Before the Game (2)

A hint of recognition flashed in Ken's eyes before he was forced to continue his walk through the gate.

"Did you know that guy?" The same immature voice asked him.


The two were silent for a few moments before the shorter one announced.

"Ah man this is so boring. Why are we even here?"

The tall youth named Kei let out a sigh before rubbing his glabella in exasperation. He had wanted to bring his friend to a professional game, hoping to spark some inspiration.

He turned to his friend and assessed him.

Tatsuo Shiraki, the genius short stop and lead off batter from Shinjuku High. He had messy brown hair and dull green eyes, he could be called handsome if it wasn't for the perpetually bored expression on his face.

He was average height and had an average build, yet he was a speed demon and baseball genius.

'If only he took it seriously…' Kei sighed inwardly.
