That can't be healthy... right?

Master Gu, Shen Wu, and Ling Ling sat in a VIP-exclusive location above everyone else in the arena, observing the scene unfolding below. All eyes were on the stage as a very short old man with a cane walked up and tapped it on the marble stage, creating a resounding bang that instantly hushed the arena.

"Ho ho, how many years has it been since I saw you whippersnappers," the old man chuckled, his voice carrying across the now-silent arena. "Well anyway, to those who don't know me, I'm the 5th Sage and also the arena master here in the War God Sect."

Master Gu, Shen Wu, and Ling Ling listened intently, curious about the upcoming competition. The 5th Sage scanned the arena and seemed to focus on Ling Ling for a moment, causing her to straighten slightly under his gaze. He then glanced at several other notable figures in the crowd, including a young man in a dark purple robe and another flamboyant-looking individual surrounded by a group of women that could only be described as a harem.

"Looks like the martial alliance's sects have sent in some not-so-shabby disciples," the 5th Sage remarked with a smile, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

Suddenly, the 5th Sage's demeanor shifted as he roared, "Let the fights begin!"

At those words, the entire arena erupted into cheers and applause, the excitement palpable in the air. Shen Wu watched with a mixture of anticipation and determination, ready to prove himself despite his lack of formal training. Master Gu observed the proceedings with a calm demeanor, his eyes scanning the competitors below, perhaps assessing potential opponents.

Ling Ling, ever focused and composed, maintained her poise, her gaze steady as she absorbed the energy of the arena.

The old man stepped off the stage, and two tall men emerged from opposite sides, drawing the attention of everyone in the arena. One of them wore golden yellow robes and carried a saber, his dark brown hair flowing in the wind, his eyes resolute. The other young man donned a black martial arts uniform with plum blossoms embroidered on the sleeves and back, his face obscured by a black mask adorned with painted plum blossoms. His silver hair cascaded messily in the wind as he held his left arm on the grip of his sword.

Approaching each other, they stood about two meters apart and bowed respectfully. The man in the golden robe introduced himself first. "Greetings, fellow martial artists. I am Chen Tao, the third prince of the Chen dynasty. I am known as The Golden Saber Emperor."

Upon hearing these words, the arena erupted into a frenzy of excitement. Many in the crowd exclaimed, "No way, he's here!" and "Thankfully, I begged the patriarch to let me watch."

The masked man remained silent, his presence exuding an aura of mystery and intrigue. Despite the lack of words, his posture and demeanor conveyed a sense of confidence and readiness for the impending battle. 

Shen Wu turned to Master Gu, his curiosity piqued. "Hey, Master, so is that Chen Tao really popular, or do people only like him because he's a prince?" he asked, his brow furrowed inquisitively.

Master Gu, still fixated on the stage, replied without looking away, "That kid is known as one of the ten ascending dragons, so of course he's popular."

Shen Wu shot Master Gu a skeptical look, silently conveying his confusion. Master Gu sighed, realizing he needed to provide more context. "The ten ascending dragons is a title given to the ten strongest of the youngest generation, a rising star if you will," he explained.

Understanding dawned on Shen Wu's face as he nodded in comprehension. "Oh... cool. What about the other guy?" he inquired, turning his attention back to the masked figure.

Master Gu shrugged. "No clue. Never seen him," he admitted, his tone betraying a hint of curiosity.

As Shen Wu opened his mouth to say something further, the 5th Sage's booming voice cut through the air, commanding attention. "BEGIN!" he shouted, signaling the start of the long-awaited battle between the two formidable opponents.

As Chen Tao unsheathed his saber and began his assault, the masked man moved with an otherworldly agility, almost gliding through the air. His movements were precise, graceful, and imbued with a raw power that left the spectators in awe.

As the golden saber of Chen Tao approached, the masked man leaped over it effortlessly, propelling himself off the blade and delivering a devastating knee strike to Chen Tao's face. The force of the blow sent Chen Tao hurtling to the edge of the platform, blood gushing from his nose as he struggled to regain his footing with a low grunt of pain.

Before Chen Tao could fully recover, he found himself facing another imminent attack. As he prepared to defend himself, he suddenly spotted a foot mere inches from his face. Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, Chen Tao dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike aimed at his head. With a swift motion, he shifted into an attack position, his golden saber enveloped in a radiant aura.

But just as Chen Tao was about to land his blow, he was caught off guard as the scabbard of the masked man struck him with incredible force. Staggering back, Chen Tao clutched his stomach, blood trickling from his mouth as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Meanwhile, the masked man remained poised on the edge of the platform, his back turned to Chen Tao. With an air of chilling authority, he spoke in a low, almost demonic voice, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard him. "You better entertain me, or the cleaners will be scooping you off the floor for weeks," he warned ominously, his words dripping with menace and a hint of sadistic pleasure.

As Chen Tao straightened, his face twisted with anger and determination. "I'll show you why I'm called the Golden Saber Emperor!" he declared, his voice strained with pain as blood continued to drip from his wounds.

With a swift motion, Chen Tao placed his thumb on his chest and twisted. Immediately, his veins began to glow with a golden hue, and a manifestation of a majestic golden dragon coiled around him, its form shimmering with power and ferocity.

Witnessing this display, Shen Wu couldn't help but express his concern to Master Gu. "That can't be healthy..." he trailed off, pausing for a moment before adding, "...right?"

Master Gu, his expression unamused, continued to gaze down onto the platform where the intense battle unfolded. "Not in the slightest," he confirmed, his tone serious and unwavering.

Shen Wu realized that further questions would likely yield similar responses, so he redirected his attention back to the ongoing duel. Chen Tao, now surrounded by the golden aura of his saber, launched himself upwards with determination, the aura swirling around him like the jaws of a dragon ready to strike.

However, the masked man remained unfazed, letting out a soft chuckle as he calmly grabbed the hilt of his sword. In an instant, Chen Tao found himself bombarded with thousands of soft pink slashes, each one inflicting a painful cut upon his body. Overwhelmed by the onslaught, Chen Tao fell to his knees, covered in countless wounds, before collapsing face-first onto the ground.

The masked man scoffed at Chen Tao's defeated form. "Although that technique briefly allowed you to enter the realm of a grandmaster, your body cannot handle the power. At best, you could only exert the strength of a half-step grandmaster," he remarked coldly.

Turning to the 5th Sage, the masked man demanded, "Are you not going to announce the winner?"

The 5th Sage smirked and shouted to the roaring crowd, "Mount Hua's Black Death wins!" With that proclamation, the audience erupted into cheers and applause, acknowledging the masked man's victory in the fierce battle.

As the 5th Sage boomed his announcement, "The next person to go onto the arena is Lady Ling Ling!", Ling Ling casually stood up, stretched, and then leaped down onto the platform, causing the marble beneath her feet to crack. She walked confidently to the center of the platform, opening her arms and issuing a bold challenge to the crowd, "Who wants to challenge me?"

The arena erupted with joyous excitement. Among the spectators, the flamboyant young man licked his lips and remarked, "My, my... wouldn't she be perfect for my harem?" With that, he pushed aside the girls surrounding him and silently vaulted onto the platform, executing a graceful bow before introducing himself. "Greetings, Lady Ling Ling. I am Namgung Hao, also known as the Perverse Palm Phantom, sadly."

Ling Ling burst into uncontrollable laughter at Namgung Hao's eccentric title. In between her giggles, she managed to mutter, "Haha... perverse... haha... palm... phantom...." Her amusement visibly irked Namgung Hao, who clenched his fists but maintained a forced smile in response to Ling Ling's hilarity.

Eventually, Ling Ling composed herself with a deep breath, managing to utter, "Huuu... what a sucker..." She then put on a sly smirk and declared, "...let's start the fight."

With the 5th Sage's prompt, jumping off the platform, the second battle officially commenced.