Chapter 98: A demoness curse

Abhimanyu had loaded everyone's belongings into the car, including Surya's.

Surya's mother, looking at Surya, said, "Take care," then turned to Abhimanyu and said, "You too."

Abhimanyu just smiled.

They all left in the jeep.

Surya's mother thought to herself, "I don't know who Abhimanyu is, but I know I can't hide the truth from you much longer. I never wanted you to leave my life, but fate might have other plans. It seems that boy doesn't know either if they are truly twins or if it's just a coincidence. I hope it's just a coincidence." She then looked at the sky, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Abhimanyu asked Surya, "Tell me, why do you need to go to Pushpgarh? I don't think it's necessary for you to go."

Surya replied, "Why isn't it necessary? My land, fields, and house are there. Now that we are going, we will make everything right before we leave."

Abhimanyu asked, "So no one has taken over your land and property by now?"

Surya said, "Have you forgotten who we are? Whoever has taken over our land, we'll deal with them."

After a few hours of travel, they reached a nearby town to Pushpgarh called Krishnganj. At the entrance, there was a large gate with a statue of Lord Krishna playing the flute and the words "Welcome to Krishnganj" written below it.

Abhimanyu drove the car to a small restaurant. After having breakfast and buying cleaning supplies, they headed for the village. After a 10 km journey, they stood outside the boundary of Pushpgarh, where there was an ancient gate with a statue of Lord Shiva and a welcome sign in Kannada.

As they entered the village, they stopped at a spot.

Abhimanyu asked, "Where is your house?"

Surya said, "Mom said, first, there will be a left turn, then another left, then a right turn. After going straight, at the very end, there is our house, which is separate from all other houses."

Abhimanyu followed the directions, and the villagers, who were outside, stopped their work to watch them.

Outside a shop, four men were talking on a bench. One of them asked, "Who are these people and where are they going?"

Another man said, "Maybe they are visiting Yashvardhan ji."

A third man said, "But Yashvardhan ji's house is on the other road, isn't it?"

The fourth man said, "Maybe they are lost. We'll tell them if they stop to ask for directions."

They all laughed and continued their conversation.

After a while, Abhimanyu's jeep stopped in front of a house that was as big as a villa but looked quite deserted. The condition of the house wasn't too bad, just needed some cleaning.

Abhimanyu said, "Brother, you should have told us earlier that we needed to clean such a big house."

Abhimanyu added, "How would I have known it's this big? But now we have to clean it. I'll hire some people for the job." He looked around and saw a man coming from the fields towards them.

Surya called out to him in Kannada, "Hey, brother, come here."

The man responded in Kannada, "Yes."

Surya said in Kannada, "Do you see that house? I need it cleaned. Are there people in the village who can do this?"

The man asked suspiciously in Kannada, "Who are you?"

Surya replied in Kannada, "This is my house. I am Rajvardhan's son."

The man looked at Surya carefully and said, "Rajvardhan ji's son? But as far as I remember, he didn't have a son."

Surya said, "Brother, I was born after his death. Now, will you help?"

The man thought to himself, "Maybe it's possible. He does look at least 20 years old."

The man said, "I'll do it, sir. Just give me 100 rupees."

Surya said, "How will you manage alone? Call two more people. I'll give 100 rupees to each."

The man called two of his friends, and they started cleaning.

Jin Gyong asked Abhimanyu, "Why can't you three strong men do the cleaning?"

Abhimanyu said, "We're giving the villagers a chance to earn. You don't want to take that away from them, do you? Besides, I have no experience in cleaning."

Surya, laughing, said, "Abhimanyu always has a point."

Jin Gyong said, "I don't know if one Abhimanyu was enough, and now there's another one."

Abhimanyu said, "I'm enough for you alone. Just say yes once."

Jin Gyong, glaring at him, asked, "What do you mean?"

Abhimanyu said, "I meant the chance to tease you. What were you thinking?"

Jin Gyong turned away and said, "Nothing."

Just then, they saw many bottles of beer and whisky of various brands being taken out from the house.

Black Dragon said, "It seems the villagers have been using your house as their personal bar."

Riya said, "Then the house must be stinking and stained. I'm not staying there."

Abhimanyu said to Ammy, "Do something."

Ammy said, "You know many people here can see everything."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, I'll handle it."

Abhimanyu called Surya over, who was helping to take out the bottles.

When Surya came, Abhimanyu said, "Do one thing, send these people away and go to the shop we saw in the village and get some snacks."

Surya looked at Abhimanyu confused.

Abhimanyu said, "Just do as I say."

Surya said, "Okay," and left in the jeep. He also paid the cleaners 100 rupees each and sent them away.

Ammy went inside, and a golden light emerged from her, spreading throughout the house. When it returned to normal, she opened the door, and everything looked as if the house was newly built.

Abhimanyu and the others went inside. There were many rooms, and everyone chose one. After a while, Surya returned with the jeep and, seeing the condition of the house, asked, "How did this happen? Was a magician here?"

Abhimanyu said, "Something like that."

Surya asked, "But how did this happen?"

Abhimanyu said, "Just enjoy the results and stop counting the seeds. Have you forgotten? We explore ancient ruins and things, so we have some secret tools to make things like new."

Surya asked, "Is there really such a thing?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, but it's only among people like us. The rest of the world doesn't know."

Surya asked, "Can I see the device?"

Abhimanyu said, "It's used up now. This big house took all of it, just like soap finishes."

Surya scratched his head and said, "Okay."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, listen up, everyone. Find out everything about the temple from the villagers, its history, and everything else. Try to talk to the elders as they might know a lot."

Black Dragon asked, "What about the demoness? Don't we need to know about her?"

Abhimanyu said, "What's the point? We don't need to free her or do anything with her. Let her stay in the peepal tree."

Black Dragon said, "But she could be a clue."

Kashmira said, "Yes, since she's connected to the village, we should find out about her too."

Abhimanyu said, "You don't understand. It's not safe to inquire about her directly. People might get angry."

Black Dragon said, "But it could be a rumor like in Shivpura."

Abhimanyu said, "It could be, but we have to find out without asking directly about the demoness."

Just then, they heard a commotion outside. It seemed many people had gathered outside their house.

Hearing the noise, everyone went out and saw many villagers gathered there.

The three men who were asked to clean said, "These are the people. We don't understand how they cleaned everything so quickly."

One man said, "You guys be quiet. The issue is not how quickly it was cleaned but what these people are doing in Rajvardhan's house."

Surya said, "I've already told you, I am Rajvardhan's son."

Another man said, "Whether you are or not, Yashvardhan ji will decide that."

Abhimanyu asked Surya, "Who is Yashvardhan?"

Surya said, "How should I know?"

Yashvardhan ji arrived.

Just then, a jeep arrived, and a 50-year-old man got out. He was wearing a white dhoti and a yellow kurta. He had a red scarf over one shoulder, a stick in one hand, and was twirling his large mustache with the other hand. He wore a gold chain and a gold watch.

ashvardhan first looked at Surya, then at Abhimanyu, and said, "You two look like twins, but I hadn't heard that he had twin sons. He had only one son, Surya."

Surya said, "He is my friend and looks like me, but we are not twins."

Yasvardhan said, "If you are Rajvardhan's son, you should have met me first. After all, Rajvardhan was my younger brother."

Surya replied, "I didn't know about this; mom never told me about you."

Yashvardhan said, "You definitely seem to be Rajvardhan's son, but I won't forget my duty. Come to the mansion for dinner, and we'll talk more there." Saying this, he left. The villagers started murmuring, "But how did this house get renovated so quickly?"

Surya told them, "You all can leave now; the meeting is over."

All the villagers began to leave.

As soon as Surya entered the house, he called his mother.

When his mother answered the call, Surya asked, "Mom, who is Yashvardhan?"

Surya's mother replied, "He is your elder uncle."

Surya asked, "But why didn't you ever tell me about him?"

Surya's mother said, "Because I didn't want you to ever return to that village. So I kept everything related to the village away from you. There were some family disputes."

Surya asked, "What happened?"

Surya's mother explained, "Your father and I had a love marriage, which your elder uncle didn't approve of because I was an orphan with no known family background. After that, the property was divided into two parts, and we started living separately. We cut off all communication. But after your father's death, he realized his mistake. However, I didn't want to stay in that village anymore, so We left the village."

Surya asked, "He invited me for dinner should I go?"

Surya's mother said, "Yes, if you need any help, just talk to him." Saying this, she hung up the phone.

Surya said, "That's strange."

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you mean?"

Surya said, "Listening to mom, I feel like she's hiding something."

Abhimanyu said, "Forget it; it might not be anything important."

Riya asked, "So, are we going to the mansion or not?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, but first, let's explore the village and learn about its history." Saying this, Abhimanyu left.

Riya, seeing Abhimanyu leave, asked, "What happened to him?"

Ammy said, "Maybe he feels he can't do his work here. If he were alone, he would've finished his work by now."

Riya said, "Yes, maybe. He's always been like this since childhood, wanting to finish everything quickly."

Black Dragon said, "Alright, I'll also go and find out."

Everyone then started exploring the village, asking people about its history and the demoness, learning that her shadow used to linger over the village. However, they didn't get any useful information.

Abhimanyu reached the village temple, removed his shoes, and went inside, where he saw a Shivling. He was observing it closely but didn't find anything unusual. Suddenly, the priest interrupted, "What are you doing, son?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I've seen in many ancient temples that the Shivling has some inscriptions or mantras. I was just checking if this one has anything like that."

The priest pointed to a photo and said, "Are you talking about that Shivling?" Abhimanyu saw a Shivling in the photo with some inscriptions on it.

Abhimanyu asked, "Yes, this one. What happened to it?"

The priest said, "It is said that this very Shivling was originally here, but the inscriptions disappeared mysteriously many years ago."

Abhimanyu asked, "How long ago did this happen?"

The priest said, "I don't know; it happened long before I was born." He laughed and then asked, "By the way, who are you, and who have you come to visit?"

Abhimanyu replied, "We are here with Rajvardhan's son."

The priest, remembering something, said, "Oh, so you are the ones everyone in the village is talking about."

Abhimanyu asked, "Yes. By the way, do you know when this temple was built?"

The priest said, "I don't know for sure, but this temple is very old and has always been here."

Abhimanyu asked, "But there must be some story behind it."

The priest said, "Yes, it is said that a sage saw this temple in his dreams. It wasn't just a temple but also surrounded by ruins. The sage tried to explore the ruins but found nothing except bricks and stones. Later, many archaeologists came, but they didn't find anything significant either, just this temple with a Shivling and several idols."

Abhimanyu asked, "Was the demoness here when the temple was discovered?"

The priest warned, "Son, don't talk about such things in the village."

Abhimanyu said, "I know, priest, but what is there to fear from a demoness in the temple?"

The priest said, "You are right. It is said that the demoness came here after the temple was discovered. She practiced black magic and sacrificed many men from the village. To remain young and beautiful, she did this. Eventually, the villagers discovered her truth, captured her, and burned her near the village river. But then, she became something more dangerous than a witch. We started calling her a demoness. She continued sacrificing men every new moon. The situation became so bad that men left the village or went to other villages during the new moon night, but still, some man would become her victim."

Abhimanyu asked, "I heard that some tantrics came to bind her to a peepal tree."

The priest said, "Yes, but they could only imprison her temporarily."

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you mean?"

The priest explained, "Before dying, they told me that the demoness is very powerful and could only be imprisoned for a short time. When the binding breaks, understand that she is free."

Abhimanyu asked, "What will happen if she becomes free?"

The priest said, "Don't worry about that. I've spoken to a great sage who will come as soon as she is freed."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, priest, I will take my leave."

As Abhimanyu left, the priest suddenly felt as if he had just regained consciousness and wondered why he had revealed all this to a stranger.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu started using his demonic eye to see something unusual around the temple, he saw demonic energy everywhere, he got shocked and thought means this is not a temple anymore and the shivling is now broke. In one place, he saw a particularly strong divine presence.

Abhimanyu's eyes returned to normal, and he focused on that spot. His eyes turned beast-like, and he saw something cold. He tried to push it open but couldn't. He used his energy, and it finally opened, revealing an underground chamber. Abhimanyu jumped in, and the door closed behind him.

He explored the area but found no library or books. Using his golden eyes, he wandered for hours and found a basement with a painting of the Holy Palace on a wall.

Abhimanyu saw inscriptions on the side walls. When he looked closely, he realized it was written in Sanskrit, meaning "Empty Gateway."

Abhimanyu recalled something and said, "Could this be an unfinished portal connecting other planets to Earth? If so, it explains why the demoness is here. She was trying to complete this portal by increasing her powers but was captured before she could succeed. This could also explain why only a few demons have come here, and they came from the other side. They can communicate from there but need a lot of demonic energy to cross over. That's why they need this portal to be completed. But they might have forgotten about it themselves."

Saily asked, "What are these portals?"

Abhimanyu explained, "To travel to other planets, gods and demons created many gateways on Earth. But over time, their usage decreased, and connections to Earth almost ceased. Now, very few know about these portals, only those who still maintain some connection with Earth, like demons, snakes, and some other species that haven't come to light yet."

Saily asked, "Don't demons have another portal to come to Earth?"

Abhimanyu replied, "They can come from there, but they also need a portal here. Creating a new portal is almost impossible, so they are trying to reactivate old ones. This demoness might have found this empty portal, which wasn't connected to any planet, and started working alone to please the demon lord."

Saily asked, "But why are there guardian images here?"

Abhimanyu said, "I don't know. Let's see if we can find anything else here." But they found nothing else.

Abhimanyu recalled the mantra on the Shivling in the photo.

He sat cross-legged and began chanting the mantra that was inscribed on the Shivling in the temple's photo.

Meanwhile, it had become dark in the village, and Abhimanyu had still not returned.

Riya said, "Where has Abhimanyu gone now?"

Black Dragon said, "Maybe he found something."

Jin Gyong said, "That rascal went off to explore alone, and now his phone isn't reachable either."

Surya asked, "So, should we go to the mansion for dinner?"

Ammy said, "Let's go. I'll leave a message for Abhimanyu to come to the mansion." Saying this, she wrote a message on a piece of paper.

And everyone left for the mansion.

Everyone was now sitting in the mansion and had informed Yashvardhan that they were from the archaeological department and had come to inspect the ruins. Suddenly, clouds gathered in the sky, and an earthquake started shaking the entire village, accompanied by lightning.

On the other hand, a path had opened in front of Abhimanyu, and he was moving along it. Eventually, he reached a large area where there was a circular stone structure with a big hole in the middle.

Saily asked, "What is this?"

Abhimanyu said, "This is the portal."

Saily said, "You mean we can travel to another planet through this?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, if we activate it and connect it to that planet."

Saily asked, "Can you open it?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, I can open it, but we are not here to travel to another planet." Saying this, he started looking around and saw another door with a picture of the Holy Palace's thrones on it.

Abhimanyu went there and placed his hand on it, and the door opened. Inside, he saw a key floating in the air. As soon as Abhimanyu grabbed the key, an earthquake began, and clouds gathered in the sky with lightning striking.

Abhimanyu inserted the key into his ring, and when he came out, he saw that the place was starting to fill with water.

Saily said, "We're doomed; we still haven't found a way out."

Abhimanyu said, "There must be a path from where the water is coming."

Saily said, "Yes, you're right."

Abhimanyu transformed into a water snake and started moving in the opposite direction of the water flow. After a few hours of travel, he found himself in a well.

Abhimanyu poked his head out and said, "Wow, it took so long to find the way out. That place was indeed very big."

Abhimanyu jumped out of the well but saw that it was raining heavily.

In the rain, Abhimanyu went to his house and found a note saying everyone had gone to the mansion.

Abhimanyu then went into his ring and started training his angel technique.

Meanwhile, near the river, the ropes binding the peepal tree began to break. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the tree, setting it on fire. The tree splintered, and from it emerged a stunningly beautiful woman who laughed and said, "I have returned. I, Bhasmani, the daughter of the demon lord, have returned. Now chaos will ensue."