Ch.00 Prologue

On a stormy night, the earth whispered tales of a prolonged war, where countless soldiers had met their demise. The soil, drenched in the blood of the innocent, bore witness to the conflict's brutality. Rain poured down as if the heavens themselves mourned, and amidst the chaos, forest burned fiercely. Amidst this dire scene, a lady knight, her golden hair gleaming even in the dim light, confronted the demon queen. The queen, with her flowing red locks and eyes like smoldering embers, struggled for breath, her body marred by wounds, propped against a stone.

The knight's gaze, heavy with loss and sorrow, met the queen's. Her voice, though laced with pain, was unyielding as she spoke,

"The war concludes here. Many have perished—your followers and mine. I cast no blame upon you, nor do I sit in judgment of your actions. Yet, if peace is to be restored, it must come with the fall of one side." She hesitated, then lifted her sword for the final act. "What are your last wishes?"

"Heh..." The queen's laughter was a rasping echo, tinged with disbelief. "Human, your words are far from heroic." Gasping for air, she continued,

"My last wish... Haa... Spare my kin. They were but pawns, blindly obeying my command. It was I who ignited this war..." She paused, struggling for breath, "But alas, you too are shackled by duty."

The queen's words reached the knight, a stark reminder of her own constraints.

"To fall by your hand would be an honor," the queen murmured, a faint smile gracing her lips as she closed her eyes.

Approaching the queen, the knight sensed a presence behind her. Whirling around, she saw a boy with white hair and eyes as crimson as the queen's, brandishing a stick in a rush of attack.

As the knight sidestepped, the boy stumbled, his legs betraying him in the slick mud. Confusion clouded the knight's eyes.

"Don't you dare harm her," the boy snarled, his anger palpable as he readied himself once more.

The queen's eyes snapped open at the sound of his voice, her expression one of worry for the first time in the war.

"Shirou! Why are you here? I told you to flee, to find a village for shelter," she implored, her voice laced with concern.

"I won't leave you," Shirou declared, his resolve unwavering. "I promised to protect you, and I will." With that, he lunged at the knight once more.

The knight deftly avoided his assault, and with a swift motion, she sliced his stick in two.

"Why would a human child defend a demon, one who has laid waste to villages and lives?" the knight inquired, perplexed.

"He may be a demon to others, but to me, she is my savior, the one who cared for me when all others turned away. She is my mother, and I will not let you lay a finger on her," Shirou stated, his voice firm yet cautious.

"Enough," the queen interjected, her command silencing them both. She gestured to the knight, seeking a moment's reprieve, which was granted. Turning to Shirou, she beckoned, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Shirou approached, and the queen embraced him with all the life force she had left. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered in his ear, "Shirou, always remember my love for you. I regret that I can't be there to watch over you any longer, but don't be afraid or weep. My spirit will always be with you." Casting a gentle spell, she lulled Shirou into slumber, then laid him gently on the ground. She turned to the knight, a bittersweet smile on her face, and pleaded,

"This child, could you please take care of him?" The queen's voice softened as she stroked Shirou's hair, her touch gentle amidst the chaos. "It was my folly that led my kin to this fate. I realized the error of my ways when I met this boy. That's what I've done, and all..."

She trailed off, her gaze shifting to the knight, who stood in silent confusion, absorbing the queen's words. "He... When I laid siege to a village, amidst the flames and cries for mercy, this child looked at me. His eyes, mirroring yours, knight, held no fear, only profound sorrow and emptiness."

"Perhaps it's too much to ask, but could you care for him as your own? It would grant me a measure of peace," she implored the knight.

"Do not fret. I shall watch over him, and you may find peace," the knight assured her. With a swift, merciful stroke, she ended the demon queen's suffering and cradled the slumbering boy in her arms, signaling the war's end.

"Sarah, are you alright? You did it! The war is won, thanks to you, Sarah! ...Sarah?" A white-haired elf girl approached the hero,

concern etched on her face as she noticed a solitary tear on Sarah's cheek.