Operations (1)

Ken returned to the table a little while later, carrying the two drinks. Doing his best to remain nonchalant, he placed the drink in front of his Grandfather and walked back over to his chair.

Mark was animatedly talking with Chris about the state of baseball in the country, something that he was obviously passionate about.

Yet because he was talking so much, he began to have a coughing fit once more. The painful expression on his face was almost too much to bear for Chris who stood up in concern.

However, Mark quickly waved him off.

"Dad, have a drink." Santiago said, grabbing the glass of soda and presenting it to him.

Ken was on the edge of his seat in that moment, waiting for his Grandfather to drink his diet coke.

Mark did as he was told, taking up the offered beverage and quickly downing the whole thing. Only after a few moments did he sit back and let out a small sigh.