
Chapter:2, 10 years of madness

In the vibrant city of Shanghai, Li Wei and Zhang Hao continued their daily routines, but their minds were consumed by thoughts of the cultivation world. Their shared madness grew stronger with each passing day, fueling their desire to experience the extraordinary firsthand. They knew that their journey would be filled with challenges, but their determination remained unwavering.

One evening, as they sat in Li Wei's cluttered apartment, surrounded by stacks of books and intricate engineering designs, a surge of madness overcame them. "We cannot wait any longer," Li Wei declared, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and recklessness. "We must find a way to enter the cultivation world."

Zhang Hao nodded eagerly, his artistic spirit resonating with Li Wei's fervor. "I agree. Let's delve deeper into our research and uncover the hidden secrets that will unlock the path to the cultivation world."

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as the two friends immersed themselves in their pursuit. They scoured ancient texts, consulted obscure manuscripts, and even sought the guidance of wise hermits rumored to possess knowledge of the cultivation realm. However, to their dismay, they discovered that the cultivation world was a realm beyond their reach on Earth. There were no records or teachings of cultivation techniques, and the Earth lacked the energy of qi or any supernatural power.

Undeterred by the limitations of their earthly existence, Li Wei and Zhang Hao embraced the madness within them. They made a pact, a solemn agreement to dedicate the next ten years of their lives to the pursuit of cultivation. Together, they would gather the necessary resources, learn from their own experiences, and prepare for the ultimate leap into the unknown.

The first year was a whirlwind of experimentation. Li Wei and Zhang Hao delved into their own minds, exploring the depths of their consciousness. They believed that madness held the key to unlocking hidden potential. They subjected themselves to extreme sensory deprivation, pushing their minds to the brink of insanity. In the darkness of their isolation chambers, they experienced hallucinations and vivid visions, their minds expanding and breaking free from the constraints of reality.

In the second year, Li Wei and Zhang Hao ventured into the realm of self-inflicted pain. They believed that pain was a catalyst for growth, a means to tap into their latent abilities. They devised intricate devices that delivered controlled electric shocks to their bodies, pushing the boundaries of their endurance. The pain ignited their senses, sharpening their focus and heightening their perception. They laughed maniacally through the pain, embracing the madness that coursed through their veins.

As the third year dawned, Li Wei and Zhang Hao delved into the study of ancient rituals. They believed that rituals held the power to transcend the limitations of the physical world. They scoured ancient texts and obscure manuscripts, piecing together fragments of forgotten ceremonies. They constructed elaborate altars and conducted bizarre rituals, sacrificing animals and channeling the energy of electricity. The crackling of electricity filled the air as they danced in a frenzied state, their bodies pulsating with raw energy.

The fourth year brought trials and tribulations. Li Wei and Zhang Hao faced the harsh reality that their path was a lonely one. They were isolated from the guidance of masters or guides, left to navigate the treacherous terrain of cultivation on their own. They encountered numerous setbacks and failures, but their madness fueled their determination. They were willing to do anything, to sacrifice anything, to achieve their goal.

In the fifth year, Li Wei and Zhang Hao delved into the study of anatomy and physiology. They believed that understanding the human body on a deep level would unlock the secrets of cultivation. They dissected cadavers, studying the intricate network of nerves and organs. They experimented on themselves, manipulating their own bodies with surgical precision. They implanted devices that delivered controlled electric shocks to specific nerve clusters, attempting to stimulate the flow of energy within their bodies.

As the sixth year unfolded, Li Wei and Zhang Hao embarked on a journey of self-destruction. They believed that by pushing themselves to the brink of death, they would be reborn with newfound power. They engaged in extreme fasting, depriving themselves of food and water for days on end. They subjected themselves to extreme temperatures, enduring scorching heat and freezing cold. They laughed hysterically as their bodies withered and their minds teetered on the edge of madness.

The seventh year brought the realization that their journey was not just about personal growth but also about the greater good. Li Wei and Zhang Hao felt a deep sense of responsibility to share their knowledge and gifts with others. However, as their madness consumed them, they became possessive of their newfound power. They believed that the cultivation world was a realm that should be kept secret, known only to those who had the strength and madness to seek it. They decided to keep their knowledge to themselves, fearing that it would be misused or fall into the wrong hands.

In the eighth year, Li Wei and Zhang Hao faced their greatest test yet. They encountered adversaries who sought to undermine their progress and steal their knowledge. The battles were fierce, each clash a symphony of madness and skill. Li Wei's engineering creations proved invaluable, providing strategic advantages in combat, while Zhang Hao's artistic flair added an unpredictable element to their fighting style. They emerged victorious, their resolve strengthened, and their madness burning brighter than ever.

In the ninth year, as the end of their ten-year agreement approached, Li Wei and Zhang Hao found themselves on the verge of achieving their goal. They had pushed the boundaries of their minds and bodies, delving into the depths of madness to unlock their hidden potential. However, as they looked back on their journey, they realized that their pursuit of power had come at a great cost. They had sacrificed their own sanity, their relationships, and even the lives of others in their relentless pursuit.

As the final year unfolded, Li Wei and Zhang Hao decided to recall all the memories they had accumulated throughout their lives. They wanted to understand how their madness had shaped them, to reflect on the choices they had made, and to confront the consequences of their actions. They delved into the depths of their minds, reliving each moment, from their childhood to the present.

Li Wei recalled the memories of his childhood, growing up in a small village on the outskirts of Shanghai. He remembered the joy of tinkering with gadgets and machines, his mind always buzzing with ideas. His parents, although bewildered by his eccentricities, had always supported his endeavors. They had encouraged his curiosity, nurturing the seed of madness that would later drive him to the cultivation world.

Zhang Hao delved into the memories of his artistic journey, from his first stroke of a paintbrush to his early successes as a renowned painter. He remembered the pride in his parents' eyes as they witnessed his artistic talents unfold. They had nurtured his creativity, understanding the madness that fueled his artistic spirit.

As they recalled their memories, Li Wei and Zhang Hao realized the impact their pursuit of power had on their families. They had become consumed by their own madness, neglecting the relationships that had once brought them joy and stability. They felt a pang of regret for the sacrifices they had made, the lives they had taken, and the knowledge they had withheld.

As the day of their final leap into the unknown approached, Li