Beat up the bad guy

"Kid! Is hiding behind women the only thing you know?" Ryan asked in a deep voice.

"Heh... What do you want?" Adam replied calmly.

"Kneel down now, beg me, and promise never to appear in front of Nicole again, and I might consider letting you off," Ryan said.

"Heh... And why should I? Just because of those two useless guys behind you?" Adam sneered, looking contemptuously at Ryan.

"You're asking for it, punk!" Ryan exclaimed angrily.

"Want my life? You can try," Adam said disdainfully.

"Damn it! You two, attack him already! If I die, I'll hold you responsible!" Ryan roared at his two bodyguards behind him, but they remained motionless for a long time.

"Haven't you two heard me? Attack!" Ryan shouted again, but the two bodyguards still stood in place, their eyes vacant as if they had lost their souls.

"Heh... Looks like you're a failure too. Can't even control your own lackeys. I'll give you a chance too, kneel down and beg me, and I might consider letting you off," Adam said, walking towards Ryan.

"You're dead! I'll kill you!" Ryan roared and lunged at Adam.

"Grab him!" Adam ordered coldly, and the two bodyguards who were just standing still swiftly moved. One grabbed Ryan's arm and held him in place.


Adam slapped Ryan hard across the face, stunning him.

"Ah! How dare you hit me! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! You two scumbags, let go of me! I'll make sure my father kills Adam!"


"Damn it, still talking!" Adam cursed.


"Stop showing off!"


"You want to kill me? Believe me, I'll kill you first!"

"Smack, smack, smack..."

Adam kept cursing and hitting, a series of slaps landing on Ryan's face. Before long, Ryan's face was bruised and swollen, resembling an ugly pig's head.

Suddenly, Adam felt dizzy, his body swaying dangerously close to falling to the ground. He had to stop and simultaneously released control over the two bodyguards, giving each of them a psychic puncture.

"Thud, thud"

The two bodyguards fell to the ground unconscious, and Ryan collapsed as well.

"I didn't expect using psychic control to be so draining. I'll have to be more careful in the future. Looks like I need to find a way to enhance my psychic power soon, or dealing with multiple people will become difficult," Adam thought to himself.

"Adam, are you okay?" Nicole asked, reaching out to support Adam, her voice filled with concern.

"I-I'm fine," Adam replied absentmindedly, feeling the softness of Nicole's embrace and the fragrance she emitted. Unconsciously, he leaned back into it.

"If you're fine, then get up," Nicole said shyly.

"Oh, right!" Adam said reluctantly, leaving Nicole's embrace with reluctance.

Watching the intimate scene between the two, Ryan lying on the ground was filled with hatred. He quickly lowered his head, not daring to let Adam see.

"What about him?" Nicole asked, looking at Ryan lying on the ground.

"Leave him here! Someone will take care of him," Adam said.

"Okay then! Since you dealt with Ryan, be more careful in the future. If there's anything you can't handle, remember to call me," Nicole said.

"Alright! I'll remember," Adam said.

"I'll leave now," Nicole said.

"Okay! Goodbye!" Adam said.

"Goodbye!" Nicole replied, turning and walking away.

Watching Nicole's disappearing figure, Adam ignored Ryan and walked towards the dormitory. He could feel a pair of hateful eyes behind him, but he paid no attention to it.

"Heh... You better not mess with me, or else..." Adam smirked inwardly. After Adam left, a post titled "School Belle Nicole's Mysterious Boyfriend Appears, Beats Up Bully Ryan" quickly became the top post on the school forum and soon spread throughout the campus.

In front of the boys' dormitory room, Adam pushed open the door and walked in.

"Guys! I'm back!" Adam exclaimed.

The three guys in the dormitory were gathered around the computer. They all turned their heads at the sound of Adam's voice, looking at him with strange expressions.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? It's only been a few days, do you not recognize me anymore?" Adam asked curiously.

"Third brother! You're back! Tell us, how did you manage to win over Nicole? Teach us, our happiness in the future depends on you," Owen, the fourth guy, said enthusiastically.

"Fourth brother, what are you talking about? When did I win over Nicole? I have no idea," Adam asked in confusion.

"Ahem... Well, you see, I just met Nicole today too, we're just friends," Adam said awkwardly.

"Who are you trying to fool? Look, it's all over the school now, even your photos! Don't tell me that's not you," Owen pointed at the photos on the computer.

Approaching, Adam indeed saw pictures of himself and Nicole, including the intimate one where he was collapsed in her arms due to psychic exhaustion.

Knowing that trying to explain now would only make things messier, Adam decided to stay silent. In fact, he didn't mind this misunderstanding at all; in his heart, he was even somewhat pleased.

"Forget it, I can't explain it clearly for now. I'll tell you guys when I have the time!" Adam said.

"Third brother, we may not care about other things, but since you dealt with Ryan, be more careful in the future. If anything happens, remember to tell us. Our brothers don't bully others, but if others try to bully us, it won't end well for them," Oscar, the eldest, said.

"That's right, third brother. Although I may not have much power here, if Ryan dares to trouble you, just let me know. I'll help you deal with him," Owen said.

"Heh... Don't underestimate our third brother. I've noticed quite a change in him since he came back this time. I know those two bodyguards of Ryan's, they're ex-special forces, skilled fighters. Yet, they couldn't do anything to our third brother. So, you two don't need to worry about his safety," Miles, the second guy, said, a glint of wisdom in his eyes.

Adam was surprised to hear this at first, but then he relaxed. He believed Miles couldn't possibly know about his awakened abilities.

Oscar and Owen, upon hearing this, looked at Adam with curiosity. Miles was usually the brains of the dormitory, so if he said something like this, it meant Adam must have gone through some changes they weren't aware of.

"Well! There's definitely something different, seems like you've become more handsome, but still not as handsome as me," Owen said earnestly.

"Regardless, it's still better to be cautious. You know, for people like us, even a group of special forces might not be enough," Oscar said cryptically.

Miles remained silent at this, clearly not willing to elaborate further on the matter.

Meanwhile, Owen seemed lost in thought, suggesting he had some guesses in his mind.

Only Adam felt a bit puzzled, but he didn't ask because everyone had their secrets, including himself. For instance, he wouldn't reveal his status as a person with abilities.

He wasn't sure if there were other people with abilities besides himself, and he didn't want to be seen as an anomaly or become a research subject.

But unable to resist his curiosity, he used mental probing on Oscar and Miles to see if there were any differences. He found a faint energy flow within both of them, with Miles' energy slightly stronger than Oscar's.

"Weird, is there really internal energy? Are our eldest and second brother martial arts masters?" Adam wondered internally.

"Alright, let's not talk about this for now. It's been a long time since we gathered. Now that our third brother is back, I'll treat you guys today. Let's have a good drink," Oscar said.

"Heh... Drinking is fine, but this time it's on me. You guys always treated me before, so this time, don't argue with me," Adam said, temporarily suppressing his doubts.

"Haha... Alright! It's rare for our third brother to be so generous. Today, we must have a good meal," Owen said.

"No problem! You guys pick the place," Adam said.

"How about we go now? We don't have classes this afternoon anyway," Owen suggested.

"Sure, let's go now!" Adam agreed.