
6 months went by just like that.

Mr Smith was at the duelling hall and started talking to the class now that you got to somewhat learned how to use your internal energy and ability you will now do the experience part as training your ability and using it in real Situation are two different yet connected at the same time you will understand when you start fighting.

Mr Smith paused for a second then Continued now Who will participate?

The class seemed nervous then two people stepped forward a black haired boy with brown eyes and a calm expression and a red haired boy with blue eyes and face Filled with excitement on his pretty face.

Luke you do realise your ability is nothing against mine said the red head you can never know a result of a fight nolan said luke as both of them were now on the circular arena and Mr Smith yelled start.

Some stones flew around luke and they started flying Towards nolan at high speeds telekinesis though Alfonso as he was paying attention as he knew he might fight them in the future.

Nolan only smiled at lukes attack and flames started manifest around him and it repeals the stones then nolan startes throwing fire at luke but keeps his distance but nolan keeps his smile and sprint toward luke using the flames as boosters.

Than he reaches luke in the blink of an eye luke having a face Filled with shock not wasting a sconed nolan grabbed luke by the face and gave him relentless fire attacks from his hand then one minute later he let go and luke was unconscious hmm thought Alfonso while he expected luke to be worst yet expect that he is unconscious he looks fine.

It's because people with abilities are way more resilient than normal humans said Michael standing right next to him who can tell his confusion.

Luke was taken of the ring and nolan went back to the crowd next shouted Mr Smith

Then after a silence a cute girl of short blue hair and blue eyes with a confident smile went to the ring no one else went for a few seconds then Michael was like you should go there man.

Why? replied Alfonso because that's Emily man she has a wolf transforming ability and she is pretty strong not as me though of course said Michael with a smirk.

Alfonso Considered it then said is the abilitys name self explanatory Michael noded what are my chances Michael replied Honestly I would say 50 50 though that's my estimate so it could be wrong.

I like those chances said Alfonso with a smile all right I will go good luck man said Michael while tapping Alfonso's back when he was going.

Alfonso stepped to the ring of the duel the class was Surprised that someone weak as him went there facing Emily of all people Mr Smith had interest to this as he didn't understand why someone as quite and normal as Alfonso would challenge her and Emily didn't know who he was so she started speaking.

Who are you I am Alfonso nice to met you said Alfonso in a polite tone and smile she was taken back a bit she was not use to that polite tone so she said I am Emily nice to meet you in an ancomfortable tone then Alfonso smiled at the clear awkwardness in her tone.

Mr Smith yelled enough chatting ready start.