wear a business suit."

Abhimanyu retorted, "They are coming to my company; I am not going to any deal or business meeting where I need to wear a business outfit."

Jasmine explained, "Lily thinks differently. She considers herself not an employee but a business partner."

Abhimanyu sighed, "So, you mean I have to wear a suit for her?"

He added firmly, "No, I'll meet her as I am."

Jasmine said, "Alright, let's go."

She then brought out Abhimanyu's Rolls Royce, and they headed to The Lion Hotel.

When they arrived, Tripathi himself was there, welcoming Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu said, "Bro, I'm here to work. Stop welcoming me like a guest."

Tripathi replied, "Okay, brother. If you need anything, just let me know."

Abhimanyu then went inside with Jasmine, and the manager followed them. Abhimanyu and Jasmine entered the lift and headed to the top floor. There, a suite room awaited them, and the rest of the floor had been transformed into an office space.

Abhimanyu looked around and remarked, "You've done a good job. This temporary office setup is nice for now."

Seeing the manager still following them, Abhimanyu said, "You go to the lobby. We'll be there shortly."

The manager quietly left in the lift.

Abhimanyu then asked, "So, when is Miss Lily coming?"

Jasmine replied, "We have at least half an hour, and we're free for now."

Abhimanyu asked, "Don't you have any work to do?"

Jasmine responded, "What kind of work?"

Abhimanyu explained, "The renovation work."

Jasmine replied confidently, "We have enough people doing that. They're all our own people. Besides, Tripathi is handling all the renovation work through his construction company. The product is ready to be sold, and all the documents are prepared. We just need to conduct interviews and start work from tomorrow."

Abhimanyu mentioned, "Tina has started a security company. She's recruited several thugs, including Tripathi and Chaube, and is training them. She's also training some orphaned children for the future and is reviving her Sheng clan in Bharatpur. A new clan has taken over the Sheng clan, so her mission is to make herself strong and revive her clan. When I offered to help, she refused because it's her personal battle. However, the guards she's trained will work for our company's security, and Shukla will be their head."

Jasmine said, "I understand. But can we stop talking about this and focus on each other? We have half an hour, the office is empty, and we're free."

Jasmine started getting closer to Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you feeling okay? Did you eat something wrong?"

Jasmine replied, "I'm fine. It's just that we've been together for so long, and there are so many people at home that we can't do anything."

Abhimanyu said let's talk only about company related matters and then he got away from her.

They continued talking about various company-related matters, and Abhimanyu told Jasmine about the meetings he had in Mumbai regarding the company.

Jasmine said, "That's great! Within a month, we'll launch and start selling in two places, and then we'll do the same in other states soon."

Just then, Jasmine's phone rang. She picked it up and answered, "Hello, Miss Lily. Are you here? Yes, boss is also here. We'll be there in 2 minutes." She hung up and told Abhimanyu, "Miss Lily is here. Boss is also here. Let's go. "

Jasmine kissed Abhimanyu one last time, wiped off the lipstick marks from his face with her handkerchief, and said, "What can I do? I just can't resist. Let's go."

Jasmine then got up from his lap, and Abhimanyu straightened his clothes. They then took the lift to the lobby.

Jasmine said, "Okay, let's go."

She then brought out Abhimanyu's Rolls Royce, and they drove to The Lion Hotel.

Upon arrival, Tripathi himself welcomed Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu stated, "Bro, I'm here to work, not as a guest."

Tripathi responded, "Understood, brother. Just let me know if you need anything."

Abhimanyu and Jasmine entered the hotel, followed by the manager. They took the lift to the top floor, where a suite room awaited them, transformed into an office space.

Abhimanyu remarked, "You've done a good job with this temporary office setup."

Seeing the manager still following, Abhimanyu instructed, "You can head to the lobby. We'll join you shortly."

The manager left quietly in the lift.

Abhimanyu asked, "So, when is Miss Lily arriving?"

Jasmine replied, "We have at least half an hour, and we're free for now."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Don't you have any work to do?"

Jasmine responded, "What kind of work?"

Abhimanyu explained, "The renovation work."

Jasmine assured, "We have enough people for that. Tripathi is handling the renovation through his construction company. The product is ready to be sold, and all the documents are prepared. We just need to conduct interviews and start work tomorrow."

Abhimanyu mentioned Tina's security company, recruiting thugs like Tripathi and Chaube, and training orphaned children. He also discussed Tina's mission to revive her Sheng clan in Bharatpur.

Jasmine redirected, "Let's focus on us for now. We have half an hour, and the office is empty."

They shared intimate moments on the sofa, discussing company matters and Abhimanyu's meetings in Mumbai.

Jasmine's phone rang. After the call, she informed Abhimanyu that Miss Lily had arrived, and they headed to meet her.

Jasmine wiped off the lipstick marks from Abhimanyu's face with her handkerchief, and they both straightened up before heading to the lobby.

In the hotel lobby, Lily and Roma were sitting on a sofa, waiting for the company's CEO to arrive. When Jasmine and Abhimanyu approached them, Abhimanyu sat on the sofa opposite Lily, while Jasmine stood beside him.

Lily looked surprised and confused upon seeing Abhimanyu, but Roma understood the situation and glanced at Jasmine.

Jasmine introduced, "Miss Roma, meet our CEO, Mr. Abhimanyu Pratap Singh. The Singh Empire belongs to him."

Abhimanyu extended his hand and greeted, "Hello, Miss Lily and Miss Roma."

Lily regained her composure and shook hands with Abhimanyu, while Roma did the same.

Lily exclaimed in surprise, "Black demon!"

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "I didn't know that the renowned figure in the business world, Miss Lily, would recognize a small gamer like me."

Miss Lily just smiled.

Abhimanyu continued, "I heard that you wanted to meet me."

Lily immediately asked with skepticism, "Did Jasmine really call you the CEO? Are you really going to be the boss of this new established company, Singh Empire?"

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Yes, indeed. But how well this company performs in the market is entirely up to you."

Lily replied, "I'm ready to work under one condition. I want to invest in this company."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Alright. Many people want to invest in my company. They have all been invited to a party the day after tomorrow. You should come too, and make sure to bring an extra set of clothes."

Lily asked, "Why the extra clothes?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You'll see."

Just then, a waiter brought some dishes for them, and Abhimanyu's favorite mixed fruit juice.

Abhimanyu immediately offered Jasmine a seat and handed Lily the contract.

Lily introduced, "This is my assistant, Mona. I'd like to appoint her as an assistant director."

Jasmine replied, "We have no problem with that. Managing the company is your job. Let me show you the office we're currently using temporarily."

Jasmine, Roma, and Lily then left to see the office.

Abhimanyu picked up the snacks and drinks and left the place. He took the food outside and fed it to the street dogs. Then, he drank the juice and left.

Earlier, Abhimanyu had personally invited two people to the event: Raajveer Mathur and Yuwan Raijada. He didn't need to invite anyone else because once they saw the impact of the launch, everyone would be eager to join in the success.

While walking on the road, Abhimanyu received a call from Army Chief Ravindra Narayan, who simply said, "Report to headquarters."

Abhimanyu immediately headed to the military headquarters in Delhi.

Upon arriving, he entered a conference room where Army Chief Ravindra Narayan, the IB Chief, the RAW Chief, and Ramakant were seated.

Abhimanyu saluted and said, "Captain Abhimanyu Pratap Singh reporting, Sir."

Army Chief gestured for him to sit down.

The Army Chief said, "Do you remember the driver who came as a suicide bomber in Jaipur?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, I remember."

The Army Chief informed, "He belonged to a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is the destruction of our country. We have intel that this time their target is Delhi. They could be anywhere in the city, and we don't know their exact numbers, but we know they are more than one."

He played a call recording obtained through intelligence.

In the recording, one voice said, "All the kids have reached my house, and the sweets have also been arranged."

Another voice responded, "Yes, I will take all the kids for a ride on Sunday."

Then, another voice said, "Yes, I will be watching the news of the wedding on Sunday afternoon."

The first voice replied, "Yes, brother, we will record everything, and the wedding will be over by 12 noon, and there will be a spectacular fireworks display, which will be heard even there, and then the call was cut."

The Army Chief explained, "This call was traced via satellite, and it came from another country. We couldn't determine who the callers were, but we know they were in Delhi at the time. They were speaking in code, but they are definitely planning something big. This call was traced through Rashid's phone number, which was obtained from the trace attempt."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, Delhi is in danger from children, meaning terrorists? It could be weapons, guns, or explosives, and this is going to happen tomorrow, before 12 o'clock?"

The Army Chief replied, "We are investigating this, and you should too. We've informed all departments, and both you and Riya are the only two candidates left in Delhi at this time. You two should conduct a joint operation to investigate this case at your level."

Abhimanyu stood up, saluted, and said, "Yes, sir," and then left for his mission.