Seeing a Sex Therapist

Diane went to see a certified sex therapist, counsellor and psychologist a few days later and she made sure an NDA was signed before her section began.

The doctor asked a series of questions and finally got her to recount all her sexual challenges in her marriage.

After listening for a while, she asked, "Did you have sex before your marriage to your husband?"

"No," Diane shook her head.

"But you have done other things, right?" The therapist inquired and when Diane nodded to that, she asked, "Since penetration is the problem here, has a finger or two gone down there before?"

"Yes," Diane admitted, meeting the doctor's curious gaze head-on.

The doctor noted something on her iPad before asking, "Have you tried inserting your fingers there or tried using sex toys after discovering this issue?"

Diane shook her head. She has never done any of those things. She never for once even had that idea.