Chapter 142. Planning for the Future

Rachel was curled up in the chair, absorbed in the musical notes running through her, and her headphones were securely in place. After two happy days of relishing in Harper's full attention, Rachel suddenly went into her focused, serious mode.


Harper's gaze is captivated, watching intently as Rachel's hand moved across the notebook, scribbling down ideas and impressions while she listened deeply. The way Rachel's brows would furrow in deep concentration, the slight twitch of her lips as she mumbled the lyrics under her breath - Harper could have watched this lovely sight for the rest of her life.


Rachel's fingers moved nimbly, creating harmonies and beats; her gentle, melodic murmurs exited her lips as she sung along; it was a symphony that captured Harper's senses. This is the Rachel that Harper cherished, the one who's truly in her element, immersed in the creative process that fueled her passion.