
Two days had passed. Valecta sat in front of the fall with her legs folded, eyes closed and took deep breaths. No change, she noticed. She did exactly as what Kyro had told her to. He had told her of the changes she could notice in two days but there was none to notice.

She was reluctant. She didn't move an inch. Hell, she hadn't even noticed the day passing by. Kyro watched her from the sidelines as guilt started to creep up on him slow.

Kyro was a highly trained and a professional martial fighter atleast that's what Val could make out from his physique. His pride was also one of the factors at him being hesitant about teaching someone of no status the art of Zok.He had come across many who had tried to test the fairy tales and the extent of the truth they hold.Many survived and many died in the process of trying to fight the stranger who protected the lands. Being proudful of their skills when they aren't aware of their own capabilities and the extent of them.

Knowledge makes a person wise knowledge about themselves and the knowledge of lacking knowledge. It's rare to find but not impossible to be found.Valecta was one of a kind, a rare gem but Kyro failed to notice it.

Kyro wasn't any less stubborn than Valecta. He was infuriated at the thought of Valecta being oblivious about his unwillingness at teaching her. Kyro left Valecta alone in the woods near the fall and made his way deep into the hills leaving her in the woods to die as he expected animals to devour her come nightfall.

Evening arrived and Valecta's doubt had become more clear. There was silence. The brightness lingering when the eyelids shut during the day was no longer. She finally lifted her eyelids, sighing as she remained in her position for a while.

A Wolf's howl was heard.Valecta flinched as she turned around and took a glance at her surrounding to notice the darkness. It was chilling. Brit had disappeared and Zezu with him. There was no sign of them. Vecta was careful of her voice as she called out to them. A chill ran down her spine as she noticed the blood near the tree where she had leaned Brit against. She sat herself down and clenched her fist. She was agitated. She felt as if every tragedy that was the fate of others had befallen her and found it's way into her future.The night got darker and Valecta's mind ran blank. She was too stressed almost as if she had given up on living her life which now she found too tiresome.She had let loose. Not trying to be cautious of her surrounding.

Tears slid down her cheeks as her fury of days had washed off of her heart and a wave of sadness came over. Sniffling, she laid down on the prickly forest crust as she curled up her body trying to seek warmth from her own body covering herself from the cold. Loneliness. She felt lonely, her heart felt cold, her body shivered, feet cold. She fell asleep crying and fell into a deep slumber.

As she lifted her eyelids, a blue plain sky lied in front of her. She felt light as if, floating, soon she had realised she was under water as it changed from a beautiful blue colour of the sky to the redness of the blood. "No guilt, No shame". The words repeated again., "No guilt, No shame". The pace of the speaker fastened. She felt strangled. Choking under the water as the water filled her mouth. The water no longer felt and tested like water. A burning sensation spread throughout her mouth. It was fire. Her eyes widened as she woke up from the nightmare, panting and coughing.

Blood dripped from her nose and when she lifted her hand to wipe the blood off, her burnt hand startled her.