Following their skirmish with the mage order, Arlo and his companions chose to recuperate amidst the forest. The ominous growl of a nearby creature kept them all on high alert.
As the sun began to surrender to the night, they sparked a fire. Its warm glow became a beacon for them, warding off the relentless mosquitoes. All huddled around it, except for Dustin, who had retreated into the sanctuary of a tent.
Dustin had an eccentric routine of retiring at 9 o'clock, regardless of their whereabouts - be it the eerie depths of a dungeon or the familiar confines of the real world.
Arlo, lost in the dance of the flames, pondered,
'Once this night passes, it will mark two days. I can't help but question, why am I here? No one has any clue about the Yedlin clan or the quests required to conquer the dungeon. It feels like we're all aimlessly wandering, hoping to stumble upon a solution.'