
As they had fallen asleep, tired from their long journey leaves rustled. Valecta was a light sleeper. Them being careful about being loud didn't help them at all since Valecta always had sensitive ears.She pretended to be asleep. "what's going on damn it!", she thought to herself.

A distanced mumbling, she heard people speaking in a distance. She lifted her eyelid to peek through the small gap,But there was no one nearby.Valecta was confused as she lifted her eyelids completely and got up from the ground. Searching for the source of the mumbling. Leaves rustled again,startling Valecta as her feet lifted off the ground a bit in surprise.

She looked around, being cautious. Her eyes wide looking for any sign of anyone. She failed terribly at noticing the stranger because he had found her first.A knife slid on her neck from the back. "Quiet. You'll wake the kid up". Spoke a low, rough voice in her ears, She flinched at his voice as it made her body hair stand. "What do you want? ..", though panicked she managed to make herself sound calm and collected.

The stranger ignored her question. "Why are some low lives from the capital here at the sacred hills?". His accent was heavy, a countryside( British English) kind.Valecta didn't know what reason she could give because she didn't have any. The only thing she possessed was the slip with the address written on it.

She rummaged through her pocket as the stranger got cautious and held on to her wrist. Tight. "What are you planning?!", "I-i have a letter", she lied but it worked. He let her find her address slip. "Here my mother left it to me. I need to get here..", she said as she moved her hand past her shoulder to hand it over to him.

He snatched the address paper off her hand. "... Come", he said as he turned the other way and started walking. Valecta picked up the sleeping kid and the wolf cub and hurriedly followed him to not lose track. "W-wait..!!", she said but the stranger didn't look back twice."This punk..!!", she muttered to herself as she followed him.

His pace didn't falter nor did he stop to take a breath. A stable breathing throughout, strong stamina and experience plus ofcourse good training."Could you walk a little slower?!", Valecta said as she struggled to catch up to him with a kid and a cub in her arms. "Walk faster and better then",he said, sounding cocky of his skills and overconfident."ugh !! Annoying ass!!", she said to herself. And yet she followed him. She followed him to the address written on the letter. The area in front of the waterfall. He said,"speak the words". "What words..?", Valecta was confused as she stared at him blankly.

"The words to open the gates of hell", ofcourse.

"The gates of hell...?". "Yes. The one to enter shall speak the words"."Then can't you speak the words yourself?". "Oh, I'm not going to be coming with you, more like I... Can't". "Why?". "That's none of your business lady"."Fine."

She takes a deep breath before speaking out aloud-,"Kutros... fikhun jhaniya tawlo butygomori"....