Chapter 60: Happy birthday Karishma

Riya entered the room and saw Abhimanyu sitting on the horse.

After saluting the Army chief, Riya said, "Sir, please allow me to take Abhimanyu's place, sir."

The Army chief replied, "I won't give such an order, but I've been telling Abhimanyu for a while now to take my place, but he isn't listening."

Army chief added sternly, "Abhimanyu, if you don't get off now, you'll face court-martial."

"I don't care," Abhimanyu replied defiantly.

Meanwhile, numerous messages flooded in, revealing that the boy was a famous gamer known as Black Demon. Soon, the news went viral among teenagers across India, with Abhimanyu's friends in Mumbai and Delhi also watching the telecast.

On the screen, Abhimanyu was seen sitting on the horse, with no soldier able to remove him.

Abhimanyu said, "We don't have time. You all go out; I'll cut the black wire."

But nobody moved.

Abhimanyu pleaded, "Nothing will happen to me. Why don't you understand?"

Exhausted, the Army chief received a call from Abhimanyu's grandfather.

His grandfather said, "You are truly the best soldier I've ever had on my train. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

Abhimanyu reassured, "Nothing will happen to me. If you tell them to leave, nothing will happen."

After an emotional conversation with his grandfather, Abhimanyu handed the phone to the Army chief.

His grandfather told the Army chief, "You all leave from there, and let him do what he needs to. In the end, he's also a soldier."

With that, the Army chief and others left, leaving a cutter in Abhimanyu's hand.

Reporters surrounded the soldiers as they came out, questioning whether it was right to leave a 17-year-old boy alone with the bomb.

Unable to answer, the Army chief remained silent until Aakash stepped forward and spoke up. He declared, "Abhimanyu is my little brother, and I never want to leave him alone. He has had the spirit of a soldier since childhood, and that's why he made this choice. We've tried everything to remove him, but it's beyond our control. He's truly the most capable and brave among us."

As the nation watched anxiously, Abhimanyu cut the black wire, triggering the explosion. The entire country was shocked, and fear gripped everyone.

Meanwhile, Aakash and Riya sat on their knees, crying.

Abhimanyu's acquaintances quickly left in mourning.

Suddenly, a ring in Abhimanyu's drawer began to gleam, catching his attention. He retrieved it and stepped out.

"Can't we make more doors?" Abhimanyu asked.

Maya explained, "Only one door can open at a time, but we can create a backup door for emergencies. We just need to infuse our blood into it and embed the mantra, and then the gate will be ready."

Abhimanyu swiftly flew to a location near the mall and entered. Smoke billowed from inside, and everyone was engulfed in sorrow and pain. However, reporters witnessed Abhimanyu calmly walking out of the chaos.

The reporters bombarded him with questions, but Abhimanyu responded succinctly, stating, "I'm a battlefield champion. Just as enemies couldn't harm me in the game, I managed to escape the bomb's explosion."

Riya and Aakash embraced Abhimanyu, urging him never to do such a thing again.

Although Abhimanyu could have stayed home, he had to prove to many people that he was alive and how he survived. Thus, he returned to the scene.

The fire brigade extinguished the flames while reporters continued their coverage, praising Abhimanyu's bravery. Later, Abhimanyu returned to his villa and took a shower.

In his ring's hidden compartment, Abhimanyu found several tiny pots where he had collected leaves and filled them with water, which he heated. He then submerged himself in meditation in a tub filled with the concoction. After some time, the medicine started to take effect, and Abhimanyu fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up after nearly 24 hours, he found himself in a muddy brown substance.

Abhimanyu emerged from the bath and returned to his ring, where the mud had solidified into dirt. He prepared bottles of the liquid, and in few minutes, he had one hundred bottles ready.

That evening, the testing of the elixir was scheduled at The lion hotel, and Commander Rajat Mishra was invited there to, except for the Aggarwal family that deliberately left out.

Suddenly, he remembered that it was Karishma's birthday today, and he had been too preoccupied with the bomb threat to remember.

He immediately called Karishma, who informed him that she was at her aunt's house with his dad and mom. Abhimanyu assured her that he would be there in five minutes.

He quickly flew to her location, greeted her with two bottles of elixir, and wished her a happy birthday, explaining that he couldn't miss her special day.

Surprised, Karishma asked if he was really there.

Abhimanyu jokingly replied, "My speed has few rivals."

Sarita, surprised to see Abhimanyu, asked him why he was standing outside.

Abhimanyu reassured her, saying, "Nothing happened to me, aunty."

Sarita invited him in and noticed the bottle of elixir in his hand, mistaking it for wine. Abhimanyu clarified that it was medicine and promised to explain later.

Inside, Commissioner Khanna and Sulochana were watching the news. The Commissioner praised Abhimanyu but advised him to stay away from danger, emphasizing the value of life.

Abhimanyu handed them the elixir, describing its health benefits and skin-enhancing properties. Impressed, the Commissioner and Sarita tried it and felt immediate effects.

Soon, they noticed dark particles exuding from their bodies. Abhimanyu explained that the elixir was removing impurities and promised that their skin would glow once the process was complete.

After bathing, Karishma was the first to return, her skin glowing. Abhimanyu joked about her looking like creamy kulfi, prompting laughter.

As everyone bathed and changed, they marveled at the elixir's effectiveness. Sarita and Sulochana expressed their desire for more bottles, but Abhimanyu explained that one bottle per person was sufficient. He shared his own experience, mentioning how his body had been cleansed earlier, making him resilient to harm.

Abhimanyu's demonstration left everyone in awe of the elixir's potency.

Abhimanyu remained there until evening. Sulochana said, "I have to go somewhere for an event, so I'll leave now." With that, Sulochana left.

After Sulochana's departure, Commissioner Khanna asked Abhimanyu, "Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, not yet."

Commissioner Khanna continued, "What are your thoughts about Kashmira?"

Surprised by the direct question, Abhimanyu wasn't expecting Commissioner Khanna to ask so directly.

Commissioner Khanna pressed on, "You spend a lot of time together, and Karishma has been staying at your house. I just want to know what's going on between you two."

Abhimanyu glanced at Karishma and Sarita, who were still in the kitchen, and replied, "Uncle, I haven't said anything to Karishma yet, but I love her very much. It's not that I'm afraid she'll reject me or our friendship will break, but I'm afraid of hurting her unintentionally."

Commissioner Khanna reassured him and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. I know Lalit since childhood, so I know what you're talking about. In the end, everything will be fine."

Karishma suddenly appeared and asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

Commissioner Khanna replied, "We were just talking about Abhimanyu's future. By the way, Karishma, Abhimanyu wants to take you out for a stroll."

Karishma replied, "What's there to ask? I'm always ready."

Commissioner Khanna gave Abhimanyu a knowing look as they left together.

Outside, Karishma took Abhimanyu's hand and asked, "Where are we going?"

Abhimanyu replied, "First, let's go to the game center, then we'll go to the Amritjal testing event, and thanks to Jasmine for teaching us about the business world here."

Impressed, Karishma said, "She's very intelligent and seems quite loyal. By the way, you never told me where she's from. She seems more powerful than me."

Abhimanyu explained, "When I went to Mexico, I freed her from the gang's captivity. Since then, she and her entire group have sworn loyalty to me."

Karishma asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

Abhimanyu agreed, "Yes, go ahead."

Karishma inquired, "What do you feel about me?"

Abhimanyu hadn't expected this question. He replied, "You're the closest to me, and I can fight the whole world for you."

Karishma asked, "Do you care for me that much?"

Abhimanyu answered in mind, "I don't just care for you but I love you."

Karishma questioned again, "Answer me do you really care for।me that much?"

Abhimanyu assured her, "Yes, my kitty cat."

Karishma then said, "I care for you too."

Abhimanyu replied, "I am not someone who deserve something like that."

Karishma asked, "Why do you think that?"

Abhimanyu redirected the conversation, "Anyway, the taxi has arrived. Let's go."

A taxi pulled up, and they both got in, heading to the game center. They played some games there and then headed to the Lion Hotel for the event.

Upon arrival, Abhimanyu and Karishma went straight to the venue, where all the invited guests had already gathered. However, there were also some unexpected guests, such as Sulochna, who had come with Yuwann Raijada.

Karishma mentioned, "I forgot to mention, but Suchi and Yuwan are quite close."

At the event, notable figures like Vishwa Nayak Ravish Kapoor, Ridhima Sinha, Miss Nina Watson, Ratik Pathan, Suraj Tripathi, Commander Rajat Mishra, Riya Mathur, Rajveer Mathur, Yuwaan Raijada, Sulochana Sharma, and some other prominent figures from Delhi were present.

Abhimanyu seated Karishma in one chair and sat down in another.

Lily was extolling the benefits of the medicine and had taken it herself, speaking positively about its effects for a while before stopping abruptly.

Now it was Abhimanyu's turn to take the stage, and he climbed up confidently, saying, "Hello, my dear friends. You all know that I don't usually boast, so why not put this drink to the test right away?"

Abhimanyu began pouring the medicine into the wine glasses arranged in a pyramid, and after a while, he distributed them to all the guests. With a cheer, he downed his own glass and said, "I hope what I said holds true. As you all have brought an extra set of clothes, let's give it a go."

After some time, Lily began displaying graphs showing her company's distribution. About half an hour later, impurities started to emerge from everyone's bodies, and after an hour, they were covered in black mud. However, those who had taken the medicine beforehand, like Karishma, Sulochna, Lily, and Abhimanyu, remained unaffected.

Returning to the stage, Abhimanyu declared, "As you can see, no impurities emerged from my body. According to this, after drinking a full bottle of this medicine, you won't need it for about a year. It's highly effective, and the price reflects that. A full bottle will cost 50 lakhs, while a smaller can, containing 200 ml, will cost only 1000 rupees. It's potent, and even the common man can afford it. But let's discuss the rest after you've all had a bath. You can each use a room in this hotel."

He then returned to Karishma, who looked radiant after her bath, still wrapped in a towel. She came up to him and asked, "How do I look?"

Abhimanyu said, "You look absolutely stunning, I just want to keep looking at you."

Karishma, moving closer to Abhimanyu, asked, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Nope."

Karishma Asked him, "Am I not preety enough for you."

Abhimanyu explained, "Actually there are so many things that I didn't told you."

Karishma replied, "What is it that you didn't told me"

Abhimanyu then confessed, "I have killed many people and drank their blood."

Karishma said, "I have also killed many, and when you drank blood, you weren't in your senses."

Abhimanyu said I already slept with someone few days ago

Karishma asked Is she your girlfriend.

Abhimanyu saide nope.

Karishma replied than I don't care

Abhimanyu had nothing more to say.

Karishma said okey I was just teasing you. After a while, she put on Abhimanyu's spare clothes, and they both headed downstairs.

When Abhimanyu arrived at the venue, many people had already arrived, but some were still on their way, including Yuwaan and Sulochana.

Ravish Kapoor remarked, "Abhimanyu, this is even more effective than that bullet of yours."

Abhimanyu smiled in response.

Others also praised Abhimanyu's drink.

Abhimanyu announced, "Tomorrow, there will be a live event to demonstrate how effective this medicine is, and many people will have the chance to test it live. From the day after tomorrow, it will be available in the market for everyone."

After everyone arrived, Abhimanyu announced, "I can prepare 100 bottles in a day, out of which only 10 bottles will be kept original, and the remaining 90 bottles can be made with different effects and at different prices. With one bottle, we can produce 5000 cans, each available for 1000 rupees. Even though it will only contain 1/1000th of the original potion, its effects will be similar to those of a magical potion. After drinking just four bottles of this elixir, any incurable disease, be it cancer or kidney failure, can be cured easily. Its effects are miraculous, as you all have seen. So, let's talk about investment and shares now."

Kapoor offered to invest 200 crores in the project, while Yuwaan agreed to invest the same amount and also offered to handle the promotion and launch. Vishwa Nayak pledged to invest 50% of his sea restaurant's business and keep 10%.

Abhimanyu declared, "From now on, we are all partners in this."

Abhimanyu then asked Lily if she had anything to say.

Lily responded softly, "Boss, I didn't know you could invite such big people to such a small event. I might not be able to invest much in this."

Abhimanyu replied, "That's okay, just let me know how much you want to invest."

Lily said, "I want to invest 50 crores."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Okay, you'll have a 2% share, you're going to manage everything anyway."

Lily thanked him.

The meeting continued with discussions on logistics and details, including transportation through A to Z Transport and the launch in Delhi followed by an event in Mumbai.

Abhimanyu emphasized, "The most important thing is that I don't want to show my face to anyone. For the whole world, Miss Jasmine is the CEO of this company."

No one had any objections to this. All the people present ordered around 100 bottles each, with Commander Rajat Mishra even buying 10 bottles and Rajveer Mathur purchasing 2 bottles this time.

After a while, Abhimanyu said, "I officially conclude the meeting here. Oh, by the way, today is a Best friend's birthday. Karishma, could you come up on stage?"

Karishma got up and made her way to the stage, and everyone started clapping. Then, a mango-flavored cake, shaped like a two-story building, was brought onto the stage in a Trolli. It had two candles in the shape of 17.

Abhimanyu lit the candles and asked Karishma to blow them out. Karishma did as instructed, and then there was a blast of decorations, and everyone started clapping again.

People then started giving Karishma gifts. Since Abhimanyu didn't have any gift at that moment, he gave her the key to a car he had just bought from a showroom. Others also gave her expensive gifts.

Commissioner Khanna and Sarita arrived at that moment as well.

Abhimanyu, in front of them, proposed to Karishma on his knees, offering her a ring and asking her to be his girlfriend. Karishma didn't say anything, just extended her finger.

Abhimanyu took it as a sign and put the ring on Karishma's finger, then hugged her, and everyone started clapping.

Commissioner Khanna remarked, "Finally, Abhimanyu mustered up the courage."

He also gave Karishma a gift, a locket with a blue sapphire stone, matching Abhimanyu's eye color, which Karishma immediately wore.

Karishma asked Abhimanyu if he had invited them.

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, under the guise of a birthday party. Anyway, look around; it seems like a birthday party."

The decorations quickly changed, and "Happy Birthday Miss Karishma" was displayed on the background screen.

Karishma then cut the cake and fed everyone. The party lasted for a while, and by then, everyone had gone back home, leaving only Abhimanyu's close associates like Jasmine, Lily, Roma, Tripathi, and Nina.

Abhimanyu said to them, "I've built this empire here so that no enemy can reach my family. If anything happens to me, Nina will manage the entire empire and ensure that no one else steps foot in it."

Nina replied, "Nothing will happen to you, why are you talking like this?"

Abhimanyu said, "No one is immortal in this world, so I'm taking precautions beforehand. That's it."

Nina assured, "I'll continue to run this empire and won't let anyone from the underworld even think about touching it."

The next day, Abhimanyu started going to school again, and in the evening, a live event was held showcasing the miraculous benefits of the potion. They demonstrated its instant effect by planting a tree from a seed within a minute. Witnessing this, everyone got excited about the miraculous potion, and the next day, when it hit the market, all the bottles were sold out within two hours. Anticipating this, Abhimanyu had already prepared many bottles in advance.

Soon, he established several small pools where animals and herbs gathered, heating them up to extract the essence, and from just one pool, he could produce a thousand bottles. With his incredible efficiency, he met the market demands quickly, and soon, his potion became a sensation in Delhi.

Taking a week off from school, Abhimanyu went to Mumbai, where a grand event was organized for the potion. He had prepared a thousand bottles to distribute for free, and the news of this event created a buzz in Mumbai. Despite the tight security due to the presence of politicians, businessmen, and even members of the mafia, the event was a huge success.

The success of the event led to an influx of orders for the potion, and within three months, Abhimanyu's Singh empire had earned trillions. Despite the continuous orders, Abhimanyu spent most of his time with Karishma, and during school club hours, he streamed gaming sessions. One afternoon, while streaming a new game, he promoted his potion and energy pills, which garnered international attention. They even considered participating in International eSports.

During the streaming session, a worker from A to Z transport, who was stacking boxes in the office warehouse, noticed Abhimanyu's face on a viewer's phone. He took the phone from the boy and closely observed Abhimanyu, realizing who he was.