
Thump, thump. There was a knock on the wooden door. Valecta had just gotten out of the bath and was busy drying her hair as she heard the knock. "Who could it be and at this hour?", she muttered to herself.*thump, thump*, the knocking repeated. "Coming!!", Valecta yelled out while increasing her pace as she approached the door.

The heavy door creaked as it opened. A young woman who Valecta had never seen in the peasantry village she lived in.She was panting as if she had ran all the way down a hill at her fastest speed, she huffed as she placed her hands on her knees bending her body from the tiredness. "Yes..?", Valecta asked with a confused expression as to why this stranger had been knocking on her door so loudly. The girl spoke, panting in between her words, "T-they... Burned.. Ha.. The village!".

Valecta, still confused for what she was talking about asked -"U-um i still don't understand..". The young woman yelled once again huffing "Your mother's village..they burnt it..!".Valecta's body froze up as she heard the news. Unsure of the fact she was hesitant but couldn't take the chance. She walked slow and then paced herself towards the village her mother lived in, the Dashkha village.

The Dashkha village wasn't very far from the village Valecta lived in. These villages were located on the outskirts of the main ruins. Geftaq was one of the four kingdoms ruled by the king who lived in Verta. There is a tale about Geftaq every child born in the place is told. "The ruins held the greatest of the dragons who flee. They abandoned the place for their magic was the strongest and mortals are fragile. They couldn't breath the same air as the Dragons and by their mercy we live today". But humans turned out to be ungrateful. They occupied the land claimed it as their own, abandoned the dragon and the gods and broke their monuments turning the kingdom into ruins.

Dragons are nowhere to be found till this day. No one has seen a dragon since the existence of the sixth balance keeper.

*Huff*. She ran as her heart beat increased ever so fast, enough to make her feel nauseous. The sound of snow crumbling beneath her feet and the hollow sound in the empty forest made her feel all the more tense and anxious.

As she took one step closer towards her home her anxiety rose second by second.

*Dear lord of the sword grand me my wish.... *

Mumbling beneath her huffing breath.

She paused.Her legs felt weak as she saw the mortifying scene of her adoptive mother and six years old brother tied to a cross, burnt.

The whole village was burnt, except a single house. "The house of the informant". She thought to herself.The only thing that had convinced her that the ashes were of her relation's was their head still unburnt but severed.

When her legs regained enough energy for her to stand, she ran towards their ashes, held it in her hands as they seeped through her fingers and wailed.

The sound of her wailing echoed in the entire northern forest.

After bawling her eyes out and the sadness had turned into anger, the girl started digging so that her family may find their place in the ground. Though not blood linked the family she had was all that she had. After she buried the deceased, she found time to sort her thoughts as she sat on the ground which once held what is now a burnt home.

"What could've happened?", "What did happen?",before she could think more on the topic the crunching of the snow broke her attention and she lifted her head to see the woman who she had now assumed to be the informant. "YOU".She sounded enraged. Even a street dog would've been able to make out the change in Valecta's eyes."The-they changed!!" ,the lady exclaimed .

Valecta was unaware of her mind and senses."How dare you..",she got up. "How dare you betray my family who treated you with utmost kindness..",gritting her teeth to restrain herself from yelling at her highest pitch.

"W-what?!".The lady was terrified as if she was in front of a demon approaching her with it's highest speed as she stood by a cliff."Tell me the truth lady did you tell the Abigail guards about my mother?".

 "But s-she tol-", "Did you or did you not".".....yes".

And those were the last words her three year old son had ever heard coming out of her mouth.

Standing and peeking ,hiding to avoid her mother's scoldings the boy watched what he had not intended to.

Valecta's hand moved without her consent .Barehanded her hand dug itself through the lady's chest .THE BOY SCREAMED . A weak boy of three , his screams didn't help Valecta neither did they interrupt her trance.The boy ran into the wilderness and Valecta couldn't have cared less.

Valecta gained her senses after the body had touched the white snow and stained it with it's redness.She was shocked,she wasn't a murderer to begin with but what she had done shocked no one more than herself.

"NO GUILT,NO SHAME" , "W-what..",she mumbled to herself. "NO GUILT,NO SHAME'". Once again, "NO GUILT,NO SHAME". But this time Valecta couldn't handle the pressure and lost consciousness.