True Bro (2)

Ken decided not to pitch that afternoon, mainly because he didn't want to cause anymore tension between Daichi and his teammates. He also had not packed cleats and didn't want to risk injuring himself while pitching.

The training session ended and the two retreated to Daichi's apartment where Ken would be staying the night. It was a rather simple place and the house was pretty empty, a typical bachelor pad.

There were signs that a woman had been present, mainly because of all the hair products in the bathroom, but other than that, it was largely untouched.

The two ordered takeout and sat down in the lounge room, popping the TV on. Like most men who got their own place, there was a large TV, with the sole purpose of watching sports.

Daichi put a game on, the Chiba Cougars against Hiroshima Koi.