Power of the spirit

It was hard for Valecta's brain to process and accept all the information and the scenes that were proceeding within her eyesight. Saliva dripping from the teeth of the wolf to the ground. It's mouth widened to swallow the child and the cub with him whole. Valecta's brain stopped working , her mind went blank as the scene unfolded in front of her eyes,making her helpless.

"NO!!", Valecta screamed her lungs out as she stepped forward. As strange as it seemed the wolf had stopped his action, he took a step backward, his movement quick. The cub growled, his voice just like of a child's, soft. Though that was what it sounded like to Brit and Valecta present there. It seemed like it had sounded rather very different to the animals present in the vicinity. It's eyes glowed lighting up the darkness in rainbow colours. The wolf which was five times the size of the cub cowered in fear as it whimpered and took a step back, running off to the woods.

Valecta broke out in cold sweat, relieved ."What was that..?", she thought to herself. Her legs gave out, as she sat herself on the muddy ground, sighing from too many things running on her mind.The cub approached Valecta wagging his tale, as his eyes stop glowing gradually. Stuck out it's tongue licking Valecta's exposed skin, expecting a pat on his head at the very least. Valecta was confused and skeptical about keeping the cub with her any longer. But all it was , was a child. How could she leave a child in the woods without it's mother, As if leaving him to die?.

Valecta gave out a scoff, smiling and patted the cub."Did you do this Zezu, huh? You've been keeping secrets hm?". Valecta chuckled as she took a look at Brit. Brit had his mouth dropped open. "Woahhhh!!! Zezu has powers?!", Brit expressed himself excitedly, rushing towards Zezu as he picked him up and ruffling through his fur. "So cooool!!!!!". Valecta chuckled convincing herself that it should be no problem since Zezu recognizes them.. Right?.

Her worries dissipated as a striking pain ran through her head escaping a grunt out of her lips. "I-is everything alright.. Val?", the worried child asked with an expression expressing pure concern. Val reassured the child by giving out a pained smile "Y-yeah..". Her body temperature increased every second, heating up her body with intense heat. The child and the pup had fallen asleep, the fire slowly toning down. Valecta's breathing had turned heavy soon, she tried to take a nap but felt nauseous as soon she laid her body down to rest. Gagging as what she had eaten rose up her throat , she rushed away from the fire and hurled behind a tree.

Panting, she leaned against the tree sliding down to sit with her back resting on it."What is this sickening feeling ..ugh!", Heavy from sweat , she struggled to lift her body up, in the end she gave up and fell asleep.

It was morning. Valecta lifted her eyelids as a blurry image of Brit's worried expression hovered in front of her. "V-val!!", A muffled cry from Brit's mouth. Her pain had dwelled down, her body had relaxed but why was it that Brit was crying in front of her. "What..is it..?" , she questioned as she hardly managed to let out her voice.

"Y-Your hair!!!," he sobbed. "My hair..?", Valecta was confused. "Hic..Hic...", Brit continued to sob. "Child. Stop crying and tell me what is it with my hair", Valecta said as she still struggled to voice her question with blurry vision, squinting her eyes.

"It has turned white!!...hic..you've become old!!...hic.."
