The sacred hills

The search for any valuable item began.Everything that had not turned into ash was mostly of no use. Although a couple of silver coins from the little kid's savings were considered to be sufficient in the end.There was nothing to wear nor any water to freshen up with,the kid was hungry but at this point even Valecta couldn't hide her hunger.

A couple miles from the Dashkho village was a tavern that provided residence. Valecta walked the kid with zezu in his hands while she carried some of the necessities she had procured from the burnt village. "How long do we have to walk madam..", the child spoke being careful of his tone and in a soft and weak voice."It's not going to be any longer than how much you can walk,rest assured.",Valecta replied and just stared at the kid while taking bigger steps as the child struggled to catch on going on little runs in between his small steps."You have yet to tell me your name..",Valecta curiously asked.The child was hesitant as he clenched the club into his arms he replied,"B-Brit"." Brit..?",Valecta was confused as to why his name was so strange."Ye-yes madam..". "Stop calling me madam i'm no high born.Just a low born who lived in the city capital"."What shall i call you...?"."Val, call me Val".

Valecta and Brit with Zezu in his arms walked through the road, all looking haggard.They arrived at the tavern only after the sun had begin to rest.They let themselves in through the door.Stares had befallen them due to their appearances.A beggar with a malnourished child and pup who had become an extra mouth to feed they assumed as the tavern owner bought them food as they were searching for a place to sit themselves. Valecta wasn't very hard on the brain she didn't think much and accepted the food thinking it was just a gesture of goodwill.Accepting the bread they pounced on the food as they sat themselves on a free table.

After they had filled themselves up to the brink. Valecta asked for a second from the child and headed over to the tavern owner who was doing his duty."Um,excuse me i'd like a room here if you don't mind?".The tavern owner was hesitant as he spoke up,"i don't think i can spare a free room tonight..."."Free?",asked confused and dumbfounded Valecta."Of course i'd pay what do you take me for lady? haha",she laughed."Ill see if i can lower the price for you even a tad bit", the lady looked at Valecta with a pitiful look on her face."You're too kind".Valecta was grateful for whatever the owner had done.Unaware of the cause for her kindness,she accepted it either way. 

The room was cozy with a single bed to sleep on which Valecta decided to hand over to Brit.Brit fell asleep quite early with the pup in his arms.Clinging onto him tight. Another day to spend with the kid arrived.Sunshine fell on their faces waking them up. Valecta wasted no time on getting ready to leave for the sacred hills of Zersiyas.