Master Gu just barbecued an Elder

Lee Jangdon raised his hand in a stopping gesture, his expression betraying a hint of disdain. "Wait... could you please stop using such vulgar words in this sacred arena?" he requested, his tone carrying a touch of disapproval.

Shen Wu, undeterred, questioned, "What's the big deal about saying... " Shen Wu paused, deliberately emphasizing each letter, "...F.U.C.K?"

With a resigned sigh, Lee Jangdon responded, "Looks like I know what type of person you are... a proud and arrogant brat."

Annoyed, Shen Wu retorted, "Oi, I don't like being lectured by a bandit."

Lee Jangdon's expression remained impassive as he remarked, "Looks like you don't understand... I guess I'll have to make you understand then."

Shen Wu grinned. "Let's fight then." He assumed a fighting stance, one he had seen in MMA fights back on Earth. Charging at Lee Jangdon, he unleashed a barrage of punches. But Lee Jangdon stood firm, barely moving. "Did you perhaps not eat?" he quipped casually.

Agitated, Shen Wu poured all his strength into a punch aimed at Lee Jangdon's face. The sight of blood momentarily pleased him, until he realized it was his own. Stepping back, he grimaced, "Urrggh... just what the fuck are you made from?!"

Lee Jangdon remained unfazed, his expression still calm. "It's not that I'm super strong... you're just too weak," he stated matter-of-factly.

Shen Wu, consumed by anger, charged at Lee Jangdon once more, attempting to strike him in the liver. However, Lee swiftly dodged and countered, using the bottom of his spear to strike Shen Wu's shin. With a grunt of pain, Shen Wu dropped to the ground, clutching his injured leg.

Lee Jangdon's voice cut through the haze of pain. "A martial artist must always keep his emotions in check," he advised calmly. "A simple slip-up means death."

Gritting his teeth, Shen Wu rose to his feet and attempted a roundhouse kick, but once again, Lee effortlessly evaded the attack. With a swift strike to Shen Wu's forehead, Lee sent him crashing back onto the damaged platform, eliciting more pained grunts from Shen Wu.

"Calm yourself... see deeper into yourself," Lee Jangdon instructed, his tone steady despite the intensity of the fight.

Struggling to his feet, Shen Wu refused to yield. He charged at Lee Jangdon once more, attempting to wrestle him down while defiantly shouting, "I'm not weak!"

But Lee Jangdon remained composed, sidestepping Shen Wu's assault with ease. "It's not a sin to be weak," he remarked, his voice carrying wisdom. "Rather, it's a sin to continue being weak."

With precision, Lee thrust the blunt end of his spear into Shen Wu's abdomen, causing him to collapse to his knees, the pain radiating through his body as he grunted in agony while clutching his stomach.

As Lee Jangdon bent down to speak to the kneeling Shen Wu, his words carried a weight of wisdom and experience. "The world is vast and full of wonders, yet you confine yourself to a narrow tunnel of self-absorption," he remarked, his eyes holding Shen Wu's gaze.

Shen Wu looked back at Lee Jangdon, absorbing his words. Lee smiled gently and continued, "Even the mightiest warriors have known moments of weakness. But they rise again, stronger and more determined, for they know that true strength is born from adversity, and your current adversity is your own thoughts."

The realization dawned on Shen Wu as he looked down at the rubble beneath him. "I think I understand... my emotions are what keep me from growing," he muttered quietly, the pieces falling into place.

Lee Jangdon placed a reassuring hand on Shen Wu's shoulder. "Precisely," he affirmed, offering guidance in the midst of the battle.

With newfound insight, Shen Wu made a decision. "I forfeit the fight," he announced, the words echoing in the arena.

The crowd erupted into a mixture of astonishment and chatter. "It's the first time a War God Sect disciple has forfeited a fight," voices exclaimed, capturing the unexpected turn of events.

As a giant axe fell from the sky, Shen Wu stumbled back from the sudden impact, his eyes widening in shock. When he looked up, he saw a striking woman with an eyepatch and flowing white robes leaning against the axe. Shen Wu's voice trembled as he questioned her, "What are you doing?!"

The woman, named Elder Shi, looked down at Shen Wu with a mixture of annoyance and disdain. "The War God has ordered your expulsion from this very moment," she declared coldly.

Shen Wu's heart sank at her words. "But why?" he pleaded, confusion evident in his voice.

Elder Shi's response was curt and uncompromising. "Our sect doesn't house weaklings like yourself. Now get the hell out," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Before Shen Wu could react, Lee Jangdon stepped forward, placing himself between Shen Wu and Elder Shi. With a respectful bow, Lee addressed her, "Good afternoon, Elder Shi. Please forgive my impudence, but this disciple you're expelling is rather talented. Are you sure you won't regret this?"

Shen Wu felt a surge of gratitude towards Lee for standing up for him. However, Elder Shi's response was swift and forceful. With a dismissive swipe of her hand, she flung Lee Jangdon off the platform. But before Lee could hit the arena wall, he reacted quickly, plunging his spear into it and destroying a large portion of the wall, cancelling out the force of the fling.

"Shen Wu you are hearby expelled, if you don't leave, I'll make you leave as a corpse!"

Elder Shi's proclamation echoed throughout the arena, sending a chilling silence among the spectators. The disciples of the War God Sect, many of whom harbored resentment towards Shen Wu for his perceived lack of merit, awaited eagerly for his expulsion. After all, they had endured rigorous training and trials to earn their place, while Shen Wu seemed to have been taken in almost effortlessly.

Just as the tension in the air reached its peak, a thunderous voice shattered the silence, emanating from the direction of the VIP seats. It was Master Gu, Shen Wu's mentor, and his fury was palpable. Shen Wu turned to see his master, his expression furious, his presence commanding.

"I'd like to see who dares throw out my disciple!" Master Gu's voice reverberated through the arena, its power undeniable. Shen Wu felt a surge of relief knowing that his master was standing up for him.

But Master Gu's words didn't stop there. With an authoritative gesture, he pointed towards the sky and continued in a voice that carried immense pressure, "Even if the Demon God were to descend, he wouldn't dare be so presumptuous."

Though Shen Wu was grateful for his master's protection, he couldn't ignore the hostile gazes directed towards him from all around the arena – from fellow disciples, elders, and even the War God himself. In that moment, Shen Wu realized that staying in the War God Sect might not be the wisest course of action.

Shen Wu, feeling the weight of the sect's disapproval, made a difficult decision. "Master... please stop," he shouted to Master Gu, his voice filled with resignation. "I'll leave. I can see I'm not welcome here anymore."

Master Gu, initially enraged, was taken aback by Shen Wu's words. "What are you doing, kid?" he asked, his voice softening with concern as he descended to the platform.

Shen Wu's resolve wavered, but he knew deep down that leaving was the right choice. "I'm leaving, Master," he replied, his voice trembling with emotion. "I can see I'm not welcome here anymore."

Master Gu's sadness deepened, but he respected Shen Wu's decision. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" he asked, searching Shen Wu's eyes for any sign of hesitation.

With a forced smile, Shen Wu nodded. "Yeah," he said, masking his uncertainty. "It's time for me to go."

Accepting Shen Wu's choice, Master Gu sighed sadly. "Alright then... let's go," he said, his tone heavy with resignation.

Confusion clouded Shen Wu's expression as he turned to Master Gu. "What do you mean?" he asked, taken aback by his master's response.

Master Gu chuckled, his laughter tinged with bitterness. "I've been meaning to leave this disgusting place anyways!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident. He then turned to the VIP seats and called out, "Ling Ling, get down here. We're leaving!"

Ling Ling wasted no time. With a determined expression, she rose from her seat, jumped down onto the platform, and replied, "Sure thing. I was getting fed up with this place myself. Besides, only I can bully my junior brother."

Their decision made, the trio shared a moment of laughter before beginning to walk off the platform.

Before the trio could make their escape, Elder Shi, determined to assert her authority, brandished the giant axe and blocked their path. "Nobody will leave without my permission!" she declared, her voice echoing through the arena.

In a swift movement, Master Gu reacted, seizing Elder Shi by the throat and lifting her effortlessly from the platform. The elder struggled against his grip, grunting in discomfort as she dangled in the air.

With an icy glare, Master Gu delivered a chilling warning. "A flower shouldn't test the limits of fire," he stated coldly. In an instant, Elder Shi's body was engulfed in flames, her agonized screams piercing the air.

Releasing his grip on the elder, Master Gu turned away, his expression unreadable. Shen Wu and Ling Ling followed suit, hastening to leave the platform, their faces grim as they ignored the sounds of Elder Shi's suffering behind them.