281. Fleshborer Worms

"I've never seen a tree this big in this city," the alchemist in the group remarked, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the colossal tree.

"Yeah, it probably crawled out from the Abyss," replied Lian Fu, a man armed with a spear. "We're lucky Abyss trees this big don't develop sentience. If they did, it'd be a nightmare."

Charla, the alchemist, turned to Lian Fu with a sweet smile. "I'm Charla. What's your name?"

"Lian Fu," he replied, matching her smile.

Fake Curiosity twinkled in Charla's eyes. "What would happen if this tree were sentient?" Charla already know about it, but she just wanted to talk something.

Lian Fu chuckled nervously. "Probably sleep most of the time to preserve energy. With its size, we'd be like insects to it—barely worth its notice."

"Let's hope this one stays non-sentient," Charla said with a slight laugh.