Honeymoon VI

Christian took Diane to the mini store near their location to shop for beachwear.

As the male section differed from the female section, he didn't have the chance to watch her try the few pieces she picked. Only when they returned to their apartment and were ready to leave for the beach did he see what she chose. He was dumbfounded.

"No...no...no...no..." He shook his head as soon as he recovered and said with determination, "You are not wearing that thing outside this room."

Diane glanced at her bikini and lifted her head. "Why? What's wrong? Every woman dresses this way to the beach?"

"You are not everyone," Christian said to her as he eyed her outfit. It showed a lot of skin even though she was putting on a net dress over it.

He could already imagine what it would be like on her by the time she took off the dress and exposed the bikini outfit. He didn't even want to think about it.