"I've been many things before now, and they've never come easy to me. I've been a child, a god, a person of substance, a boy stumbling through life. I've been a shadow, a wraith. This is just another phase in my life. And I plan to excel with flying colours," Fred's hands shook, but his gaze was resolute.
It was the look of a man who'd come to terms with his mortality.
"This time, you're not alone," Saphrana moved closer to him, and he could feel her body heat, sending waves of oxytocin through his body. Their bodies were connected and the elated washed over him.
"I know, you're here," he held her close, no words were needed between them. She'd been by his side for a while and was the perfect secretary. She did more than he asked her to and asked for nothing more than he gave in return.
She didn't push him to tell her things he wasn't comfortable with, which was another thing he appreciated.