Like a little benign twiddle all these began, but rapidly unfolded its manifold dimensions. All I could hear was my shuddering breath, stampeding themselves to and fro my nostrils, as I kept loosing blood. I hid there, hoping for a miracle, or until I'd probably pass out. The lightening kept flashing and flickering into the house, reflecting on the semblance of my bother's shoe still worn to his left leg at the other side of the living room covered in blood. I was ravaged with fear, such which got me numb. I couldn't stop myself from thinking of how I'd survive this moment, when the other boys had all been probably dead by now, and if actually what I saw was my bother's leg, then he'd definitely be dead too, and if my brother should die, then what good was I? I wish we had never decided to stay back. The whole fun we had had just turned a full twist in just a blink. This was life hitting me with clubs at my tender prime. I wished I could just blink and find myself at home. The night that rained.
Holidays were always our worst days. We literally hated it. When people rejoiced for a forth coming holiday, we felt cheated because ours would be a sorry sight. The thought of returning home was frightening. We'd literally get welcomed by the sight of dad glaring from his favourite seat. His looks were so frightening, and they had a way of making me miss my steps. We rented a small house in town that had a long and curved drive way from the gate, so dad chose this strategic spot where he would sit and see everything that entered through it. So I'd walk behind my brother from the gate, so to shield me from his sight, but it mostly didn't work.
I wouldn't be totally wrong to say that dad wasn't a happy man, my dad was an introvert. Having very shallow relationship with our neighbours, having no friends, yet known by all. I always wondered what was so endearing in him that made mum consider his marriage proposal. One who hardly ever smiled? Was this the face he proposed to mum with? And to think of how popular and loved he was, was the puzzle I just couldn't solve. Memories of him always make me wish I never had a father. Or better still, a father who was like Mr Dise, my school counsellor and my coco.
Dad was a genius. A freelance remote architect who rarely left home. He was impressively intelligent during his school days, as he always said. I never doubted him, because he was a bank wealth of knowledge. Thus, people always met with him for advice and counselling on various matters aside his field of study. He was addicted to reading and studying, aside his architectural jobs. That made him own a miniature library in his room. Half of his closet was filled with his newspapers, with which he always made sure to stay updated with information on local and national issues. A direct substitute to his papers was his little radio set, with which he never failed to listen to, especially during news hours. Dad disliked mediocrity and in extension; failure. He just couldn't stand it. He in fact, married my mum not because she was very beautiful, but because of how proactive and intelligent she was, even with her little level of education. So he couldn't understand how he had children who were the direct opposite of his ability. He just couldn't.
I wasn't a bad student; yet, my results were always not good enough. I had my peculiar study habit. I wasn't the type who studied always. It felt needless because I had short term memory. I'd forget everything I'd read within a few days, and reading what I'd read before felt like eating stale food. I'd only study during the examination period with an elastic limit of 2 hours each session. My reading times were never night times, because I loved my sleep. So I preferred the morning hours.
Fejiro, my brother, who was a class ahead of me, on the other hand was a bit better, though with no big difference from my performance. He was an audio visual learner. Reading his books could be so cumbersome, because they were never had complete. He'd rather write his exams using his class learning memories. We both were trying the best we thought we did. Thus, we were always performing a little above average. Dad hated our academic performance, and always wanted us to do better
We schooled in a public boarding school of about 5 hours drive from home. Our return from school every holiday was such which needed a lot of courage to be plugged to do. Dad would barely respond to our hearing when we greet after we've journeyed from the gate to where he always sat. My heart would dance desperately in my ribcage and my lungs would fail me intermittently. Dad would let us settle in and probably eat, that's only if we'd have the appetite for food at the moment. We would not dare wait until he asks for our result sheets, because that alone will bring out his weapon of mass destruction, as we always described his cane. One needed to see how we'd suffer with many failed attempts to sum up all our courage just to go present our results to him. He'd glower at us, as we hand them to him one after another. Being the elder one, Fejiro was always the first, while I'd stand in total dismay as I'd watch him lash him mercilessly after he'd break the seal and go through his results and examination scripts thoroughly, to make sure the marks were properly given. Thrice, I peed myself while watching Fejiro writhe in pain. Twice, I almost pooped myself once when Fejiro passed out while being flogged. Dad resuscitated him without panic, and still came for me not minding if I'd pass out too.
Mum's return from sales would cushion the pandemonium a bit. Although she wasn't always happy about our ever unchanging, and never improving grades, she was yet consoled by the fact that we weren't failing. On her return, we'd know that dad will definitely be distracted, because she was his muse. Being married to a studious and current man made her a domestic journalist. She always had her ears for every news; real or rumour, so she would match up with her husband. Dad always loved arguing with her over fake rumours, though they never fought over it.
Home was a military confinement. We had no liberty as other children in the neighbourhood did during their holidays. We'd only stick out our faces from the window to watch other kids play around, and wish we could swap homes with them only for a few hours. We were only allowed to play indoors, and noiselessly. Thus, we invented a dozen of indoor games, but they'd become boring after few days, because they always made us sedentary and sleepy. When ever dad was on his drawing board, he'd always want us sit beside him to learn from him, after which he'd give us tasks to draw simple designs. The outcome would always end in premium tears. Other times, he'd give us his old papers to read and report to him what we'd read. This too wouldn't have a funny ending. The hours of power supply was useless to us because dad would only watch news channels on the TV, and expect us to sit with him during these times to ensure that we too are updated with the ongoing issues of the time.
Mum was a chef; a good one at that. One among the qualities that got her a respected man like my dad. Mum was different from, and slightly better than dad in disciplinary measures, though sometimes, I preferred dad's floggings to her method. She was a verbal person. Mum could talk. A typical Nigerian mum, whose whip was her tongue, and her kitchen utensils. I lost count of the number of times I was beaten with a spatula, hit with a steel plate , or escaped a flying spoon aimed at me. Fejiro was good with the kitchen chores, though sometimes he defaulted and got his fair share of mum's sudden attacks. Being that she was a chef, mum hated untidy places, especially, her kitchen. But as teenagers, we were not good with the hygiene thing, and Fejiro was the worst. He'd always have issues with mum due to his sully habit. This would make mum nag from her return until bed time, if dad doesn't stop her or engage with their routine evening discussions.
Being a chef, she'd wake early every morning to prepare to meet up with the morning rush. Mum had a rule "Don't make me call you twice". Thus, we never enjoyed our sleep to the end. We'd have to wake with her to help her with the kitchen duties. And this, we hated so much. Having to prepare multiple dishes, from break fasts, to deserts, and to the main course meals, was something unimaginably exhausting every morning. We'd still have to clean up the whole work area after the preparations, wash the utensils, and still do the other routine morning house chores. She'd also submit a line up of things to do before her return later in early evening hours. Dad would always be the supervisor, except he had a physical job to deliver. These and more were what our holidays were like. So tell me who would love the holidays in our home? That's why we hated to spend the holiday at home.
Trinity College
Mr Dise was dad's high school class mate. In fact, they were best friends then. When we relocated from Delta down here. Fate brought them back together. I could recall dad coming home with a slender but sturdy young man, whom he introduced to mum as his long lost high-school best friend, whom he ran into at a supply store. Funnily enough, he was from a neighbouring village to mum's. That's how they bonded and he became our family friend. He recommended our then school to dad. Initially, dad had his doubts, but immediately yielded when he told him he teaches there. We felt trapped. How can we be schooling where dad's best friend teaches? We thought we wouldn't be safe, because all our activities would be watched and duly reported, but Mr Dise was quite the opposite of all our fears. Any time my dad would ask him about our school behaviours,
"Your boys are doing just fine" he'd always respond.
"Then why are they always coming home with the same grades?"
"These are the best your boys can go. Trust me"
Mr Dise was always fund of me. He'd always call me "Marshmallow". I initially hated the name but, had to come to it's acceptance, because it typically described me. Aside my class mates, no one in school knew that my name was Otega. On our first day in school, Mr Dise called us to his office. I could barely breath as I got in, because I was just so nervous. He tried to get us to be comfortable but it wasn't working. We sat on the brown chairs as if our uniforms would stain them. We kept smirking as response to the amusements he tried creating. We were just waiting for the warnings, the dos and the don'ts, and finally they started dropping.
"... OK. So this school is not a place to play. Although you'd notice that we try to make our students feel at home, doesn't mean that they're pampered. The least misbehaviour warrants its consequence. Therefore you both must put up your best... " he continued on and on.
We never got tired of listening to every detail, just to be sure that we wouldn't be subsequent defaulters.
"... I am always here. Therefore, you both are free to come to me at any time, should there be any issue." He came to an end.
We both nodded obediently, after which he walked us to our respective classes.
Trinity College was truly a disciplined school, though the students were made comfortable. Their disciplinary methods were very much different from, and effective as compared the school we came from. The students here were academic competitors. So I never stood a chance due to my short retentive ability. Every student had their academic mentors whom they called Cocos; a short term for College coaches. These were those who spent extra time with the students to ensure they had better academic performances. Being brought to the school by Mr Dise automatically made him my coco. Fejiro wasn't under him, because, siblings weren't permitted to be under one coco.
Mr Dise's office eventually became my second classroom. The very room I dreaded to go close to, let alone walk in. We had our different group counselling sessions with him. His gestures and coaching approach was so endearing. Our coaching sessions were very much of fun and study made easy, compared to other coaches who made their sessions a dreadful one for their students. Frankly it really helped me do just a bit better. Mr Dise was a public figure in the school due to his amiability and every student wished to be under his coaching team.
Mr Dise lived in staff quarters, and I loved him because he was so caring, and had the listening ears. I just loved the way he gave us attention even when he would be drained. Mr Dise was also very generous, especially to us who were his coaching team. He'd buy us snacks occasionally, allow us have access to his house during some free evening hours, and we'd really get entertained before the lights out. I was also told that those students whose parents wouldn't come pick them on the closing days, but and are assigned to stay with him until they're picked up, always had so much fun at his place, that they would wish to spend the entire holiday with him. That's how fun Mr Dise made school to be, so you wouldn't blame me for doing what we did.
We had just about a month to end the term, thus, the examinations were fast approaching. After now, would be another one month of technical imprisonment.
Meanwhile, I'd always fed Fejiro with details of all the fun times I had with Mr Dise as my coco, especially about the times we're opportune to go over to his quarters, and the holiday fun gist other students told me about. He wished to always join me but unfortunately, the possibility was very far fetched.
Fejiro then came to me one afternoon while we were observing our lunch break, looking all very anxious.
"Can you plead with Mr Dise to seek permission from dad so we could spend the holiday here in school with him?"
I was so dazed at this, that for a moment I gaped at him, and sniggered offensively. This was the most extravagant thing I heard in a while. Fejiro's excitement gradually folded into plain embarrassment as he looked at me. I could see the desperation and frustration on his face. He then nodded sadly and left in frustration. I was immediately pricked with guilt, so I rushed behind him trying to hold him up, but just then, my friends came and pulled me my the hand saying that Mr Dise needed us to help him with what I didn't hear them properly mention so I left with them. I felt Fejiro knew that what he requested for was almost impossible to grant, but then he'd not expected that I'd respond that way. I couldn't stand hurting him that way so I decided I'd talk to Mr Dise.
A couple of days after I'd been stalking on Mr Dise for a time alone with him to tender my extravagant request, I finally had an opportunity. As I walked into his office, I was fried with nervousness. It was so much that my nose was profusely sweating. Mr Dise smiled at me
"Marshmallow." He dropped his pen, and gave a smile and I blushed
"How are you?"
I gave a strained smile " I'm fine sir."
I stood there for a moment not knowing where, and how to begin what I had to say. He looked confused as he looked at me.
"What's the problem? " He sounded worried
Then I just had to talk before I'd loose out on the time.
" Please sir, I.... I... came to... to ask for something" I stuttered and quickly wiped my nose as the sweat began dropping.
"Go on. Go on" He nodded expectantly staring into my face as if what I had to say was written on my forehead.
"Please sir... My brother and I would love to spend the holiday with you"
He beamed "Wow! That would be nice. Only if your parents agree to it"
"That's why I want you to please call my father and... " I robbed my hands and waved my head sideways, looking teary and desperate. Just then a knock came on his door.
"Come in please" he responded and signalled me to get the door. The principal walked in as I opened, automatically announcing the elapse of my time. I got tensed at his presence so I greeted and began hurrying out.
"Marshmallow" the principal smiled at me.
I blushed, and was surprised to hear him call me that.
" Don't worry Otega. I'll get back to you." Mr Dise said as I hurried out nodding rapidly.
I could not understand how Mr Dise was able to convince dad, but to my greatest amazement, he did. I really thought he was pulling my legs when he told me. I really doubted him, so I requested to speak with dad, and dad confirmed his approval for us to spend a week with him though with a truck load of rules and threats, if we dared to do otherwise. This was the happiest news we'd heard in our entire lives. Fejiro was literally jumping and shouting ""Yes! Yes!" when I told him. This news came in when we had about two days to end to term, so I literally couldn't sleep all through those two nights, but all I could do was think of was the fun we'd have at Mr Dise's all the time .
On the day of vacation, We'd waited in the hall where everyone did for their pickup all day but Mr Dise didn't show up, and the crowd had reduced to a countable number. We'd started thinking we'd been scammed, but just when I was about giving up on everything, he rushed in panting softly. He scanned around, probably searching for us in the crowd, so I left where I was to him. He heaved heavily.
"I'm sorry. I was in a meeting"
Fejiro walked down and greeted. He nodded and began unfolding the piece of paper he had with him, and began calling names, and the boys stepped out.
"Go get your boxes, and come with me" he said in a hurry.
We all went for our luggage and began following him, and as we moved out, I felt like screaming, because this seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. We all smiled as we followed him to his quarters, imagining the fun we'd have, and best part of it was that we were all peers from the junior classes. Thus there'd be no senior student who'd molest and bully us.
The Vacation
It had become a routine habit for parents of Trinity College to delay picking up their wards at vacation. Since the school was child friendly, they rather preferred paying the extra charges billed by the school than come for their wards at the stipulated time, just so they'd have a less troublesome time with their wards back at home during the vacation. Thus, we weren't the only students left behind after the vacation. Other school staff had their fair share of students passing the time with them. The anticipation of fun I had was over the roof, because I was ready to unleash the madness that had been bottled up in me my entire life.
Mr Dise lived in a 3 bedroom apartment like the rest of the staff. This wasn't my first time here so I knew my way around the house a bit. He had few pictures of his family on his walls, and being a lover of arts, he had a collection of little antiques scattered around. News had it that his family were in another city, due to the nature of his wife's job, but the actual truth was that, he had lost his family, not to death, but rather to elopement. He'd told my father about how his wife eloped with his 12 year old daughter, a year before he had his present job, and how he's still carefully searching for the right lady to remarry anytime soon. Thus, Mr Dise lived alone, and being an admin staff, he was entitled to free meals from the school kitchen except during the vacation periods, but mostly paid for laundry and house maintenance. So, we were of immense assistance to him as the eleven of us immediately assumed the duties of the house managers during our stay there, but Fejiro did almost all the cooking as he good with culinary skills just like our mother. We had no special rules, except that we were not allowed to go beyond the staff quarters block, or stay outside beyond nightfall.
The house was full of drama, because of how boisterous we were, doing almost everything with lots of play and arguments. We'd play or argue over almost everything; from duties, to conversations, and opinions. We'd literally turned Mr Dise's house to a royal rumble arena, and being that he hated noise, he'd come out of his room to yell that we'd be quiet, but the peace would only last few moments because there'd always be something to laugh or argue about. This made him come up with a schedule of daily tasks for us after breakfast, to accomplish before the night fall, and the best performance would definitely attract a sweet treat. These tasks would keep us still and busy the whole day, that sometimes we'd forget to have our lunch, though we'd still spice it up with play and noise. He'd sit us some evenings and have a moment of conversation with us where we'd laugh over his funny childhood stories and experiences, and he'd use these narratives to counsel us. His words were always humorous, but they had a way of hitting us like bullets that, some of us would sob to bed. We had so much fun every day, such that I doubted if the other kids had as much fun as we did in our quarters.
As each day passed, the number kept reducing, so that out of the eleven we were at the start of the holiday, we were now five left, and as the days went by, the fun kept getting more exciting. I wished that I could keep turning back the hand of time to lengthen my stay, but unfortunately it seemed that the hands of the clock were always chasing up each other or in a competition to outrun the other.
In a blink of an eye, we had barely a couple of days left to return to the reality of our misery. Dad had called that we should pack up and get ready for his arrival at anytime, against the thought that we'd be going home alone as we always did with Mr Dise's help. So this swung my mood, stole my appetite, and killed the interest in playing. I then began searching for and packing up my scattered belongings that eve. I had to make sure that I left nothing behind to avoid dad's trouble. Fejiro scheduled his for later that night. After I'd finished, I left to have a quiet time somewhere away from the noise in the house. I wished I could go as far as the class block where there was no one, but I couldn't because of the perimeter bridge. So I sauntered to the rear of the house and sat on a broken block that leaned on the wall. I looked up and the clouds were gathering. I closed my eyes as I felt the breeze soothingly caress my skin.
I heard Mr Dise call me in a muffle. It came again and again, getting louder and clearer each time, so I startled as I widened my eyes to see that it was dark and I had dozed off. I cleaned my eyes and turned to see him approaching
"What are you doing out here all alone? Get inside. I need to lock the door" he said in a rush.
" Are you going out sir?" I asked as I sauntered back to the house"
" Yes I am, and you'd like to hasten up please. I'm behind time" he answered hastily.
He locked us in as his usual routine was, any time he needed to step out of the school for any reason. Feeling drowsy, I scanned around the parlour and saw the boys playing cards and Ludo boisterously
"Where is Fejiro?" I asked, having not seen him.
I wasn't surprised when I was ignored, so I went in and met him on the land line.
"Yes please. Maybe a pack or two...." He nodded. "Thank you".
"Who are you calling?" I asked curiously
"Mr Gius' Quarters." He answered " I need spice for the spaghetti. We're out of spice."
I wasn't concerned "Have you packed?" That was my concern.
"Yeah. Almost done. I'll finish up after dinner"
I left him and headed to the room where I slumped on the bed, and within minutes, I'd passed out.
I felt a tap on my leg, and again, and the third time more intense and rapid.
" Otega. Won't you eat?"
I hesitantly raised my head, and squinted, and saw Fejiro. I tried to get up but I felt sick, so I laid back down, and he tapped me again, this time around impatiently.
"Otega come and eat, before you complain of the spaghetti being too cold".
"Please dish mine out" I drawled. "I'm not feeling too well"
I drowsily struggled out of the bed, battling the body pains I'd began feeling. I got my food and sauntered down to meet them gobbling over their meal. I sat for a minute watching them rush over the food noisily, so as to prey on the one who wouldn't finish his share before theirs. I took few bites of mine, and the taste was out of this world, but I felt nauseated.
"Who wants to... ?"
I announced in a weak tone, but before I was done, the plate got snatched from my grip in a flash, as they all laughed hysterically at one of them who tripped and fell while coming for my food. I leaned on the chair with my eyes closed for a moment, while they continued jeering and taunting him. The laughter intensified and began sounding unusual, so I opened my eyes to see that two of them had began pouring their food on themselves in failed attempts to put in their mouth, and even began throwing the food on one another. I'd never seen this version of their idiosyncrasy, so I strained a smile in humour. The others seemed not to buy this act, so they began warning them to stop, and but they wouldn't listen, as it seemed all fun to them.
The heavy down poor had begun with lightening sparks and loud thunder claps, which led to power outage, and it became so dark that one could barely see. I waited for them to get the lamp, which was closer to them but, they didn't. I asked twice that they should turn on the lamp but, they kept on with their noisy acts amidst the noise of the heavy rain. So I decided to get the lamp in a struggle, to leave them and lay back my head, but in the attempt, I fell as I could barely keep my feet firmly on the floor. The nausea came again, and I knew I could throw up at any moment. So not as to throw up there, I had to abandon the lamp, and started making my way to the closest lavatory as fast as I could, though I was a few seconds late, because I'd begun throwing up on myself into the lavatory. I felt a bit relieved after, but still felt weak. While trying to clean myself up, I heard what seemed to be like an argument in the parlour, but I paid deaf ears. It kept heating up to raised voices, but I ignored, knowing that it was our usual habit of dissipating energy after a filled meal, but then it led to a scream and then random crashing sounds and scampers. That was when I got bothered and decided to hurry up so I could go check on what was going on there. I had to go to the room first to get my torch, and as I approached the room, I bumped into one of us whom I couldn't see properly. I startled, and in a reflex he gave me a hard punch that almost knocked me out as we both fell.
"Jesus! My eye!" I wailed as I added pressure to the affected eye.
He got up quickly, and then the lightening flickered, and I saw with the other eye his swiftly approaching fist coming for me again. I couldn't afford receiving a second dose of the pain I was still feeling, so I quickly dodged, and the floor received the impact. I couldn't understand what was going on amidst the whole turmoil, and just when I was about asking, I heard another one approaching from the parlour in a charge, and the one who was on me dashed off immediately, heading towards the kitchen, as I quickly rolled out of the way. But he was caught up in a what seemed like a fight, because I heard him shout in pain and crash things in a struggle, and after a moment, I heard him no more. I got wrapped up with fear and confusion as I got up quickly and frisked my way to get to where I kept my luggage, where my the torch was in. I kept bumping and crashing into things, falling and rising in panic as I searched for my travel box, but couldn't find it. I wasn't surprised, because it was a usual thing that an item kept in a place can never be found at that same place when needed, not with the set of people we were, but at the point, I was extremely frustrated.
"Oooooh! God! Where's my box?!" I shouted in annoyance and frustration.
Even I finally found it, one of the boys charged into the room, having heard my voice. Before I could turn, I felt a sharp blade, more like a knife gash through my shoulder blade.
"Jesus!!!" I startled in fear "What's wrong with you!!!"
"How dare you shout at me ?" he flared.
I flushed my torch at him and saw he had a knife in his left hand, and was bath in blood. I shouted as he attempted cutting me again, but I blinded him with the torch, and pushed him off. He bumped into another who was approaching us, and they fought violently, while I made my way out as fast as I could, not knowing where would be safe, bleeding in pain and a partial vision, bath in fear and confusion. I was scared of what had become of Ejiro in all of these, so I decided to search for him where they sat to eat.
Arriving the dinner scene, I was horrified at what I saw. There was another one who must have been colliding his head with the TV, because at my arrival, he hit his head twice on it and fell backwards, crashing into the centre table, lying there was lifeless, bath in blood. I searched in a panick and I couldn't see my brother. I turned and saw the landline by a corner, and quickly went for it, but was very disappointed when after dialling the next quarters twice, I discovered it had been damaged. I went for the door, banging and shouting for help but no one could hear me due to the rain. Just then, one of them who fought in the room came after me.
"Why are you hitting that door?!" He kept yelling as he approached.
I was stuck with no where to go, and all I had with me was my torchlight. I flung it straight at him, and as he tried dodging, he bent over and screamed in agony. He had in the process drove the fork he held in his hand right into his eye. I scampered, picked up my torch and stood off as I watched in horror when he fell and writhe in pain. I was totally grossed out when he pulled out the fork and with it went out his eye ball. I gaped and gasped in a horrifying shiver, having seen the human eye for the first time, and shocked at how large it could be. I startled when I saw him still coming up at me. I ran in attempt to get into Mr Dise's room where I'd probably find safety but it was locked. I turned, and he was still coming at me in fury. I switched off the torch crawled quickly behind the bookshelf where I peeped circumspectly into the dark.
Like a little benign twiddle all these began, but rapidly unfolded its manifold dimensions. All I could hear was my shuddering breath, stampeding themselves to and fro my nostrils, as I kept loosing blood. I hid there, hoping for a miracle, or until I'd probably pass out. The lightening kept flashing and flickering into the house, reflecting on the semblance of my bother's shoe still worn to his left leg at the other side of the living room covered in blood. I was ravaged with fear, such which got me numb. I couldn't stop myself from thinking of how I'd survive this moment, when the other boys had all been probably dead by now, and if actually what I saw was my bother's leg, then he'd definitely be dead too, and if my brother should die, then what good was I? I wish we had never decided to stay back. The whole fun we had had just turned a full twist in just a blink. This was life hitting me with clubs at my tender prime. I wished I could just blink and find myself at home.
Just when I thought I was safe there, he found me by the flicker of the lightening and charged towards me. I pulled down the bookshelf which fell on him causing a splosh from his skull. I quickly made my way to the kitchen where I locked and bolted myself in, panting and shuddering. I switched on my torch and turned to behold what made my blood run cold. There sat Ejiro in a pool of his blood from his belly which was cut open, and his intestines sticking outside. He was gasping, and slowly passing out. I screamed in a retched and passed out.
None of the rest survived the night that rained, except my brother. His survival was a miracle. We now live with the scars as a constant reminder of the dreadful night that rained. We both owe our lives to Mr Dise who had returned and broke in to the kitchen to our rescue. Medical reports had it that we were all drugged by the spaghetti we ate, and investigations had it that the spice that was given to Ejiro to add to the spaghetti was a synthetic cannabinoid branded as "spice", which Mr Gius carelessly left in his kitchen. He was prosecuted for being in possession of such harmful material, thus resulting in the horrible night where the school lost five graduating students in one night. The story of the night that rained lingered on in Trinity High School even after we'd graduated.
... Thank you for reading
The End.