Forest spirit

Her eyelashes fluttered as she awoke herself grunting from the snow. "ugh...what just happened..?...what was that voice..?". Confused she awoke and looked around her to notice the dead, bloodied dead body laying next to her .She was startled, nothing more.She tired to ignore the body and started to set her thinking straight."what am i to do now..? whose roof will i stay warm under ..? is the street the only option..?begging throughout my life..? what about this injustice ..? is revenge the answer..?".She frowned in trepidation. As she had only slowly started to get out of her shaken state, a scream is heard .The little boy was in trouble.

''The neighbor lady wasn't a cunning woman so why would she do such a thing knowing it's consequence?was she threatened ? what i did....was it right? ...was it just? '',she thought to herself as she ran through the forest in search of the dead woman's three year old son.

After huffing and running after the black haired, pale skinned, chubby kid coming upto only 3 feet at most. "Hey there kid!!", she yelled as she reached out to grab the kid's back collar. The kid was frozen as if he had just seen a spirit."Where the hell did you intend to run to-", she paused as she huffed,panted with her hands on her knees and her head bent only to lift her head and see the thing that had made the child freeze.

A tall figure, beautifully colored eyes and dark,black fur on its body.A wolf, tall as nothing she had seen before ,it shouldn't be in this forest. This is not where it belonged but somehow it had travelled through the northernmost island and found its way to this shabby forest which no longer housed any animals.

Valecta instinctively grabbed the kid and pulled him towards herself and hid him behind her frame.The animal growled,raged but not to those in front of it .It was hurt,bleeding. Her cub peeking out.The most adorable thing it was .It's eyes shined like a shiny rainbow it stared at the strangers in front of it unaware of it's mother's state. Valecta's eyes filled with pity,she approached the animal shushing at it as it growled more. "shhh ,it's alright i'm not here to hurt you".

She got near the animal and moved her hand slowly to touch it's forehead."Shh, no one's gonna hurt you", she repeated in a soft voice.The animal flinched as Valecta's hand finally touched it's forehead.It no more growled and just stared into Valecta's eyes."hm?", Valecta thought to herself as her eyes changed color again and she felt a thump on her heart. "Ugh?!", she winced as she clenched the cloth on her chest.The little kid behind her tucked at her bottom trousers, tears filled in his eyes,he sniffled and trembled .Valecta picked him up and placed him comfortably in her arms patted his back at an attempt to calm him down, she was now starting to feel contrite about killing the woman, for the sake of the kid.

The child had grown tired as he fell asleep in her arms instantly.By looking at the state of the mother wolf she anticipated that the most it could live for was two days and before it was to end she would probably be hunted by some animal or otherwise humans.

The wolf couldn't walk so Valecta decided to wait out her death to take the cub so that he wouldn't die in this wilderness.The day had turned dark already and without realizing Valecta had fallen asleep.When her senses had awakened again she felt something on her body weighing her down.