I walked out of her room all dressed for school "good morning grandma kat good morning mom" I said" good morning my love" mom said"hope you didn't have those nightmares again" grandma asked"no grandma the rest of my night was calm,am off to school"I said slinging my bag over my shoulder

"Won't you have breakfast"mum asked me "no am fine" I said grabbing an apple from the table "bye grandma,bye mum" I said

I walked down the familiar pathway to school Ravenwood town highschool was just a few blocks away from my house as I walked down the path my mind wandered off to my terrible nightmares "something evil is lurking, they are here" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around to find the owner of the voice,I just met the sight of people going about they business, my eyes came in contact with a dog standing at the path leading into the small bush "Emma they are here"the dog said scaring the f**k out of me

Wait did that dog f***ing talk right now,I quickly started walking away "Emma you must be out of your mind animals don't talk right it's just my mind playing with me" I said to myself

I found myself at the gates of school and remembered I had big News to share with I gang

I couldn't contain my excitement as I walked into the familiar gates of Ravenwood town highschool eager to share the big news with my friends,I spotted them in the hallway beside their lockers

"Hey Emma how was your weekend" Ethan said taking my lips in his"fine, hey guys"I said pulling away to greet the rest"you don't look to well you had those nightmares again, didn't you?" Sarah asked looking concerned"yeah" I said "hope you alright" Carlos asked

"Yeah, yeah guys guess what!"Sarah exclaimed barely able to contain her excitement.

Sarah raised an eyebrow"what's got you so hyped up Emma" Sarah asked

Emma took a deep breath her eyes sparkling with excitement" I got a job at that new restaurant in town launching this evening, they were looking for a part-time wait staff,I applied on a whim and actually got hired

Ethan's eyes widened,"that's awesome Emma congratulations" he said

"Really Emma I got a job there too" Sarah said her eyes gleaming with delight "wowww really so we will be starting work together, can't wait"I said "congratulations girls" Ethan and Carlos said together

The bell rang signalling the beginning of classes,"common let's head to class we have an English test to write this morning"Carlos said

"Grandma am home from school" I said as I opened the front door, entering the house, grandma was seated in the front of the TV watching a cooking show"grandma you shouldn't seat too close to the television like that it's bad for your eyesight" I called out immediately I saw her

"Emma you are home, how was school today"grandma asked"school was splendid"

I said starting to walk towards my room

"Your lunch is in the kitchen counter" grandma called out.i entered my room and had a quick shower,I quickly dressed up in a pair of sightly ripped jeans and a black Tshirt,I stood in front of my floor length mirror trying to pack my hair in a pony tail, suddenly I saw bloody red eyes staring at me from the mirror "your soulll!" It screamed stretching out it's fangs from the mirror I quickly dodged as screams left my mouth,in a blink of an eye it disappeared.

Grandma quickly rushed in"are you alright" she asked concerned "grandma you won't believe what just happened a demon tried attacking me from my mirror" I said my breath ragged.

Grandma took a deep worried breath "you know this nightmares and attacks aren't ordinary I would have ignored it but I keep getting this signs" grandma said"what do you mean grandma"I asked greatly troubled with the thought of demons trying to attack me in the physical world "I feel negative energy a portal has been opened somewhere in town"grandma said looking lost.

"Grandma you are scaring the hell out of me" I said "go have your lunch"grandma said.

"Grandma came out from her room when I was done with eating with a box in her hand she took the seat beside,she opened the box and brought out a rosary with a silver crucifix on it"I got this on one of my many adventures it's known to protect against demons and creatures of the dark, demons don't like silver,wear this"grandma said putting the rosary on my neck "thanks grandma I needed this a long time ago, what kind of adventures did you go on anyways you never mentioned them to me" I said "you will be late on your first day of work"grandma said as the doorbell rang,Sarah came in" good evening grandma kat" she greeted as she walked in "oh Sarah how are you"grandma said"am fine, how are you doing" Sarah asked "am fine I still marvel at how really beautiful you have become" grandma said smiling "oh grandma it came with a little price" Sarah said laughing "common let's get going"I said

"Are the boys coming to the restaurants launch" I asked as we sat on the bus heading to the middle of town "no they said something about working on something that they won't be chanced to come"Sarah said "I wonder what that is that's keeping them from coming to have free food"I said "they didn't say according to Carlos it's they little secret" Sarah said.

So many people turned up for the restaurants open that eventually food didn't get to everybody,me and Sara didn't even get to tryout the meals,I had gone out the back to trash something "when I bumped into the restaurant owner,chef rufecil I still found the name weird"watch were you are going young lady"he said and ours eyes locked for the first time it sent chills down my eyes I could swear his eyes was a different color just now, and strange his face seemed familiar like I him from somewhere but I couldn't recall where "have we met before"he asked me "no sir am not sure"I said hurrying back inside the restaurant,Sarah was already done with the dishes and ready to go.

I arrived home at past 9 pm mom and grandma were at the living room watching TV "good evening mum, good evening gran gran"I said walking towards my room stressed out "how was work today" mum asked "so stressful but so many people turned out today"I said.

After a quick shower and change I went down to have my dinner,I was so tired that I didn't stay back to to continue watching TV I quickly went to my room.

I could swear I saw a headless dog outside my window as I shut my blinds and curtains, tired I waved it away and went to sleep.

I stood outside the restaurant,my heart pounding in my chest the neon sign which had THE INFERNO written on it flickered above her, casting an eerie glow on the street I took a deep breath steeling myself for what laid ahead

As I pushed open the heavy wooden door,a wave of darkness washed over her the air was thick with an other worldly presence and the smell of sulfur lingered in my nostrils my hands trembled but I pressed on

Inside the restaurant was transformed.the once bustling space was now deserted tables overturned and chairs scattered,the walls adorned with ancient symbols, glowing ominously in the dim light Emma knew she had stumbled upon something dangerous

Whispers echoed through the room, growing louder,with each step she took shadows danced along the walls,their forms shifting and contorting.

Emmas heart races as she realized she was not alone

A demon lunger at her from nowhere,she dodged the attack,her movements thick and agile,she dodged the attack again with speed she felt a surge of power within her,a strength she never knew she possessed

The demons multiplied relentless, they taunted her their voices filled with malice

They all lunged at her at the same time Emma gave in to fear but surprisingly nothing happened,she opened her eyes in fear only to see them dissipate into a cloud of smoke she noticed a dim glow from under her Tshirt and realized it was the silver crucifix,she felt relived and grateful that she had it on she brought it out from under her Tshirt,her breaths came out in ragged gasps her body trembling in fear she found herself in her room again,THE INFERNO IS THE PORTAL a voice in her head said.

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