Yokohama vs Zama High (1)

"It's heads. Decision goes to Zama High."

The muscular figure of Makoto was on the field, flanked by the umpire and another player dressed in the Purple Zama High uniform.

"We'll field first." The Zama High player said with a smile, his eyes subconsciously moving to their tall pitcher Hiroshi.

"Bring it on."

Makoto offered his hand, only to be ignored by the opposing captain.

The umpire frowned, however he said nothing. Inwardly he was displeased with the lack of respect from the Zama High captain.

Yet Makoto didn't seem too upset and made his way back to the dugout. He had expected this much from their opponent in this game, especially since they'd knocked them out in the previous years tournament.

"Let's give em' hell." Makoto announced with a grin.


The players shouted out, feeling their blood pumping in response.