Final Match (1)

The final match of Koshien was underway with thousands packing the home stadium of the Hanshin Tigers. Many of the professional players had also arrived to watch the game, looking out for any new talents.

In many cases, Koshien was viewed with more fervor than the NPB. Though none of the professional players thought it was odd, as many of them had played in this very tournament before making their big break.

Koshien could be compared to March Madness in the United States, or more like the College World series despite it only consisting of High School students.

This was an indication of just how popular this tournament was for the people of Japan.

The siren sounded to begin the game with Koryu batting first. There were a few people who were surprised to see the new face on the mound, however most in attendance had seen all the news articles and reports from the days prior.