
So what is your goal asked Michael while the were walking home goal as in after school Asked Alfonso.

No actually replied Michael as in what place do you wanna take in school I wanna be number one the strongest said Michael with a smile.

Does it have any benefits or is it just there to grade the person asked Alfonso actually yeah you will get better resources the higher you are better future opportunities and overall a better future.

Is that why you want to be number one asked Alfonso Michael smiled at that and said will that is one of the reasons another reason is that I what to get stronger and to get to number one you got to beat the strongest in class in a fair duel.

I already know that said Alfonso yeah I know just wanted to make things clear replied Michael so what is your goal?

Alfonso smiled and said if that is the case I wanna be number one to I still owe you for beating me twice.

Oh is that a challenge alright then replied Michael I will be looking forward to that.

Anyway said Alfonso what was with the lightning how can you have two elemental abilities that's Because I don't replied Michael my ability is elemental control.

Wait so your saying you have more shock clearly visible on Alfonso's face.

No I can only use wind and lightning and you saw how I can only use lightning with my fingers replied Michael.

Oh okay here I thought for a sconed I was not a challenge said Alfonso.

They finally said there goodbyes and split from each other if I wana be number one I need to be way stronger so I will start meditation when I go home and when in school I will do physical training thought Alfonso.

Alfonso finally reached home and thought that today was not as bad as he thought would be in fact he would even say it was pretty good thinking this a small smile was on his face with a deep breath he opened the door.